"Shut up! If you didn't cheat me, hee would not be angry if you didn't talk to me

Xi Feng will all discontent, vent on Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie was like an outlet.

Calm down to think about it, Xi Feng did not kidnap Mo Xiaoxie for Huang's sake.

It's for song Xier!

Hateful, this layer of relationship, Mo Xiaoxie knew too late!

"What are you talking about? Did you kidnap me

"I told you to shut up!" Xi Feng's rage has reached its peak, just like the magma erupted into a volcano.

Song Xi'er sees two people to call, can't help but white eye repeatedly. She looks impatient, will Xi Feng pull aside, and then walk to Mo Xiaoxie.

Bent over, skin smile meat does not smile staring at her: "you look like this, like a mad dog barking."

Song Xi'er reaches out and pats Mo Xiaoxie's face.

Mo Xiaoxie showed a very disgusting expression, don't look over, don't want to see song Xi'er.

Seeing this, song Xi'er didn't have much reaction, but went on: "new Mo Xiaoxie was burned by fire due to rehearsal of drama, which led to disfigurement. Is this news exciting? "

Hearing the speech, Mo Xiaoxie was stunned.

Listen to song Xi'er, she wants to disfigure Mo Xiaoxie?!

Face, for a woman, is undoubtedly very important, now Song Xier actually destroyed her!

She Mo Xiaoxie hasn't investigated song Xi'er's kidnapping crime and Huanglong's affair, but she wants to destroy her face?

Who gives her courage, who gives her power!

"Oh, you are a devil Even if Mo Xiaoxie was flustered, he did not show it.

In the presence of the wicked, even fear cannot destroy one's authority!

"I am the devil, and you are no better!" Song Xier doesn't smile with Mo Xiaoxie.

She is too lazy to talk nonsense.

Turning around, he went to the stove and picked up the iron himself.

This iron has been burned red by the fire. If you touch it gently, it is estimated that it will be scalded.

It seems that song Xi'er is playing real this time!

Mo Xiaoxie has no mind to play with her!

"Song Xi'er, are you crazy?" Mo Xiaoxie moved hard for two times, trying to get rid of the hemp rope.

However, it is useless.

Mo Xiaoxie was anxious. She felt the heat before the iron was close to her.

If it's close to her, it's OK!

"Crazy? Probably, you forced it too

At this time, song Xier has completely ignored his image.

She's worse than the devil now. With an evil smile, let the iron in the hand close to Mo Xiaoxie's face bit by bit!

Mo Xiaoxie could not help but face to one side, looking a little afraid of the iron in Song Xi'er's hand.

Does she have to die today?

"Good, obedient, don't hide, as long as a touch, you will be free! I'll never disturb your life again

No! Mo Xiaoxie would not be stupid enough to deliver it to the door in person.

Although the beauty is not as high as song Xi'er, she can be regarded as a beautiful woman.

Her face is ruined, she will be in agony!

That soldering iron is like an arrogant face, slowly close to Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie quickly moved his body and moved back with the chair.

Her movements are totally subconscious.

Subconsciously, she is telling herself that she can't be disfigured!

Song Xi'er is not happy to see Mo Xiaoxie dodging again and again.

Step by step, she moved with Mo Xiaoxie until Mo Xiaoxie hit the wall behind her.

"Don't move. You're at a dead end."

Song Xi'er is very arrogant. All the people in the room are watching the opera.

In addition to song Xi'er, all the others are men, but they don't mean to show mercy and cherish jade.

Can you bear to watch Mo Xiaoxie destroyed!

What a heart of stone!

Mo Xiaoxie didn't expect to be saved by them, after all, they were people from Song Xier.

As soon as he saw it, the iron was closer to his cheek, and Mo Xiaoxie died.

She was waiting for death, and her expression of being tortured by song Xi'er was complicated.

Song Xier is deliberately slow down, she should enjoy Mo Xiaoxie's appearance when she is afraid.

But in Mo Xiaoxie's eyes, song Xier is abnormal!

"Here comes the table! And... "

A bodyguard, without warning, rushed into the house, looking very flustered.

Song Xier a listen, the hand of the iron "bang" a sound, fell to the ground.

"Why did he come?"

Song Xi'er was not calm at once. He did not calculate that Xi'an would come at a critical moment.

If he had just started directly and didn't enjoy Mo Xiaoxie's fear, song Xier would have succeeded!"What to do?" Xi Feng came forward, also very flustered.

Song Xi'er is annoyed to see Xi Feng. If it is not for his failure, there will not be so much trouble behind.

She yelled at him, "how can I know!"

Xi Feng was so scared that he could not speak. He had to stand still and wait for song Xi'er's order.

Song Xi'er thinks about it, but he is still unwilling.

How she wanted to pick up the iron on the ground and destroy moxiaoxie's face.

But reason told her that she would not have a good result.

Xi Xi finally forgave herself. She can't fail.

If you miss today, it doesn't mean there will be no chance in the future!

For their own image, song Xier had to sell Xi Feng.

"Xi Feng, in any case, don't say I've been here! Don't let Xi Gu believe this woman. If she says that I kidnapped her, you must... "

Song Xi'er was eager to say, but he only said half of the sentence "you must take responsibility for yourself".

He is not omnipotent. If you help song Xier, you will have to bear the black pot.

Of course, it's only half the black pot. Because, today, he also kidnapped Mo Xiaoxie!

However, for his beloved woman, he is willing to go through fire and water.

Xi Xi and Xi Feng are brothers. No matter what, they all have this relationship.

Even if he did something wrong and was confused and kidnapped Mo Xiaoxie, He Xi Xi could not send him to prison.

If he had been sent in, the family would not agree with him!

Master Xi is undoubtedly the most prestigious. He will not agree to send his younger brother to prison in any case.

Thinking of this, Xi Feng is much bolder.

"Hee, don't worry. I'll take care of it. You have nothing to do with it!"

"Thank you. It's very kind of you." Song Xi'er is excited, and then angrily walks to Mo Xiaoxie.

"Mo Xiaoxie, I tell you, let you go today. Next time, you won't be so lucky!"

Song Xi'er turns around and wants to escape.

Would Mo Xiaoxie let her escape easily?

She stretched out her foot and tripped song Xier!

Song Xi'er, wearing high heels, accidentally sprained to her feet and screamed with pain.

"Mo Xiaoxie, you cunt

"Who is cheap knows it in his heart! Pooh

Song Xi'er is so angry that she has no chance to revenge.

If she doesn't run away, it will be too late!

Xi Feng did not care about Mo Xiaoxie. He quickly helped song Xi'er up and helped him to the bodyguard.

"Come on, let's go!"

"Don't forget to defend me!" Before Song Xier left, he did not forget to call for help.

Xi Feng nodded positively, and then watched song Xi'er leave towards another intersection.

Although song Xier left, he did not stop harming Mo Xiaoxie.

She is in the car, bearing the pain of her feet, and calls Mo Wanli

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