Xi Xi grabbed Mo Xiaoxie's wrist and pulled her back. Mo Xiaoxie struggles, Xi Xi Xi grabs both her hands.

Xi Xi's eyes are so fierce that they can't be any more fierce. They seem to be turning into ice front to pierce Mo Xiaoxie.

Seeing that the struggle was invalid, Mo Xiaoxie no longer asked for trouble. She also glared at Xi Xi, two people so at each other, just like a pair of enemies.

Comber didn't dare to go up and persuade him, so he had to let them solve it by themselves.

"Mo Xiaoxie, don't challenge my endurance. I'll give you one last chance to tell me, where the hell did you go? "

"Where do you want me to go? My legs grow on me, and I can go wherever I want to, and I need to report to you? " Mo Xiaoxie broke the pot, so he was angry with the explosion of Xi Xi.

Mo Xiaoxie knew that she was playing with fire, but she was busy all day, and she was full of complaints. As soon as she got home, Xi Xi asked her. Of course, she couldn't control her temper.

"Well, I'll let you know the consequences of going where you want to go!" Xi Xi did not wait for Mo Xiaoxie to react and pull her to the bedroom.

Mo Xiaoxie was forced to be taken to the bedroom by Xi Xi. Before he could stand firm, he was forced to beat the wall by Xi Xi Xi.

Mo Xiaoxie tried to push Xi Xi's arm away, but he was too energetic. Mo Xiaoxie was simply wishful thinking.

"Xi you are enough. I've been busy all day and I'm exhausted. I want to take a bath and have a good sleep. Don't make any more trouble!"

"If you don't speak clearly today, don't want to sleep."

Mo Xiaoxie felt that Xi Xi Xi was unreasonable and did not resist: "Xi Xi, what can we do tomorrow? It's so late now. I'm really tired out! "

Xi Xi did not seem to hear, still do not let go of Mo Xiaoxie.

"Don't you? I called to ask sister Mei. She knows when you will be off duty. " With that, Xi Wu held up her mobile phone and searched for sister Mei's number.

Mo Xiaoxie was in a hurry and grabbed Xi's mobile phone: "you have finished it. It's so late. People have already gone to bed. What do you want to disturb them for?"

"Why, I feel guilty?"

Mo Xiaoxie has no choice but to return the mobile phone to Xi Xi.

"Well, I'll take a bath first, and then I'll tell you, OK?"

Xi Xi took a look at Mo Xiaoxie. With a serious look on her face, she promised: "I'll wait for you here and wash it."

With that, Xi Xi Xi sat on the bed, cocked up his legs and watched Mo Xiaoxie's every move quietly.

Mo Xiaoxie was seen by Xi Xi Xi as a little uncomfortable, but he didn't care much about it. She put down her bag, took some change clothes and went into the bathroom.

Xi Xi listened to the sound of the water falling from the bathroom.

After a while, Mo Xiaoxie came out of the bathroom with her wet hair. She drifted past the mat to get a hair dryer to blow her hair.

Looking at Mo Xiaoxie wearing only a long white shirt, Xi Xi's eyes fell on Mo Xiaoxie's legs.

"Are you sure you're not seducing me?"

Mo Xiaoxie did not respond, Xi Xi realized that Mo Xiaoxie was blowing his hair, and he could not hear Xi Xi Xi.

He suddenly got up, walked behind Mo Xiaoxie and grabbed the hair dryer. Mo Xiaoxie was frightened by the unexpected seat. She frowned slightly: "I haven't blown it well. Can't you wait a moment?"

Xi Xi was a little impatient: "when will you wait for the horse month when you blow well? I'm tired, too. Tell me

Mo Xiaoxie is not willing to take back the hair dryer and continue to blow his hair.

Xi Xi saw that Mo Xiaoxie's hair blowing was too slow, so he grabbed the hair dryer and blew it for her personally.

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned. What the hell is Xi Xi Xi doing?

Mo Xiaoxie is not willing to let Xi Xi Xi blow her hair. She has never been blown by a man! Mo Xiaoxie felt uncomfortable all over, and Xi Xi saw it. He pressed Mo Xiaoxie's shoulder: "don't move!"

Mo Xiaoxie had no choice but to obey his orders.

Finally, Xi Xi Xi dried Mo Xiaoxie's hair.

"May I speak now?"

Seeing Xi Xi Xi's insistence, Mo Xiaoxie had no choice but to tell Xi Xi exactly.

"After work, sister Mei received a phone call from Shen Jiacheng, saying that she would like to eat beef and miscellaneous noodles from blue bay. I sent it to him. It's so simple. OK, I'm finished. I'm going to sleep."

Smell speech, Xi Xi Xi's face became very ugly. This is cold eyes, and a few minutes cool. The temperature around it suddenly drops to freezing point, as if the air has become cold air.

Mo Xiaoxie, who was making a quilt, didn't notice something was wrong with the mat. Just as she wanted to lie down, she was caught by the collar and caught by Xi Xi.

Mo Xiaoxie was startled by Xi Xi's sudden action. Xi Xi was just like catching a fleeing prey.

Xi Xi will be mo Xiaoxie is coming, not waiting for her reaction, then a bent over, pressure on Mo Xiaoxie.

"So you've been staying at Shen Jiacheng's home so late?" Xi's tone is Yin and Yang.

The light of Mo Zhong's disapproval was not."You women, don't you always see enough handsome men? Is your husband and I not handsome

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned and laughed. Xi Xi's domineering power was weakened. Staring at Mo Xiaoxie's eyes, he was more confused.

"Are you jealous?"

"I'm more curious than jealous. What did you do in his house? Is it because he's holding him down

Mo Xiaoxie Leng a Leng, Xi Xi Xi unexpectedly did not deny. However, Xi Wu's words are accurate. Shen Jiacheng really seduces her like this

However, Mo Xiaoxie is not a fool. She didn't have the courage to light the bomb herself. Even if she is said to be right, it is not her wish! It's not her wish to press her like this

"Nonsense, I was just going to abuse that boy." Mo Xiaoxie's mouth raised a proud smile.

Xi Xi's cold eyes softened a little, but still a little angry.

"I don't care who you are going to abuse. In the future, I will leave work at six and go home at six. Without my permission, you are not allowed to go out without permission."

"Why? I need time to wait for the bus, OK

"I'll pick you up."

“……” Mo Xiaoxie had nothing to say, "is it time for you to leave now?"

Xi Xi's mouth is light, dark eyes with the evil smile of the corner of the mouth, there is no intention to leave.

"In order to compensate you for the long time I have been waiting for you, I have decided to make you my prey tonight."

The voice just fell, Mo Xiaoxie has not had time to speak. Soft and blazing lips fell on her

The weak light hit Mo Xiaoxie's soft face. She suddenly thought of something, and suddenly pushed aside the mat, but only pushed away a small distance.

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