When Xiao Yong meets these two people, he also collapses.

They had plenty to do with him.

If I had known that, Xiao Yong would not have taken the risk.

He would rather shoot some news without breaking the news!

Under the pressure of Mo Xiaoxie, Xiao Yong takes out his mobile phone helplessly and asks someone to expose the photo, and attach the title Mo Xiaoxie said.

Mo Xiaoxie is always staring at the news on the Internet, and the success or failure lies in one fell swoop.

News click through rate slowly rising, Mo Xiaoxie instantly felt that she was concerned by the whole country.

Then came a wave of comments. Reprint of news on major websites.

Xi Xi also curiously came to see, Xiao Yong is in the side of the collapse of the cry.

"Am I right?" It's a bit incredible.

Before the words fell, Mo Xiaoxie's face raised a very happy smile.

She knew that she was also blessed by God!

This group of photos of Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi Xi, released only 10 minutes ago, quickly became popular on the Internet.

Mo Xiaoxie also had an instant increase of 120000 fans.

If you don't know if it's black powder, you can see the comments on Weibo. Mo Xiaoxie will know that these are not black powder.

Because they all supported Mo Xiaoxie's words.

"This wave of dog food, I'm dry."

"I was fed a bowl of dog food at night!"

"Blessing, blessing!"

Mo Xiaoxie flipped through a few comments at random, shaking in front of Xi Xi.

Xi Xi could not help laughing at Mo Xiaoxie's performance.

They have ignored the existence of Xiao Yong.

"Since I have helped you, let me go soon?"

Xiao Yong struggled with his unbound hands as if to catch Mo Xiaoxie.

However, it is not possible.

Of course, Xi will not give him a chance.

"Say, who sent you."

Mo Xiaoxie put away his mobile phone and began to get to the point.

Xiao Yong was stunned. Did Mo Xiaoxie find anything? How can you ask this question

It is absolutely safe and seamless!

He refused to admit it. He shook his head and dodged Mo Xiaoxie's eyes.

Xi Xi saw the situation and cooperated with Mo Xiaoxie.

He took out a chair and put it beside Xiao Yong, and put his hand on Xiao Yong's shoulder.

"Be honest, otherwise."

Xi Xi stretched out his hand and flicked the knife standing on the chair.

Xiao Yong was scared with a bitter face. His expression was distorted. He didn't know how to face them.

Tonight, he was really killed by two people.

Looking at Xi Zhen's eyes, Xiao Yong knew that he was not a good master.

It's terrible to be sitting next to him with a murderous look.

Xiao Yong's throat kept rolling and his mouth was dry.

"Come on, I'm freezing to death, and I'm going home to rest!"

Mo Xiaoxie was impatient and wanted to make a quick decision.

However, Xiao Yong refused to open his mouth. Mo Xiaoxie could not pry his mouth open.

Even if you pry, Xiao Yong doesn't speak Maybe, she's a bit of a slug.

Eh, it's disgusting to think about it.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just happened to run into you. No one sent me, let alone instructed me!"

"Why are you so excited, since you haven't? Is it a guilty conscience? "

Mo Xiaoxie raised eyebrows, trying to force Xiaoyong to tell the truth.

Intuition and Xiaoyong's flustered look told her that Xiaoyong was lying.

Therefore, Mo Xiaoxie would not believe his words.

"Really not, sister!"

Is it necessary to force Mo Xiaoxie to turn over? Let's call him big sister again!

Mo Xiaoxie immediately picked up the fork, poked up the steak, pinched Xiaoyong's mouth, and put the steak into his mouth!

The steak, Mo Xiaoxie did not cut, directly a whole piece into Xiao Yong's mouth.

Xiao Yong is surprised and subconsciously wants to spit out. Xi Xi is quick and quick, and grabs Xiao Yong's struggling hand.

"Well Well Choking... "

Xiao Yong cried in pain as he chewed.

He swore that he would never call sister Mo Xiaoxie again.

The consequences are really serious.

Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi Xi abuse people together. No one can defeat them.

However, in order to save his life, Xiao Yong had to sell the gold owner.

For fear of being reorganized by Xiaoyong, timidly staring at Mo Xiaoxie, hesitating.

Mo Xiaoxie raised his head, held his arm, and motioned for him to speak quickly.

Otherwise, the consequences are at your own risk.

Xiao Yong no longer has the courage to try the consequences.

"I said, I said..."

"Hurry up!" Mo Xiaoxie roared.

Xiao Yong was so frightened that he swallowed his throat."I can only tell you what a lady named Mo gave me. I don't know what it is

The voice did not fall, Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi Shen synchronized, cast a look of disdain.

Seeing this, Xiao Yong quickly added: "really! I really only know these, do not believe you to check! I believe that the general ability of Yixi can be found out! "

See small Yong said so, Xi Xi and Mo Xiaoxie also did not doubt what, put him back.

All the way, Mo Xiaoxie was thinking.

Name Mo?

Or a woman?

In other words, between Mo Wanli and Mo qirou

However, how did these two people know that Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi would come here?

Mo Xiaoxie couldn't sit still. If she didn't find out, what she would do in the future would be monitored!

Who would like that feeling?

"Song Xier's affairs, I checked, really fell, the original performance, also postponed."

Xi Xi, while driving, said to the meditative Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie didn't care much at first, and then he was surprised.

She was originally leaning on the seat, but as soon as she heard the words "Song Xi'er", she immediately sat up straight!

She has been wondering how song Xier knows that she has plans to enter the entertainment industry.

Now, Mo knew in advance that she was going to have a candlelight dinner with Xi.

This is not a coincidence!

I still remember song Xier said that he would have to rely on this thing to know more about Mo Xiaoxie.

If Mo Xiaoxie didn't guess wrong, it must be something like monitoring!

Terrible, terrible, they are so mean!

Xi Xi was frightened by Mo Xiaoxie's sudden movement. Before he could ask what was going on, Mo Xiaoxie began to rummage in his bag.

The body is also shaking, even the bottom of the feet are not let go.

Look at her, she should be looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" Xi can't help but ask, the car is almost home.

Mo Xiaoxie was about to answer when he stopped.

No, she can't say it directly. If there is a monitor, it will be exposed.

Mo Xiaoxie doesn't want to scare the snake. She also wants to lead the snake out!

She took out her mobile phone and knocked a few words on it: it's very strange. I suspect there is a monitor. Don't talk. We'll look for it.

Xi Xi saw the situation and nodded, then stopped the car.

Mo Xiaoxie has looked for it, and there is nothing.

Now, focus on the seat.

However, there is still no result.

Mo Xiaoxie's eyebrows are more and more wrinkled, but they don't give up.

Then, she looked in the car again and again, but still did not find anything like monitoring.

In the end, there was only home left.

However, this villa is too big.

With Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi Xi alone, we have to find them in the middle of the night.

In order to save time, Mo Xiaoxie asked the servants of the whole villa, as well as Chamberlain Kang Bo, to help.

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