Seeing that he couldn't say anything about Fu Yi, Ling Cheng turned his spearhead to Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie was embarrassed to death. However, Xi Wu showed a proud expression and a proud smile: "you don't have to be too envious for your husband's education."


"On the show of love, I will serve brother Xi!" Ling Cheng hid his face and shook his head.

After a mutual loss, more than ten minutes have passed. Good dishes have been served one after another.

Waiting for the waiter to set the dishes, Xi Xi Xi took Mo Xiaoxie in one hand and chopsticks in the other, picked up Mo Xiaoxie's favorite lion's head and put it in the bowl, then carefully crushed it and fed it to Mo Xiaoxie.

"Hey, you can't ignore us? We're still in the box. We won't be able to eat your endless show. " Fu Yigang was about to move his chopsticks hand. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but pause.

However, Xi Xi Xi continued to feed Mo Xiaoxie.

"Sister in law, you take care of him."

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie smile: "so happy, why should I care?"


Well, the three of them are completely defeated by this pair.

On the way, Lin Sheng, who had been silent, suddenly raised his mobile phone, then left his seat and said to everyone, "I I'll go to the bathroom and I'll be back in a minute

"Hurry up, you're going to sing later." Ling Cheng urged Lin Sheng.

"I see."

After a while, everyone ate almost, but Lin didn't come back. Afraid that something might happen in the toilet, Ling Cheng plans to see Lin Sheng, but is stopped by Xi Xi.

"I'm just going to make it convenient. I'll go."

"Oh, good." Ling Cheng was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

With a steady stride, Xi Xi goes to the bathroom. Instead of going in, he leaned against the wall outside the bathroom.

"Brother, although I know you feel bad, but these are the facts! Give up

"We are all good friends. Why do we make such a scene? You have heard the scene just now. Don't be stubborn, will you? "

"Quarrel? Which couple doesn't have a quarrel? As the saying goes, noisy at the head of the bed, and at the end of the bed. You only see the scene of quarrel, but you don't see the scene of harmony

"I Why are you still so stubborn? "

"Forget it, I won't tell you. It's useless to say too much. We're going to sing later. Don't come with me, or I can't afford to have an accident. "

With that, Lin Sheng hung up the phone. With a long sigh, he looked at himself in the mirror: "ah, what is the love in the world?"

After sighing, Lin Sheng washed the handle and walked out of the bathroom.

When he came out of the room, he saw the seat which was leaning against the wall and listening to him silently. He was scared out of his wits!

"Xi Brother Xi Why are you here? Are you here to go to the bathroom? Well, then go in and don't make them wait. " Lin Sheng's face became very ugly, but he pretended that nothing had happened and talked to Xi Yu about other things.

"Who did you call just now?" Xi Xi asked and broke off his fingers. He looked like he was going to do it. Lin Sheng was afraid to move.

Subconsciously, he leaned against the wall and moved slowly.

"Do you think you can run away from me?" Xi Xi threatens Lin Sheng.

"Xi Brother Xi, we are good friends. Don't do it. It will hurt our friendship

"Oh? Good guy? Do you think I'm your good friend? I think, in your eyes, only that guy is a good friend to you? "

"Well What the hell? " Lin Sheng's voice trembled with fear.

"Don't play dumb with me!" Xi Xi gave a roar and hit the wall behind Lin Sheng.

All of a sudden, Lin Sheng was so scared that he didn't know where to put his hands.

"Xi Since you know who it is, why do you ask me

"I want you to say it yourself." Xi Xi was ready to start at any time, just like an angry Beast, without any reason to speak.

"Brother Xi, don't embarrass me. I'm sandwiched between your brothers, and I'm helpless You know, I want to take care of both sides. It's really... "

"He and I are not brothers. Don't talk to me about anything else. Do you want to tell me?"


"Brother Xi, you have to force me to say what, didn't you find out for a long time? Otherwise, you won't come here to stop me. " With that, Lin Sheng helped his glasses timidly.

"Do you say so?" Xi Xi is already very impatient.

Seeing Lin Sheng's indifference, only his face full of fear, Xi Xi Xi can't help it! He shook his fist and hit Lin Sheng hard.

"Stop it!"

Suddenly came the sound, also did not let Xi Xi Xi return his hand, his fist heavily hit Lin Sheng's nose, immediately, Lin Sheng's nosebleed came out.Seeing this, Ling Cheng, who just called out to stop, ran to stop Xi Xi. Fu Yi also came to fight with him for fear that Xi Zhen would damage Lin Sheng

"Brother Xi, we are all brothers. If you have something to say, don't do it."

"Yes, brother Xi, Lin Sheng can't carry your fist. You can't let him go!"

"Let him go!" Xi Xi roared. Although he was very angry, he didn't mean to start.

Seeing this, Ling Cheng quickly raised Lin Sheng, who had fallen to the ground. He winked at him and told him to leave. Otherwise, they would not be able to control him if he was beaten.

Lin Sheng was also a wise man. He covered his nose and stood up askew. When he left, he said an apology to Xi.

However, Xi did not pay attention to Lin Sheng, and even didn't bother to look at him.

"Brother Xi..." When Ling Cheng just wants to persuade Xi, Xi Xi turns away.

Seeing this, they had to follow up. Xi Xi was walking towards Mo Xiaoxie with a sullen face.

"Let's go back." Xi Xi said to Mo Xiaoxie.

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie Leng for a moment, this good end how suddenly said to go back, not to sing? What's more, how strange the atmosphere is

"What's the matter with you?"

"It's OK."

"Brother Xi, are you going

"Brother Xi, don't go! It's not easy to get out and get together, just have a meal and go away. How much fun is it? " Fu Yi keeps the mat.

"Fool, are you making trouble?" Ling Cheng gives Fu Yi a hard pat and gives him a bad look.

"How can I call it a riot? Don't you see the status of brother sitge? What can I do if the husband and wife have a big fight after they go back home? "


It's reasonable. Why didn't Ling Cheng think of it?

"That's right. Go ahead and try to keep brother Xi."

After the discussion, the two approached Xi, and then Fu Yi deliberately stopped him in front of him and begged him to stay and sing with them.

"I'm not in the mood today. You'd better get out of the way!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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