This matter is very noisy, the professional video editor, and PS God, all come to join in the fun.

Their micro blog fans are also a lot, P-map production video and so on, are recognized.

They commented on Shen Jiacheng's microblog: there is no PS phenomenon, and there is no phenomenon of sound synthesis. So this video is true.

"Ha ha, have you? I've known you two have a different relationship! Come on, are you two 80000 or 100000 at a time? "

"I guess it's a one-off payment. When you get tired of playing, you can throw it away."

"It's disgusting. I don't like Shen Jiacheng any more, you two dog men and women!"

"Yes, such a disgusting woman, Shen Jiacheng also touched it? I feel like vomiting


See these, Mo Xiaoxie just know, because he defends her, also was attacked by spray.

She couldn't help feeling sad and very guilty.

Before Mo Xiaoxie has been blaming Shen Jiacheng, has been keeping a distance with him, is afraid of making an affair, so his attitude is very bad.

Who knows, he actually disregards the past, not only is not afraid of getting involved in the scandal, but comes forward to defend her.

Mo Xiaoxie some moved, can not help pursing lips, a face sorry to hang his head.

"It doesn't matter, I believe you, someone must be jealous of you to send this kind of video. But I still want to hear your explanation. I want to know about it. "

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie also does not hide tuck in. She told Shen Jiacheng exactly what happened last night.

In order to prove it, she also looked at the wound on Shen Jiacheng's head.

"That's what happened. If you don't believe it, you can ask Xi Xi. I said on purpose that the video quoted price. I want to gain their trust and make them think that I am a frivolous woman and then run away... "

"Stop it. You're not a frivolous person. Don't say that about yourself. I believe you, does the wound still hurt? "

Shen Jiacheng's lips reached Mo Xiaoxie's hair and gently blew the wound for her.

Mo Xiaoxie felt more guilty. Why should she be so kind to her.

She had a very clear attitude towards him

"Shen Jiacheng, thank you. I'm sorry for what happened before."

"You don't have to be sorry. What do we say you're sorry? Come on, I'll blow it for you, and it won't hurt. " Shen Jiacheng looks totally indifferent.

To tell you the truth, from Shen Jiacheng to now, apart from Mo Xiaoxie, he has not had an affair with other women.

Mo Xiaoxie was the first one, and the one who has not been clarified.

"I'm sorry to trouble you. I always thought it was you who held me back. I'm really sorry. "

"Don't be sorry. It's just a drop of powder, more black? How can I not carry such a solid shoulder? Besides, I have so many fans in Shen Jiacheng. Is there any fear? "

Hearing the speech, Mo Xiaoxie frowned.

Although Shen Jiacheng looks indifferent, she thinks these are not things.

However, Mo Xiaoxie knew that he played it.

He is a powerful actor. Isn't it easy to perform such a simple expression?

In order to let Mo Xiaoxie not worry and feel guilty, Shen Jiacheng really did a lot.

She is not stupid, a little bit of black power is too big. Hot search every minute is nothing!

What's more, it's so much black?

Mo Xiaoxie instantly felt that the whole world had abandoned two people.

In short, under the comments, there were few people who supported her.

Even if there is a team to support her, but also to be suppressed by the sunspot.

"Thirsty? I'll buy you water. " Shen Jiacheng suddenly changed the topic.

Mo Xiaoxie quickly reacted and pressed his shoulder.

"No, you'll be recognized if you go. I'll go."

"You will be recognized if you go."

Shen Jiacheng's words awakened the dreamers.

She subconsciously stops and stays where she is.

Yes, now many people know Mo Xiaoxie. After so many scandals and videos, I know what she looks like.

Moreover, most of them are people who hate her. She can't guarantee that she will be beaten after she is recognized

"OK, I'll go. I have masks and sunglasses. Didn't you recognize me just now? Don't worry about me. Wait for me here. "

Shen Jiacheng gets up and asks Mo Xiaoxie to sit and wait.

After a few steps, Shen Jiacheng came back.

"Sit over there." Shen Jiacheng pointed to the broken lamp under the couch.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaoxie knew what Shen Jiacheng meant. It's nothing but fear that she will be recognized in the light.

Well thought out

Mo Xiaoxie got up, went over there and sat down honestly.

But Shen Jiacheng is still worried.

She took off her hat and put it on Mo Xiaoxie's head."A block, also just can protect the wound, I went." With that, Shen Jiacheng left at ease.

Mo Xiaoxie was staring at Shen Jiacheng's back for a long time, until he disappeared in the field of vision.

She couldn't control herself, knowing that she would feel sick and angry when she saw bad comments. But she just wants to see, just want to know how ugly she is!

The light on the screen of her mobile phone reflects her face.

She didn't notice.


At this time, suddenly someone appeared behind her, covering her mouth.

Mo Xiaoxie struggled for a while and then gave up.

She frowned helplessly and was impatient.

With a little effort, she shook the man's hand away.

"Shen Jiacheng, don't make a fuss. It's not fun to repeat your skills." Mo Xiaoxie turned his head and looked behind him.


Not Shen Jiacheng!

It's a strange woman!

She is big, tall and strong, like a man! I'm dirty on my body and dust on my hands.

Looking at her fierce, a pair of eager to eat her appearance, Mo Xiaoxie was afraid.

"Shen Jiacheng? Ha ha, sure enough, you two have an affair! Come with me Women's voice is also very man, no difference with the strong man.

Mo Xiaoxie was about to speak when the woman picked her up.

Great strength! More powerful than Shen Jiacheng!

What's this woman's occupation?!

"Let go of me, let go of Well... " The woman caught Mo Xiaoxie tightly and covered her mouth with all her strength.

Mo Xiaoxie struggled and accidentally knocked down his hat, and his hair was in disorder.

"Don't shout! Or I'll break your neck Women threaten Mo Xiaoxie.

Seeing that she wanted to take herself away, Mo Xiaoxie was flustered.

Knowing that she couldn't resist, she quickly took out the red potion she had forgotten to put back from her pocket.

When a woman is not paying attention, when she is looking around for anyone. Mo Xiaoxie quickly unscrewed it and fell on the ground a little bit

Just a little bit down, Mo Xiaoxie thought of a serious problem.

Women smell the smell how to do!

But who knows, the woman does not notice at all.

Mo Xiaoxie this just reacts to come over, her body sweat smell is bigger, enough to cover up a small amount of liquid medicine smell.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoxie was much more relaxed.

I hope Shen Jiacheng can find her. She doesn't want to die so early

In order to save the liquid medicine, Mo Xiaoxie poured a small amount to the ground.

It's about a meter or more.

I just don't know if Shen Jiacheng's eyes are good

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