With the in-depth understanding of Xi Xi Xi, Mo Xiaoxie wants to know more and more what happened between him and the night cold.

"Can you talk to me about the things between you and the cold at night?"

Mo Xiaoxie was staring at Xi Xi, as if to pry into his heart.

Sure enough, Xi Xi Xi avoided his eyes.

However, the more Xi was like this, the more mo Xiaoxie wanted to know.

She went on questioning, but not directly.

"I don't think you two want to make such a scene. Haven't you thought about solving the problem?"

Hearing the speech, Xi Xi Xi looks at Mo Xiaoxie.

His eyes sank like a black jade falling to the bottom of the lake.

"It can't be solved. The problem between us can't be solved."

Words fall, Xi Xi Xi will move to the window side.

He seemed to be regretting something, and he seemed to be afraid of something.

Mo Xiaoxie saw this, and it was not easy to ask.

Atmosphere, become very embarrassed.

Every time two people talk about the cold at night, there will be no good end. Mo Xiaoxie had a little regret at this time.

I knew that I didn't ask questions because of my curiosity.

It's a good time to ease the embarrassment.

"Then, what do you do about song Xi'er?"

Mo Xiaoxie knew that Xi Zhen was talking about the exposure of yelan.

She did not know how many people song Xier arranged to follow her! Can you trace it to yelan?

There must be a lot of things she doesn't know.

"Although the matter is over, I still can't get rid of this knot in my heart." Mo Xiaoxie sighed.

"If you want to fight back, I support you, but don't go too far. I'll be scared."

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie mouth corner unconsciously twitch next.

Scared of Xi? Is mo Xiaoxie's counterattack so explosive

However, Mo Xiaoxie wrote down this account!

Wait for her to finish this period of time, and then calculate with song Xi'er!

She was advised to be more sensible and not to make other moths. Otherwise, when the time comes, Mo Xiaoxie can't guarantee how cruel he is!

"Don't worry, I won't go too far, but I won't swallow my guts either!"

When Mo Xiaoxie said this, his eyes were full of firmness.

Xi Xi knew that Mo Xiaoxie was not a person who could be wronged. Of course, he was very happy to see Mo Xiaoxie not afraid.

At this time, Mo Xiaoxie is like a goddess, shining all over, very charming.

Xi Xi looked at it and pulled up his chin and looked at it quietly.

Aware of Xi's eyes, Mo Xiaoxie took back his thoughts and looked at him.

"You don't want to do something bad with this expression, do you?" Mo Xiaoxie was honest.

I didn't expect that Xi was more upright than her.

"Yes, I was found. What should I do? I'll carry it out. "

Xi Xi is a bad smile, scared Mo Xiaoxie to get up quickly, away from him.

"I'll wash the fruit for you!" Mo Xiaoxie ran away with excitement.

Without looking at the fruit on the table, he grabbed it.

Seeing Mo Xiaoxie run away, Xi can't help but raise his mouth and feel very interesting.

Sometimes, the goddess will change into a woman because of one sentence

However, soon, Mo Xiaoxie was embarrassed and unable to speak.

She bought the fruit, she put it on the table, or she said to wash it!

But! Who eats an orange and needs to wash it

When I go out later, I will be teased by Xi Xi again.

In order to cover up the embarrassment, Mo Xiaoxie bravely washed the orange peel. Then he took it out and went to the table.

"Poof Don't I just scare you? Why are you so excited? This is a hospital ward. What can I do to you

Xi Xi now pretends to be a little pure, but it's too late!

She doesn't believe it. What do you dare to do?

"All right, all right. I'll eat the oranges soon, if I don't talk to you." Mo Xiaoxie was helpless.

"One more orange." Xi Xi grabs an orange and plays with it in his palm.

Mo Xiaoxie knew that Xi Zhen was joking.

She was ready to be teased and punished.

"Come on, I'll feed you. It's sweet!" Mo Xiaoxie grabbed the biggest orange and put it directly into Xi Xi's mouth.

"Cough, cough..." Xi was caught off guard and unconsciously bit an orange peel.

That sour, can't help but let his expression twist.

"You woman, murder your husband Xi Xi didn't have a good breath to say, but what can't do.

Mo Xiaoxie is to rely on Xi Xi Xi, now the body is empty, is to rely on his consideration of face, can't do anything to her, just dare to do so bad."I can't hear you clearly." Mo Xiaoxie pretended to be stupid.

鈥溾€︹€︹€?Xi Xi's expression is complex, and he doesn't know what attitude to face Mo Xiaoxie.

See her smile so happy, Xi Zhen heart also followed warm up.

However, small punishment, or to give. Otherwise, how to revive Fuwei?

"Ah It hurts... " Xi Xi suddenly covered his stomach, and his expression was very painful.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaoxie couldn't laugh at once. She quickly put down the orange and got close to the seat.

"What's the matter? The wound hurts? I'm sorry. I'm just kidding

"It's OK. Anyway, I'm thirsty and want to eat oranges. You won't peel them for me."

Hearing the speech, Mo Xiaoxie immediately responded. The meaning of this is not to let her peel the orange for him, why beat around the bush.

"Who said not to peel, I peel, peel..." Mo Xiaoxie quickly peeled an orange, and then put it into Xi's mouth.

Xi is a face of enjoyment, eat eat, forget to pretend.

In fact, Mo Xiaoxie had already seen through it, but he didn't tell the truth.

However, she fed the oranges faster and faster, so fast that she couldn't chew them. Her mouth was stuffed like a chipmunk.

"Still thirsty, some more?" Mo Xiaoxie laughed.

鈥溾€︹€︹€?Xi Xi wants to talk, but his mouth can't move at all.

Helpless, he can only wave his hand, shake his head.

Mo Xiaoxie looked at him like this, and immediately changed from a cool man to a cute milk man, and immediately came to be interested.

She quickly took out her mobile phone and photographed this wonderful scene, which can't be missed!

Xi Xi saw the situation, but he could not seize it, so he had to quickly chew the orange in his mouth.

Then he threatened, "don't forget, there are a lot of ugly photos of you in my mobile phone."

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie seems to have been struck by lightning in general, stunned in place.

"Why don't you stop dancing? Who was staring at my picture just now? Hey, hey, hey

Xi Xi learns from Mo Xiaoxie's appearance and becomes Niang Li Niang.

Mo Xiaoxie had nothing to say when he met this living treasure.

Two childish ghosts are making trouble in the ward. You grab my ugly picture, and I grab your ugly picture.

However, there is no winning or losing at all.

In the end, the choice of the two!

All in their own circle of friends, sent each other's ugly photos.

See Xi Xi Xi's circle of friends update, song Xi'er quickly point open to have a look.

It was found that it was the ugly photo of Mo Xiaoxie. She was not happy, but very angry!

She quickly called Gao Meifeng: "Auntie, brother Xi's cell phone is connected. Go tell him about him. Xi'er is worried to death..."

"Well, good boy, I'll help you. During this time, you should not go out. Take a good rest at home and take a long vacation. "

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