Back at Xi Xi's villa, Mo Xiaoxie opened his luggage as soon as he entered the house and poured out all the things inside. She was in a great mood, and when she cleaned up, she was smiling, just like a child cleaning up her beloved toys.

Looking at the big and small dolls, Xi Xi can't help frowning: "it's so old. Why do you keep it? Throw it away

Mo Xiaoxie listened and quickly protected her doll. Her face was firm: "no way! These are the dolls that I grew up with. They were given to me by my mother. In any case, they will not be thrown away! "

"Good, good, no throwing."

Xi Xi saw that Mo Xiaoxie had deep feelings for dolls, so he couldn't help but feel the pain in the heart of the earth.

Pack up the doll, Mo Xiaoxie is satisfied. In order to repay Xi, she decided to cook herself!

When I heard it, I had a bad feeling.

"No, the servant will do it."

"No, can the servant do what I can? This is the first time that I cook in person. I have to give you a good taste of my craft! "

The first time?! Xi was stunned, but seeing Mo Xiaoxie's insistence, it was not easy to refuse, so he agreed.

Mo Xiaoxie immediately ran into the kitchen, put on his waistband and picked up the kitchen knife.

Xi was not very relieved, so he was ready to come and have a look. Unexpectedly, just walked to the door, a kitchen knife was lit in front of the mat. Xi Xi was startled and slightly stunned. Then, behind the kitchen knife, Mo Xiaoxie's lovely face was revealed.

"You are not allowed to come in, so there will be no surprise!"

Xi Xi pulled the corners of his mouth and swallowed the words back.

"How can I rest assured by your manner of holding a knife? If you don't let me in, will you let the servant in? "

"That's even worse! Oh, you are out Mo Xiaoxie was impatient and pushed the mat out.

Xi was helpless and had to wait at the table. He held his chin, his slender fingertips tapping on the table, counting the time bit by bit.

The kitchen crackled, for a moment the lid of the pot fell off, the kitchen knife fell off, and then the scream of Mo Xiaoxie. Xi Xi was terrified.

There was still the sound of frying in the kitchen, so Xi Xi didn't rush in and listened quietly to what Mo Xiaoxie was doing.

As a result, Mo Xiaoxie was not ready until 10:00 p.m!

Xi Xi felt his stomach and could not bear hunger.

"You go to the other kitchen and make something." Xi Xi said to a servant. As soon as the voice fell, Mo Xiaoxie came to the table with her achievements.

"Wait a minute. Don't go."

"Why don't you go?" Mo Xiaoxie asked in doubt.

"Nothing. I'll try it." Xi Xi smiles.

Mo Xiaoxie immediately offered his knife and fork, and Xi Xi took it. He took a look at moxiaoxie's steak, and suddenly he didn't dare to stutter.

Why is this steak different from that in the western restaurant It's very dark. Can you eat it?

"Eat, eat." Mo Xiaoxie urged.

Xi Xi held the knife and fork hand, slightly shaking, skillfully cut a piece of steak, put it into the mouth.


"How about it? Is it bad? " Mo Xiaoxie looked forward, waiting for Xi Xi to express his feelings.

Xi Xi frowned slightly and swallowed the steak with great effort. It was so bad! It's the worst steak he's ever had!

However, thinking that Mo Xiaoxie had been struggling for so long in order to make this steak, he could not bear it. He had no choice but to disregard his conscience and said, "madam, you are clever. Can you make it delicious?"

Mo Xiaoxie, very excited, the first time to do steak, was praised, she wants to expand!

"If it's delicious, you can eat more. Come on, eat it all!"

Xi Xi regretted for a moment. Looking at such a big steak, it was very bad. If I wanted to eat it all, my God, I couldn't even think about it!

But when it comes to this, he has to eat. He took the pain and ate the whole steak. He kept his head down and did not dare to let moxiaoxie see his expression, because it was very painful!

"I'll make it for you every day after you eat so delicious!"

Hearing the speech, Xi Xi was surprised. It's horrible!

In the evening, Xi Xi was working in the study, and Mo Xiaoxie made a cup of milk for him.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xi Xi's body in cold sweat, covering his stomach in pain. Mo Xiaoxie immediately put down the milk and squatted down to ask Xi Xi: "what's the matter? You look so bad? "

"Maybe it's because the steak is too hard to eat..." Xi Xi finally told the truth, but Mo Xiaoxie was not angry, but more guilty.

"You Why didn't you say it earlier! I ate so much! You wait, I'll get the medicine for you

Mo Xiaoxie rummaged through the cabinet and couldn't find stomach medicine. She quickly returned to Xi Xi Xi: "there is no medicine at home. I'll buy it outside. You stay at home and I'll be back in a minute As soon as the voice dropped, Mo Xiaoxie ran away.

"Hello! Don't go... " Xi Xi could not bear the pain. Before he finished speaking, Mo Xiaoxie had disappeared in front of him.

