"Do you like stars?"

"Well, I like to see these stars. I haven't seen it for a long time... "

Shen Jiacheng didn't disturb her when she saw Mo Xiaoxie absorbed. Both of them are quiet, enjoying the stars all over the sky.

"When I was a child, whenever I was wronged, I liked to see the stars. They're beautiful and small, and they give off their own light. I feel like them, so every time I see the stars, my heart is healed. " Mo Xiaoxie suddenly opened his mouth.

Shen Jiacheng did not feel naive, but conscientious, carefully listening.

"Well, what about rainy days?"

Mo Xiaoxie's corner of mouth drew up a faint smile, drooped her eyes, and slowly opened her mouth: "just, I can't see. They only come out when they want you to see them. If you don't want to see it, you can't see it. "

Shen Jiacheng holds her chin and quietly stares at the beautiful Mo Xiaoxie under the starry sky.

"You're a little different today."

"What's different?" Mo Xiaoxie raised eyebrows, but she wanted to see what difference Shen Jiacheng could say.

Shen Jiacheng did not immediately answer, but slowly approached Mo Xiaoxie. His eyes covered with a layer of confusion, slightly drooping, looking at Mo Xiaoxie's pink lips.

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned and subconsciously thought of what Shen Jiacheng wanted to do. Seeing Shen Jiacheng getting closer and closer, Mo Xiaoxie suddenly turned away.

Shen Jiacheng was stunned and embarrassed. He was Rejected?

When Shen Jiacheng was embarrassed, Mo Xiaoxie turned around and said a word that made Shen Jiacheng more embarrassed.

"You just ate beef powder, did not brush your teeth, a smell."

It's really not surprising that I'm dying

Shen Jiacheng's face twitched. It's a shame! Both rejected and rejected!

However, he did not brush his teeth

"What's more, it's too bad for you to seduce your younger sister. You're also a little red meat." Mo Xiaoxie once again made up a knife, which can be said to be merciless.

Shen Jiacheng really wanted to explain, but it didn't seem to work. He Shen Jiacheng, do not need to lift, a look, a smile, you can call the sister. You need more?

But I didn't expect that this trick was wrong tonight!

Shen Jiacheng was mo Xiaoxie said a word can not say, but in order to save face, Shen Jiacheng asked a question, let Mo Xiaoxie difficult to digest.

Shen Jiacheng narrowed her bright eyes, as if she were laughing, and asked, "you know, I suspect you are abstinence!"

As soon as he said this, Mo Xiaoxie's face froze in an instant. She tried to resist trying to beat Shen Jiacheng: "my friend, if you don't want to be the hot spot of tomorrow, when the red little fresh meat can't seduce beautiful women, but is broken, you will shut your mouth full of miscellaneous flavor."

Shen Jiacheng saw Mo Xiaoxie's posture of extending his "claws" again. He immediately sat up straight and covered his face tightly.

"I admit you are a beauty, but you can't be so violent

"I call it self-defense. I don't need to be polite to hooligans."

Shen Jiacheng collapsed completely, and her image was almost wiped out by Mo Xiaoxie!

It's getting late. Mo Xiaoxie is also tired. As soon as she picks up Shen Jiacheng, she goes in the direction of the car.

Shen Jiacheng was surprised and widened her eyes: "my darling, your strength is so big?"

Mo Xiaoxie didn't pay any attention to him and put him into the car directly.

Shen Jiacheng was very glad that he didn't confront Mo Xiaoxie and protected his face in time. Otherwise, with Mo Xiaoxie's great strength, his face would not be protected

This time, Mo Xiaoxie sat in the co pilot and let Shen Jiacheng drive. Even if Mo Xiaoxie wants to open, Shen Jiacheng won't give it. He has experienced Mo Xiaoxie's driving skills!

"Take me to the hotel." Mo Xiaoxie said to Shen Jiacheng like a taxi.

"Hello, I'm a big star. How can you think of me as a driver? "

Mo Xiaoxie was too lazy to say: "well, would you like me to be a driver for this big star?"

Hearing the speech, Shen Jiacheng was afraid to shake for a while. He stopped dawdling and started the car immediately.

Shen Jiacheng drives very steadily, not fast or slow, just good speed. He turned his head and looked proud: "how, or brother's technology is stable?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Drive your car." Mo Xiaoxie is very serious.

Shen Jiacheng is really stunned. How can she change her face so many times a day? Can you play happily

"Oh, by the way, why don't you go home to the hotel?"


"Oh, I see. Do you want to spend a good night with me Shen Jiacheng looks the same, but does not affect his appearance.

Mo Xiaoxie rolled his eyes and was too lazy to take care of Shen Jiacheng.

Shen Jiacheng, however, had no sense of interest and continued to tease Mo Xiaoxie.

"In fact, I know that most girls will be impressed by my charm, but you're just slow, right? It's better not to go to the hotel, where there are so many people, so can my family. "Mo Xiaoxie couldn't help it. He punched Shen Jiacheng in the face. Although it was not very heavy, it also hurt.

"Well, I eat by my face!"

"Who told you to talk nonsense? Deserve it

"You..." Shen Jiacheng stopped talking, because he saw Mo Xiaoxie once again stretched out his sharp claws

To the hotel, Shen Jiacheng must follow Mo Xiaoxie to go in. Mo Xiaoxie refused: "do you want the hot spot of tomorrow to be the hot spot of danghong little fresh meat and beauty night hotel?"

"Yes, it's good to have a hot search."

Mo Xiaoxie is speechless and stares at him seriously. Realizing that Mo Xiaoxie is not in the mood of joking, but he is not at ease. Mo Xiaoxie puts on sunglasses, mask and hat and puts on a good disguise.

"Can you tell that I am Shen Jiacheng?"

Mo Xiaoxie looked at Shen Jiacheng: "what should he do with your ID card?"

Shen Jiacheng was stunned, a little furtive: "then you go to check in first, and then tell me the room number. I'll go to the drugstore."

Mo Xiaoxie Leng a Leng, slightly frown: "where to do?"

"Buy some security." Shen Jiacheng gave a bad smile.

Mo Xiaoxie immediately gives Shen Jiacheng a punch. Seeing Shen Jiacheng cover his stomach and wail, Mo Xiaoxie ignores him directly and opens the door to enter the hotel.

After checking in, Mo Xiaoxie went directly to the room, regardless of Shen Jiacheng, who was still waiting for innocence.

Shen Jiacheng saw Mo Xiaoxie in for half an hour and called her.

Mo Xiaoxie didn't receive it, so he left to take a bath.

Shen Jiacheng was worried in the car and made a dozen phone calls, but Mo Xiaoxie didn't answer.

The sound of dripping in the bathroom covered the cell phone ring. Mo Xiaoxie couldn't hear it, which is also a matter of course.

Shen Jiacheng still didn't give up. He sent a threatening message to Mo Xiaoxie:

"if you don't tell me the room number, I'll go in one room to find you. If it's exposed, I'll say you're my girlfriend! "

The message was sent successfully. Shen Jiacheng quietly waited for Mo Xiaoxie's reply. He knew that Mo Xiaoxie would be threatened!

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