With the support of Xi Xi, Mo Xiaoxie felt much happier.

Wang Yan's efficiency, Mo Xiaoxie or recognized, I believe that soon, she will be able to find out this person.

Go to the company with Xi Xi Xi. As soon as Mo Xiaoxie arrived at the door, he saw that the company was surrounded by reporters.

Mo Xiaoxie couldn't help but gape and said quickly, "turn around quickly and go in through the back door."

However, it is too late, reporters have found Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi.

They crowded on and surrounded the cars.

"Network explosion Xi's president takes care of the third line actress, excuse me, is there such a thing?"

"Didn't you say it was husband and wife? Is it a junior? Or mistress? "

"Answer, don't be silent."

"Say something, say something!"


The reporters were full of tongue and tongued, and some questions could not be accepted by Xiaoxie. Some of them were really too bad to hear.

Mo Xiaoxie was not a man who could bear it. He was ready to get angry immediately.

But by the side of the seat, to stop.

Mo Xiaoxie saw this and looked at Xi Xi. He was puzzled.

They are both so vilified by reporters, do they still choose silence?

Xi also looked at her and shook her head.

The reporter outside the car is still pounding the window.

Fortunately, the window is explosion-proof, otherwise, you have to break the glass on the floor.

"Say a few words, do you mean acquiescence if you don't speak?"

"Since it is a foster care, how can we be open and aboveboard?"

"Mr. Xi, do you have a wife? Are you cheating... "

One after another, they got into Mo Xiaoxie's ears.

Xi Xi held Mo Xiaoxie's hand more and more tightly.

It's not hot, and there's no air conditioning in the car.

But Xi Xi was holding Mo Xiaoxie's hand, but he was sweating.

Xi Xi doesn't care if these are fake, but Mo Xiaoxie doesn't understand why he chooses to be tolerant.

It was not until the security guard came and expelled the reporter that Xi's car was able to start.

Struggling to squeeze into the company, they quickly rushed into the office.

Wang Yan has come to work at this time.

As he ate his sandwich, he ran to the two men.

"Mr. Xi, madam, are you all right? I was watching from above just now. I was worried to death! "

Xi Xi waved his hand to indicate that he was OK. Then he asked, "have you found out who it is?"

Hearing this, Wang Yan lowered his head in shame.

I don't dare to eat my favorite sandwich.

Looking at his appearance, Xi Xi also had a general idea.

It seems that the opposite is a difficult subject to deal with.

He patted Wang Yan on the shoulder, indicating that he would continue to eat, then sat down on the chair and began to work.

Although he wanted to work, he couldn't stop thinking.

Just promised Mo Xiaoxie, let her into the entertainment industry, this made such a scandal, do not know who burst the material.

What's worse than this?

Last night, because of their candlelight dinner, everyone changed their attitude towards Mo Xiaoxie. Now it is revealed that Mo Xiaoxie is kept by Xi Xi.

It's hard to accept for fans.

Mo Xiaoxie doubted that he was too much to Xiaoyong yesterday. He held a grudge against her and broke out such a scandal for her?

That's not right. Last night, when dealing with Xiao Yong, Mo Xiaoxie knew that he was still a kind Lord.

What's more, with his intelligence and courage, dare you?

Just thinking, Wang Yan suddenly called out.

Mo Xiaoxie was startled. Xi Xi also frowned and looked at him.

Wang Yan also scared himself, the sandwiches in his hand fell to the ground.

"Well, Mr. Xi You see... "

Xi Xi has a bad premonition, but still took over, Wang Yan handed over the iPad.

I saw another piece of news on the front page.

"The scandal continues, the smart girl who pretends to be a luxury and a powerful family!"

Seeing the scandal continue these four words, Xi Xi realized the seriousness of the matter.

He reached out and slid the screen.

See Mo Xiaoxie shopping mall, buy luxury photos.

Some people said it was p's, but Mo Xiaoxie was involved in a scandal. Even if it was p's, everyone didn't love her.

Instead, clap.

What else do you say? This kind of tricky girl should be exposed!

How irritating!

Xi Xi immediately threw the iPad on the table. Wang Yan was shocked and quickly hugged the iPad.

"Mr. Xi, this is mine..."

"Shut up!" Xi Xi doesn't want to talk. He's upset.

Wang Yan immediately counsels, timidly retracts the corner.However, Mo Xie reached out to him.

Wang Yan was stunned at first, then he reacted.

Mo Xiaoxie, this means to be flat.

No doubt, it's the news.

After all, it's not a good thing. I showed it to Mo Xiaoxie, and I didn't know what reaction it would be.

What if she's stimulated?

Wang Yan did not dare to act rashly. He looked at Xi Xi and asked for his advice.

However, Xi did not look at him at all, let alone notice his look.

Helpless, had to look at Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie was a little impatient and his hands were sore.

"Give it to me."

"Er You'd better not watch it. "

"Give it to me!" Mo Xiaoxie roared.

Wang Yan was scared and gave the tablet to Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie immediately took over and watched the news.

She couldn't help laughing at the sight.

Wang Yan is a little flustered, Mo Xiaoxie, this should not be exciting, the brain is bad?

I can still laugh

"It's ridiculous. I'm obviously buying clothes. Moreover, it's not a famous brand, it's just an ordinary shopping mall!"

No one will be very happy to be framed.

Wang Yan saw that she was very excited, afraid that the plate was thrown, and quickly seized it back.

Mo Xiaoxie didn't pay attention to Wang Yan, and didn't want him to have a flat, but walked to the front of Xi Xi.

"What to do?"

"Well Ask your family to identify you, and that you are my wife

Just now, while watching the news in Mo Xiaoxie, Xi Xi was thinking about countermeasures.

Mo Xiaoxie felt that this was the most direct and effective way, so he nodded and prepared for action.

She called home, but no one answered.

This time is still early, even in the work, will not be too busy.

As a result, Mo Xiaoxie called Mo Zhenghai mobile phone.

No one answered.

Helpless, sighed a tone, hard scalp, to call Chen Yirong.

If you don't, Mo Xiaoxie will go home to find them!

"Du Du Hello, the number you dialed has not been answered

Sure enough, there was no answer.

Damn it, it's down at the critical moment!

Mo Xiaoxie turned to look at Xi Xi and said, "I'll go home and ask them to prove my identity."

"I'll go with you." Xi Xi got up and was ready to pack up.

Seeing this, Wang Yan quickly said, "general manager Xi, there is an important meeting in the company today..."

Listen to Wang Yan's voice, Xi Xi can't leave the company.

Yes, a lot of work is not a problem.

"I'll go by myself. I'm familiar with my family. You don't have to worry about my loss."

"Well, be safe. Call me if you have anything." He said.

Mo Xiaoxie nodded, then picked up the bag and walked out of the office.

For fear of being surrounded by reporters, Mo Xiaoxie disguised herself and left through the back door

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