When Xi Xi heard this, he immediately felt ridiculous and incomparable: "it's ok? Is it not until you give me green before something happens? "

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned. What did he mean?

Mo Xiaoxie stopped rubbing his wrist and looked at Xi Xi carefully: "Xi Xi, what do you mean by that?"

Seeing that Mo Xiaoxie had been pretending to be stupid, Xi Xi laughed louder. His smile is a kind of self mocking smile. Mo Xiaoxie can still hear it!

"Mo Xiaoxie, I have seen you holding his hand. Do you still want to argue? I don't understand. You have one in your family who's still hanging out? "

On hearing the speech, Mo Xiaoxie frowned tightly and was especially aggrieved in her heart. Her eyes flashed and she seriously explained: "Xi Xi, things are not what you think. I and he..."

"I saw it with my own eyes, don't you admit it?" Xi Xi could not listen to any explanation at all, and directly interrupted Mo Xiaoxie's words.

Mo Xiaoxie's heart suddenly cooled. She had no choice but to scratch her hair: "well, if you don't think so, I can't help it."

"Mo Xiaoxie!" Xi Xi gave a roar.

In that case, I would like to swallow Mo Xiaoxie.

Seeing Xi Zhen staring at himself like a wild animal, Mo Xiaoxie was more and more aggrieved.

She just had a meal with Shen Jiacheng, and Shen Jiacheng always gave her vegetables, so she would seize his hand and stop him. Who knows, Xi Zhen happened to meet? Mo Xiaoxie was so misunderstood that he felt very bad. The most unbearable thing is that Xi Xi can't listen to her explanation at all. Even if she doesn't give an opportunity to explain, she doesn't tell the whole story.

"Xi Xi, you are enough. Don't make trouble here!" Mo Xiaoxie also roared at Xi Xi. After that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Mo Xiaoxie did not return to the studio, but went elsewhere.

After the quarrel between the two people's congresses, no one contacted or asked for anyone. Xi Xi still did not calm down, he returned to the company, immediately held meetings, non-stop meetings.

He didn't want to stop for a moment. He didn't want to have free time. He wants to paralyze himself with busyness so that he won't think about those troubles any more!

At this time, Mo Xiaoxie was sitting on the bench in the park. She felt helpless and homeless.

From childhood to adulthood, what she hated most was being misunderstood. Xi Xi insists that her relationship with Shen Jiacheng is unusual, which makes Mo Xiaoxie a headache.

Mo Xiaoxie has been sitting on the bench calm, this sitting, is an afternoon.

This afternoon, Shen Jiacheng was also working hard to shoot. However, Mo Xiaoxie was taken away for no reason, and he could not help feeling relieved. So, throughout the shooting process, he was careless. Fortunately, the person looks handsome, put any pose is OK, so the shooting has not been affected.

As soon as she finished her work, Shen Jiacheng asked sister Mei for Mo Xiaoxie's phone number.

Mo Xiaoxie's phone call was not answered several times, but Shen Jiacheng was not discouraged, so he kept calling.

Mo Xiaoxie doesn't want to answer anyone's phone, let alone a strange number. But this strange number called so many times, the bell has been ringing in Mo Xiaoxie's ear. Finally, Mo Xiaoxie had no choice but to connect the phone.

"Little crab, guess who I am?" Shen Jiacheng's tone was sullen, and Mo Xiaoxie knew it was him.

"If it's OK, I'll hang up."

Shen Jiacheng was stunned. Always only he hung up other people's phone, can't let Mo Xiaoxie give an example!

"No Shen Jiacheng cried out in a hurry.

Mo Xiaoxie is ready to press the hang up button, and then hold the phone to his ear again.

Shen Jiacheng saw Mo Xiaoxie didn't hang up, so he opened his mouth: "I still want to eat beef and miscellaneous noodles from blue bay today. If I don't send it, I'll go to the company tomorrow and look for you. I don't dress up!"

Shen Jiacheng, who was afraid of being rejected, used the means of threat again. But what came from the other end of the phone was, "Dudu Dudu..."

Shen Jiacheng was bombed. He was really hung up by Mo Xiaoxie!

Mo Xiaoxie rolled his eyes after hanging it, although he was not willing to buy him some beef powder. However, if he is a psychopath and really goes to the company to find her, then I don't know what will happen!

For the sake of safety, Mo Xiaoxie went to shuilanwan.

It's impossible to buy beef powder here without queuing up. Therefore, it took Mo Xiaoxie a long time to buy it.

Arriving at the villa of Shen Jiacheng, Mo Xiaoxie was just about to ring the doorbell when the telephone suddenly rang.

Mo Xiaoxie just took out his mobile phone, the door of Shen Jiacheng's home was opened.

Mo Xiaoxie Leng for a moment, see the call is Shen Jiacheng, Shen Jiacheng is holding the mobile phone to open the door, then the mobile phone back into the bag.

Shen Jiacheng pulls Mo Xiaoxie into the house, grabs the cow's miscellaneous powder in her hand, and immediately opens to eat.

"What a coincidence, I just called you and you came! You say, are we special predestination? "

Mo Xiaoxie didn't answer, but said: "don't call me to harass me later. I'm not specially for you to buy beef powder."harass?

Shen Jiacheng expressed dissatisfaction: "Hello, little crab, it's your honor to let me harass you, OK?"

Mo Xiaoxie looks at Shen Jiacheng with a slanted eye, then retracts his eyes, opens his mobile phone to play a game, ignoring Shen Jiacheng.

Shen Jiacheng was so angry that she vomited blood and ate the mixed beef powder. Wipe mouth, just want to tease Mo Xiaoxie, see her drooping head staring at the mobile phone in a daze.

Mobile phone screen or game interface, Shen Jiacheng can not help but pick eyebrows: "fierce, play games can also daze."

Mo Xiaoxie did not hear Shen Jiacheng's words, and his thoughts were in a state of dissociation.

Shen Jiacheng approached quietly and seized Mo Xiaoxie's mobile phone. Mo Xiaoxie was startled and reacted and wanted to take back the mobile phone.

However, Shen Jiacheng was too high for Mo Xiaoxie to snatch it back.

Just want to give up, Mo Xiaoxie suddenly realized what

She subconsciously jumped away from Shen Jiacheng, far away from him.

Shen Jiacheng still keeps the posture of lying on the sofa. He holds his head and stares at Mo Xiaoxie.

"Girl, is it comfortable to lie down on my master?"

Mo Xiaoxie was said to be a little embarrassed. Just now she only wanted to grab a mobile phone, but she forgot that she had been lying on Shen Jiacheng's body.

Shen Jiacheng smile a face evil, slowly sit up to see Mo Xiaoxie play the game.

"So simple?"

"Do you care?" Mo Xiaoxie took the opportunity to grab back the mobile phone and quit the game.

Shen Jiacheng's arm is on the overlapping thigh, holding his chin, and quietly looks at Mo Xiaoxie with his gaze.

"In a bad mood?"

Mo Xiaoxie once again entered a daze mode, and did not care what Shen Jiacheng said.

Shen Jiacheng had no choice but to stand up and walk to the second floor.

Mo Xiaoxie didn't know that Shen Jiacheng was no longer around and was still standing in a daze.

Until wearing a pig eight ring mask face, suddenly appeared in front of Mo Xiaoxie, she did not wake up completely!

Mo Xiaoxie was frightened and panicked. He yelled and jumped into the distance.

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