"No. You are young and don't know how chaotic society is. Even if it's a woman, can you guarantee that she won't drag you away when you're drunk and put you in a strange man's bed? " Xi Xi seriously threatened Mo Xiaoxie.

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie embarrassed smile.

"Why think so bad of everyone?"

"Like you, think of everyone? It's because of you that I was buttoned and photographed by that guy today Xi Xi said, not calm again.

Mo Xiaoxie saw that he couldn't say anything, so he simply did not refute it. He sat quietly in the co pilot and looked at the scenery along the road.

She would like to see where Xi Lu is going to take her.

About an hour later, Xi was still driving, and Mo Xiaoxie was lying in the front passenger's seat and asleep.

See, Xi Xi has no reaction. Keep on driving. Because he was still very restless, Mo Xiaoxie was lying beside him, even more so.

Driving, the car suddenly stalled. Mo Xiaoxie fell asleep, so he didn't notice anything wrong.

Xi Xi wondered why there was no oil at this time?

It's more than nine o'clock now, and it's in a dark place, where you don't even know the furniture.

He patted the steering wheel heavily, very restless.

"Well What are you doing? It's such a big move. " Mo Xiaoxie was displeased. She stretched herself and sat upright, facing the seat.

When she saw the surrounding environment, she was in a daze.

"This What the hell is this place? It's black. It's horrible. " Even though it was terrible, Mo Xiaoxie could not stop her curiosity and looked around her.

It's like the scene in a horror movie. She even mends her brain and can't open the car door for no reason. She keeps staring at the window. There will be a flutter in the car and suddenly come out from the bottom.

The most chilling part is the back seat. Through the rearview mirror, Mo Xiaoxie can see it. She would have long black hair covering her face, and the ghost in elegant white would sit in the back seat without saying a word. Don't look at such white and black collocation

"Ha Xi Xi suddenly called out in Mo Xiaoxie's ear, which made Mo Xiaoxie startled all over his body. His pupils contracted rapidly and his face was staring at Xi Xi.

When she realized that Xi Shu was scaring her, she also had a bad idea.

She kept her posture on purpose, shrunk her frightened pupils, and looked at the window behind Xi Xi Xi with a straight line and a very frightened expression.

Xi Xi was slightly stunned, her eyes sank, and slowly turned to look out of the window.


"Pediatrics, this little trick can scare..." Xi Xi turned back and said that when he saw that the co pilot was empty, he was in a daze.

He was no longer rattled, only panic and fear remained.

"Xiaoxie, Xiaoxie?" Xi Xi called twice anxiously.

However, there was no response, only the eerie night and the icy wind.

The mat rolled up the window.

He thought, just back in that period, he did not hear any sound of opening the door and getting out of the car, that is to say, Mo Xiaoxie was still in the car.

"Xiaoxie, you're in the back, aren't you?" Xi asked tentatively.

No one paid attention to him.

Only to see, a pale hand without warning suddenly on the seat, appeared in the seat of the seat.

Xi Xi was surprised, and his brain whirled rapidly to identify whether it was mo Xiaoxie's hand.

Before he could recognize it, the hand moved again. She lifted up slowly, slowly Very slow

"Compare heart Mo Xiaoxie suddenly called out.

Xi Xi was scared out of his wits and leaned back unconsciously.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaoxie couldn't close her mouth.

Xi Xi was embarrassed and wiped his sweat. As a big man, he was scared by a "Bi Xin"? How can he feel when it spreads?

Lose face

"I didn't expect that you were so timid, ha ha..." Mo Xiaoxie's merciless ridicule is not afraid of Xi's feeling at all.

Xi gave her a blank look, pulled open the door, went down, and then went to the back seat and got in.

He put his hands on the seat and looked down at Mo Xiaoxie.

"You are too careless. Just sit and smile. Why lie down? Not tempting me, what is it He closed the door and locked it.

"I'm not seducing you, I'm just It's just Oh, anyway, don't think about it in a crooked way

"Well, I'll think straight." Xi Xi, with a sinister smile, has taken off his coat, leaving only a white shirt.

"Don't Let's go back quickly. It's already late. We have to work. " Mo Xiaoxie is embarrassed to die. In such a narrow space, being treated like this by Xi Xi Xi really makes people feel confused.

She unconsciously clasped her hands in the shape of fists and pressed them against her chin. She was very shy."If you're so shy, don't you? I know that women are duplicity. Don't cover up any more. Let go of yourself Xi Xi, with a bad smile, grabbed Mo Xiaoxie's hands and pressed them on her.

"Cough I can't breathe. Get up quickly... " The seat is too heavy, Mo Xiaoxie couldn't resist, said quickly.

Seeing this, Xi Wu raised her eyebrows and said, "it's very simple. It's just the opposite. Cheap you once, make an attack. "

After that, Xi Xi Xi turned over and put Mo Xiaoxie up on him.

Mo Xiaoxie didn't react, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

But soon she did. It's not difficult to lift her with the strength of Xi's arms.

Just, such a small space, but also to ensure that Mo Xiaoxie does not hit the head, really can't believe.

"Be conscious." Xi Xi was holding her chest and staring at Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie was embarrassed. As long as she moved and wanted to come down, Xi Xi Xi tightly hugged her. There was no way and no chance to break free.

"Conscious of what?" Mo Xiaoxie couldn't break free, so he asked.

"I can't see what you should do in such a scene?"

"I I don't do it... "

"Just leave it alone? I don't know how many times to come, you can not resist, obedient obedience. Although, after every revolt, they will cooperate. " Xi Xi said deliberately.

Mo Xiaoxie wants to do not cooperate is difficult, after all, she is not cold sex, not abstinence, in the face of a very attractive good figure, how can she control it?

"I'll come down. You let go."

"Come down? Just as you told you to go up, now you want to go down? I won't give it. Come on, don't waste time. "

After that, Xi Xi Xi gave Mo Xiaoxie no chance to struggle. He directly stretched out his devil like claws and grabbed Mo Xiaoxie's collar

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