Mo Xiaoxie put on his coat and hurried out of the door.Villa is very remote, Mo Xiaoxie walked for a while, can not feel the southeast and northwest. Going forward will only make her more infatuated, and she has to go back the same way. Unexpectedly, she did not remember the way back!

Mo Xiaoxie went out in a hurry and didn't bring her mobile phone. She couldn't contact anyone, so she had to rely on luck to go back.

Mo Xiaoxie walked and ran without stopping, but still couldn't find the direction to go back. She stuck in her waist and stopped to rest, trying to calm herself down and identify the direction carefully.

At this time, a dilapidated two story building appeared in the sight of Mo Xiaoxie. The old building seems to appear out of thin air Most of the dilapidated buildings that suddenly appear in horror movies are ghost houses Mo Xiaoxie was thinking wildly, and his hair couldn't help standing up.

But the more capricious she was, the more curious she became. She can't help but walk to the direction of the dilapidated building, half way, Mo Xiaoxie seems to be suddenly sober, stopped the pace of progress.

"Am I going to die?" Mo Xiaoxie laughed at himself.

From small to large, she lacks warmth. No matter what happens, she solves it by herself. She is independent, brave and strong, and will be afraid of this?

With great curiosity, Mo Xiaoxie still walked past. The door is not locked, as if waiting for her arrival.

Mo Xiaoxie opened the door and swallowed his mouth. The room was gloomy and the windows were open. The faint night wind blew and cooled Mo Xiaoxie's face.

In the moonlight, the whole building looks very strange. Mo Xiaoxie reached for the wall and turned on the light.

Mo Xiaoxie took a long breath. With the light, she would not be so nervous!

The light diffuses the darkness, and the scene on the first floor has a panoramic view. I saw around the corner of the wall has been covered by cobwebs, old furniture also accumulated a thick layer of ash. Night wind blowing, with dust, Mo Xiaoxie subconsciously covered his nose, coughed twice.

Mo Xiaoxie took a step forward and found that he had stepped on something slippery and stabbing. She raises her feet subconsciously, and things roll into the distance.

Mo Xiaoxie was brave enough to take a close look. It turned out to be a glass ball

Mo Xiaoxie looked down at the ground and saw a lot of messy toys on the ground. There are trojans, toy cars, and some scattered building blocks

Mo Xiaoxie walked along the toy until he reached the stairs.


Suddenly there was a sound on the second floor, and Mo Xiaoxie subconsciously stepped back and opened his eyes, staring straight at the dark second floor.

She comforted herself and patted herself on the chest to calm herself down. Also do not know where the courage, Mo Xiaoxie to the stairs step.

The wooden stairs are creaking and creaking, every sound, Mo Xiaoxie's heart will be a tight.

Step by step, she went to the second floor. The room was dark and dark. Mo Xiaoxie couldn't see clearly. She groped for the switch by the wall Suddenly a sound, scared Mo Xiaoxie immediately turned on the light.

She glared at the direction of the voice.


It turned out to be a picture on the wall.

The nails on the wall became brittle because of time. It withstood the destruction of the gale every day, and finally could not hold the photo and broke.

Mo Xiaoxie approached and picked up the photos on the ground. She wiped the dust from the picture with her hand to see what was in it.

The picture shows a mother holding a child. The mother is kind and the child is very happy.

In the photo of Mo Xiaoxie, the mother is very young, and she looks like she is 20 or 30 years old. Naturally, the child is also very young. Looking at his small face, Mo Xiaoxie even raised his mouth and laughed.

Mo Xiaoxie looked up at the wall, the whole wall is hung with photos, take a closer look, is in accordance with the order of children from small to large.

Mo Xiaoxie looked at the past one by one, children have been changing, from the size of a baby to four or five years old. Take a close look. Why is the child so familiar?

Mo Xiaoxie was so absorbed that he didn't even know who it was that the footstep came from downstairs!

The footstep sound is quick and slow, sometimes calm, sometimes impatient, as if looking for something.

Mo Xiaoxie didn't think of anything, immediately put down the photo, looking for hiding place. She looks around anxiously, only the closet can hide!

She rushed into the closet and closed the door. Through the tiny gap, Mo Xiaoxie kept staring at the outside.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, dada

Step by step, buckle on Mo Xiaoxie's heartstrings. She held her breath subconsciously to minimize movement.

I saw, a figure across, Mo Xiaoxie's heart mentioned the throat!

She thought, who came here in the middle of the night with nothing to do? Is it a thief? Impossible, this dilapidated building, many years have not lived, even if it is a thief, also look down on!

If it's not a thief, then Mo Xiaoxie thought of something bad! In the middle of the night, I don't think Damn it?!

Just thinking of "ghost", the closet door was suddenly opened!

Mo Xiaoxie let out his fear!"Why are you here?"

The familiar voice came into Mo Xiaoxie's ears. She calmed down and looked up at the mat in front of her.

Mo Xiaoxie seemed to see the Savior, smiling very brightly. As soon as she was about to explain, she saw something wrong in Xi Xi's eyes.

That cold eyes, as if to pierce Mo Xiaoxie! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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