I don't know if Mo Xiaoxie contacted the entertainment circle too many times, and actually made Xi Xi Xi's idea in his heart.

If Xi is willing to become an artist under her hand, she will certainly be able to make him prosperous.

However, at the thought that he would have more contact with beauty stars, and maybe even make intimate scenes, Mo Xiaoxie's jealousy could not stop surging to his heart.

Immediately, she put the idea to rest.

A president who is so handsome as Xi Zhen should stay in the office and work well!

"What are you looking at me with salivation?"

Xi Xi tilted his head, his mouth raised a smile of evil charm, but he was flirting with Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie just patronized to give up the idea, did not notice that he was staring at Xi Xi.

I can't help it. It's too eye-catching. It's a few more eyes.

"It's strange that my husband doesn't show it to his wife yet?" Mo Xiaoxie is sticking in his waist, pretending to be angry and speaking in the tone of Xi Xi.

Xi Xi could not help laughing when he saw Mo Xiaoxie's words back to him.

Is this woman so cute?

Instead of grabbing her, he stopped and sat on the sofa.

With two long legs overlapping, the four words "long leg Europa" are interpreted perfectly.

It's no wonder that Mo Xiaoxie's eyes can't be moved away from him, because he is so attractive.

Do you want to look so good with those big and long legs?

Aware of Mo Xiaoxie's eyes, Xi Xi Xi passed with a smile.

"Today, it's very impressive."

Xi Xi refers to teaching Mo qirou.

Mo Xiaoxie reacts to come over, stupefied for a moment, and then looks at him with a smile.

Being ridiculed by the president, the president's wife and other things are weak and explosive.

"It's OK. It's OK. I just want to kill bad habits."

Mo Xiaoxie was a little embarrassed and shrugged his shoulders and scratched his head.

They just look at each other like this, wasting time.

After a few minutes, Xi can't help it. He pulled off his tie and strode towards Mo Xiaoxie.

He stretched out his long arm and made a wall thump.

"You've been staring at me. I'm itching."

“……” Mo Xiaoxie was confused.

What's the reason for that?

Before she could react, Xi's lips rubbed her forehead.

"Little baby, please help me out."

Words fall, Xi Xi Xi then met Mo Xiaoxie's eyes, and then deeply kisses.

Mo Xiaoxie was a little resistant at first, but later he didn't know what happened. He fell in love with this feeling after kissing

"Whoa, whoa! In broad daylight Dog abuse

Wang Yan cat waist, through the door and window, secretly staring at the inside.

Two people kiss love, did not discover at all.

I can't help but disturb him. But I don't know where to put my lunch.

Thinking about it, Wang Yan put lunch at the door, and then sent a short message to Xi Xi.

Xi's mobile phone was shocked, but he didn't mean to see it.

He took out his cell phone and threw it on the sofa.

Mo Xiaoxie did not go to the tube, wantonly enjoying the good time.


After the storm, Xi is very satisfied. He was staring at Mo Xiaoxie on the sofa, and his eyes and brows were full of doting and tenderness.

He wrapped her coat with his own hands, then picked up the mobile phone.

Wang Yan: Mr. Xi, the meal is at the door.

Seeing this message, Xi can't help but pick eyebrows.

His face is not red, breathless, calm to the door, will put in the meal outside the door to bring in.

"Come and eat, or it will be cold."

Xi Xi opened the lunch box and called Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie took a long time to react.

I was tossed by Xi Xi Xi just now, but I still haven't got a clear mind

Look at the time. It's more than 12 o'clock. Mo Wanli, why hasn't there been any movement?

She felt nervous and worried. Walking towards the mat, is a face of sadness.

"Are you not satisfied with my performance just now

Xi Xi knew that Mo Xiaoxie was not because of this and deliberately teased her to ease the atmosphere.

However, today's move seems to be useless to Mo Xiaoxie.

Is she immune?

See she did not respond, has been staring at the meal in a daze, Xi Xi is not easy to joke.

"Eat it." Xi Xi reminded me again.

Mo Xiaoxie then picked up chopsticks and put food in his mouth.

Looking at her appearance, Xi Zhen is also distressed.

He shook his head helplessly and sighed gently.

Mo Xiaoxie Yuguang could see Xi Xi's expression, but he didn't speak.Just as the office was dead, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Then, Wang Yan rushed in.

Xi Xi was depressed for a moment. What's in such a hurry? He hasn't allowed him in yet!

See, Wang Yan holding notebook, excited to run over, one hand to open the lunch box on the table, and then the notebook, put in front of two people.

"Look, look!" Wang Yan points to Mo Wanli's microblog excitedly.

Mo Xiaoxie recognized Mo Wanli's microblog, immediately put down his chopsticks and looked at the screen tightly.

Mo Wanli posted a microblog at noon, which reads:

the picture of feeding sugar is a real adventure. We are playing games. I'm sorry for the trouble. I hereby declare that Shen Jiacheng and I are just good friends.

In addition, a cute self portrait is attached.

Mo Xiaoxie was excited at first, then frowned.

Excited, Mo Wanli finally clarified the relationship. However, looking at the comments of netizens, I'm not very happy to buy it.

Netizens commented:

"it's so noisy that I have to clarify it now?"

"Too much, I'll be told the truth."

"We broke up because we were afraid of our lives?"

In the face of everyone's query, Mo Xiaoxie is also a headache.

Trying to find a solution, her phone rang.

At this time, the ringing of mobile phone in the office seems particularly merciless.

Because, this is mo Wanli's phone call.

Before, Mo Xiaoxie couldn't wait for Mo Wanli to call, but now she really came, she hesitated.

The phone ring is still ringing, Xi Xi and Wang Yan's eyes are also focused on Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie looks at two people, and looks at the mobile phone on the table, the mood is very complicated.

Helpless, escape is useless, trouble always has to face.

Mo Xiaoxie picked up the mobile phone, connected, waiting for Mo Wanli to speak.

"I've clarified that it's none of my business to buy or not."

"I see it. Thank you."

"Oh, no need."

With that, Mo Wanli hung up.

Mo Xiaoxie was amused by himself. Yes, what did you say to her? Thank you?

It's really sad that my good sister in the past has become such a child.

She pursed her lips, put the phone back in place and covered her head.

Seeing this, Xi Xi Xi and Wang Yan did not dare to speak and looked at each other speechless.

Mo Xiaoxie has been silent, as if to keep this posture, for a lifetime.

Xi Xi couldn't look down, so he winked at Wang Yan.

Wang Yan understood, carefully picked up the notebook, and crept out of the office.

In such a large office, only Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi are left.

"Mo Wanli clarified here, it's time to go to Shen Jiacheng to make some action." Xi Xi knocked on the table with his fingertips to attract Mo Xiaoxie's attention.

Will anyone believe it

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