Mo Xiaoxie was shocked and didn't want to hear it.

What's the situation?

The amount of information is too much, her brain is always in fashion!

Hurry to look at night cold, eyes are full of questions, from the exaggerated expression, you can see how excited Mo Xiaoxie is.

In the night cold faint smile, scratched the bridge of the nose, did not answer Mo Xiaoxie.

Damn it, Mo Xiaoxie is in disorder!

"What's the matter, don't you agree?" Seeing Mo Xiaoxie silent, Yu's mother asked.

"Oh, no, it's not It's just, it's too sudden, and it's not something I can say about myself

To be a daughter, you should at least agree with your parents.

Yu's mother was so sudden, and Mo Xiaoxie's family didn't know that it was hard for Mo Xiaoxie.

"That's easy. I'll just tell your family."

Yu's mother has this confidence.

Her company in M city is also one of the best, although not so powerful, but also ranked in the top three!

She's been in Mo Xie's house before.

Mo's business is not good now. It's the best to cooperate with Yu's.

Therefore, Yu's mother was not worried, and Mo Xiaoxie's family would refuse.

"But Why is that? " Mo Xiaoxie was puzzled and looked at his mother's kind face.

"Xiaoxie, I saw today's news, which really made you feel wronged. As long as you tell the outside that you are my daughter, the problem will be solved

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie this just know, originally is about this matter.

Take a look at the side of the proud in the night cold, Mo Xiaoxie knew that he was helping her.

"Auntie, thank you very much."

At present, Mo Xiaoxie couldn't find his family, let alone prove his identity.

It's not good for her to drag on like this.

Now in the night cold help, Mo Xiaoxie will not refuse.

After the event, she will thank Yu Yehan.

"It's a real dry daughter, not to calm down public opinion." Yu's mother didn't seem to be joking.

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned.


She's in trouble again.

In a second thought, the people of the Mo family did not like her, and few elders liked her.

Now there is such a warm mother to her, her heart will naturally warm.

It's like It's like her mother.

Forget it, willful one time, recognize this motherfucker!

"Good!" Mo Xiaoxie suddenly became cheerful.

One side of the cold in the night is also surprised, and then ordered the servant to cook.

"Well, let's shout, come on, hurry up!" Mo Xiaoxie knew what Yu's mother meant.

It's just that when it's time to say "godmother," she's a little embarrassed.

After all, the first time I met, it was so kind that I couldn't get used to it.

She took a break, then relaxed herself, grinned and yelled, "motherfucker!"

"Oh! My dear daughter

For half a day, Yu's mother was very happy and very enthusiastic about Mo Xiaoxie.

Even her own son is getting jealous.

Lie at home after dinner, in the night cold will send Mo Xiaoxie back.

Before leaving, Yu's mother told me very carefully.

Let the night cold not pursue stimulation, drive slowly.

"And baby daughter, come here often, don't forget me!"

"Well, godmother, you should also pay attention to your health. Next time, I will bring you delicious food."

"Mom, let's go first."


On the way, Mo Xiaoxie did not frown. She was still digesting her mother's enthusiasm.

"Well, thank you. Thanks to your help, or I'll still be killed. "

As early as before the meal, in the night cold to find someone, Mo Xiaoxie is Yu's daughter, to burst out.

It caused an uproar among the masses.

"Why should I be polite to my brother?"

In the night, the corner of his mouth starts to smile, as if he is deliberately teasing Mo Xiaoxie.

"I'm not polite to you. Take me home."

Mo Xiaoxie changed his face in a second, and was surprised at the night cold.

However, I am not happy to be called by a driver.

"Good." In the night cold thick skinned, ask Mo Xiaoxie for benefits.

But who knows, Mo Xiaoxie said: "godmother said, you must obey me unconditionally. Now, take me home. Come on. "

In the night cold inexplicably uncomfortable, but can not disobey orders.

Helpless, had to send Mo Xiaoxie home.

I'm afraid I'll meet that strange old man again, and I won't stay long in the cold night.

When Mo Xiaoxie got home, he stretched himself and lay down on the big soft bed.Then the phone came.

It's so annoying. Can you get a good sleep.

But when he saw Xi's phone, Mo Xiaoxie was excited.

Because he was too tired, Mo Xiaoxie didn't have time to report the good news to Xi. The scandal has been eliminated.

Now he's calling, just in time.

"Hello, Xi Xi, Yu Yehan has helped me eliminate the scandal."

"Yes." Xi's tone is light.

Mo Xiaoxie felt that he was angry and dropped his eyes.

Just want to tell Xi Xi exactly what happened today, Xi Xi opened his mouth first.

"Thank him for me."

Hearing the speech, Mo Xiaoxie was stunned.

Then he was excited. Xi was not angry. It was really good.

But then, Mo Xiaoxie was shocked instantly.

"Don't you want to enter the entertainment industry? Let song Xi'er take you, familiar with the people in the circle, workflow and so on

"What?! Let her take me, don't you worry? "

"Don't worry, but I have arranged for my own people to protect you secretly. The artists are busy and have no time to take you. So I'm looking for her, and she's very popular. It's good for you. "

Listening to Xi's voice, I was thinking about Mo Xiaoxie.

Indeed, song Xi'er's popularity can not be ignored.

It's going to be a lot of exposure if you go to an event with her.

Moreover, there are rumors on the Internet that the two are at odds.

Probably also want to take this opportunity to quell the discord of public opinion.

In this regard, Mo Xiaoxie would like to say that they are really at odds!

It doesn't matter if the public opinion is calm or not!

"Why, don't you want to go? Then I'll push it. You'll rest at home. "

It was really said by Xi Xi, but Mo Xiaoxie hesitated.

And she didn't want to let go of her exposure.

Since Xi Xi also said that someone was secretly protecting her, she didn't have to worry too much.

She took a deep breath and said, "no, don't push. I'll go."

Xi Xi was silent for two seconds, and then came the voice of Wang Yan calling Xi Xi's meeting.

"OK, I'll send someone to pick you up. You can dress up."

Xi Xi hung up the phone and asked Wang Yan to take charge of Mo Xiaoxie's affairs, and then went to the meeting in a hurry.

Mo Xiaoxie put the mobile phone aside and began to bathe.

After changing into a beautiful dress and wearing high-heeled shoes she didn't like to wear, she went out to wait for the special bus.

After a while, the car came, and Mo Xiaoxie was staring at the door tightly.

"Sister in law, hello." Song Xier takes off her sunglasses and says hello to her.


Song Xi'er actually followed.

I don't know why. Now seeing song Xi'er's hypocritical face, Mo Xiaoxie wants to punch him hard.

If it was not for the sake of the bodyguards and the attendance later, Mo Xiaoxie really wanted to start.

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