Xi Xi quickly pulled back his hand, eyes sad, frowning at Mo Xiaoxie.

"Do you really bite? Of dogs? "

Mo Xiaoxie smiles with pride and twists his body. Who knows, all of a sudden twist to the waist, suddenly face became very ugly

With a smile in his face, Xi looked down at his watch. There was no further delay. He was going to be late.

Xi Xi pulled Mo Xiaoxie and urged her to change into flat shoes.

"Time is limited today. I'll let you go for a while, and I'll tease you in the evening."

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned. Xi Xi had already walked out of the cloakroom.

However, Mo Xiaoxie finally solved the problem of wearing shoes. Xi Xi has a little conscience. She knows to put flat shoes on her.

Sitting in the car, Mo Xiaoxie has been rubbing his waist and doodling his mouth, as if he had been wronged.

Xi Xi's body suddenly leans over to Mo Xiaoxie. Mo Xiaoxie's eyes are going to stare out. What is Xi Xi Xi doing?!

Xi Xi stretched out his hand and slid his fingertips across Mo Xiaoxie's thigh until he reached her hip. Mo Xiaoxie was stunned. KangBo was still standing there!

"Xi Yu! What are you doing? "

"Fasten your seat belt." The table is very calm.

“……” Mo Xiaoxie was speechless.

Fasten the seat belt, Xi Xi Xi sits up straight and looks at Kang Bo standing at the door. Two people look at each other, smile is very tacit understanding. Why didn't Mo Xiaoxie know when KangBo learned the symbolic evil smile of Xi?

Xi Xi started the car, but Mo Xiaoxie did not relax. It's embarrassing to be seen so intimate by comber.

On the way, Mo Xiaoxie was silent, either staring at the window or rubbing his waist.

"Miss Mo, I'll be gentle next time, so that your waist will suffer less."

"Hooligan!" Mo Xiaoxie rolled his eyes.

"That said, I haven't settled with you about your biting me today. I wanted to make it up to me in the evening, but it's really hard for me to do it. Shouldn't you praise me for my consideration of you? "

Mo Xiaoxie laughed helplessly: "Xi Zong, the rascal is praising you."

Mo Xiaoxie also learned Xi's tone of reply, making Xi Xi laugh: "interesting woman."

To the company, Mo Xiaoxie can't wait to get out of the car, she must quickly escape from Xi Xi's claws. He was amused to see Mo Xiaoxie running to the company with his bag on his back and looking back at Xi Xi from time to time.

She was tossed about by Xi Xi last night. Mo Xiaoxie didn't slow down and couldn't run too fast. She could only run while walking.

As soon as he sat down, Mo Xiaoxie relaxed as if he had been saved. When the three subordinates saw Mo Xiaoxie coming, they looked out of the window with tacit understanding. Sure enough, Xi's car is outside. They said hello to Mo Xiaoxie, and they were busy with their own affairs.

Mo Xiaoxie's back ache, leg cramps, also no intention to work, so he sat on the seat, beating and kneading on his body. The others were busy, except for her.

She could not sit still, but it would be more difficult to stand up, so she had to bear with it.

At this time, Mo Yi Rou came. She walked with enchanting steps, just like a goblin, came to Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie turned a white eye, she is not used to Mo Yi Rou, she must not give her face, but to express their own feelings.

Mo Yi Rou holds the lunch box and hands it to Mo Xiaoxie.

"Good morning, sister. This is the love breakfast I specially made for you. Eat it while it is hot Mo Yirou looks like a good girl.

Mo Xiaoxie raised her eyebrows and opened the lunch box without refusing or saying thank you. It's really a love breakfast. It looks good. However, Mo Yi soft send, Mo Xiaoxie can not eat!

"Sister, I don't think you look well. What's the matter? What's wrong with you?" Mo Yi soft see Mo Xiaoxie expression pain, then pretend to care.

Mo Xiaoxie is too lazy to be perfunctory. Mo Yi Rou will be cruel!

"Don't mention it. It's not your brother-in-law. Last night, I spent the whole night. " Mo Xiaoxie deliberately made a shy appearance.

Mo Yi Rou bit his teeth, his face became very ugly, but still pretended to care and envy Mo Xiaoxie.

"Sister, you and your brother-in-law are really happy. However, we should also pay attention to rest. No, I'll go to work first. "

Mo Xiaoxie chuckled and looked at the "love breakfast". She handed her love breakfast to her colleagues and said with a smile, "I've had breakfast and I'm not hungry. This is the breakfast sent by Mo Yirou. Have it. "

"Thank you! I'm just hungry

Mo Xiaoxie smile, then open the computer, boring web browsing.

After a while, eat Mo Yi Rou love breakfast colleagues suddenly vomit! Everyone was stunned and didn't know what was going on.

Mo Xiaoxie immediately became angry and severely patted the table, staring at Mo Yi Rou: "Mo Yi Rou, what kind of heart do you have? How could you poison your so-called love breakfast? "

When everyone was confused, Mo Xiaoxie explained:

"just now Mo Yirou sent me a love breakfast, but I'm not hungry. I gave it to him, and it turned out to be like this. It's not that she poisoned. What is it Mo Xiaoxie points to Mo Yi Rou, a look of jealousy."How can she do this?"

"That's right. She's very nice. I didn't expect to be so insidious!"

"Oh, neither of them is a good thing."


All kinds of gossip spread into Mo Yi Rou's ears, saying that she is not more people. Now, her image is greatly damaged. Just yesterday, I had a quarrel with Mo Xiaoxie. I didn't expect that I was restless today!

Mo Yi Rou instantly flustered, looking to eat breakfast colleagues. He a face of pain, eyes sad and Mo Yi soft look.

Mo Yi Rou immediately shook his head and looked at everyone in a panic: "not me, not me, really not me!"

Mo Xiaoxie sneered and went to Mo Yi rou. She a Xingshi interrogate appearance, let Mo Yi Rou more flustered.

"Not who are you? He ate your breakfast, and that's what happened. Would you be very happy if I ate it instead? You should be very sorry now, you have not succeeded in your stratagem

Mo Yi soft stare big eyes, also don't pretend to be weak.

"Mo Xiaoxie, I tell you, I didn't provoke you today. There was no problem with breakfast. How could I know that he would become like this? Ask him

"Well, I'll ask him." Said to go, Mo Xiaoxie did not hesitate, in front of the public, did not give Mo Yi soft face.

"Say, did you eat Mo Yirou's breakfast and become like this?"

"I don't know, but I vomited after eating her breakfast..."

"See, even the client has said that. What else do you want to say?"

Mo Yi soft tight frown, regardless of the image, to Mo Xiaoxie shouting: "Mo Xiaoxie! Don't go too far! I don't want to quarrel with you today, but you want to trouble me? I'd like to ask you, what do you mean? I see, you must have colluded with him to harm me! I know you want to get me out of the company because you've always looked down on me! "

"What's the noise?"

Yueer's serious voice appeared, and the staff who watched the activity sat down to work. The persuading staff also timidly shut up and returned to their seats.

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