"It's Mo Xiaoxie, not a little crab. Don't give people nicknames casually." In the light tone of Xi Zhen, there is a smell of command.

Shen Jiacheng was embarrassed and dissatisfied. But after all, this is in other people's territory, Shen Jiacheng had to swallow his anger. What's more, even his brother Shen Jialun is polite to Xi. What can he do with Shen Jiacheng?

"Miss Mo, my younger brother is not sensible and playful. Please be more tolerant of the past." With a smile on her face, Shen Jialun apologized to Mo Xiaoxie for Shen Jiacheng.

"It doesn't matter. But what's the matter with your SMS? " Mo Xiaoxie still didn't understand where the message came from.

"Really, it was sent this morning. Didn't I send it successfully? Let me have a look. " Said, Shen Jiacheng then took out the mobile phone from the pocket, carefully looked at the short message.

After finding the text message sent to Mo Xiaoxie this morning, he raised his mobile phone to face Mo Xiaoxie.

"You see, I did."

Mo Xiaoxie fixed his eyes and sent a message. She didn't get a text message at all? Mo Xiaoxie was just about to say his doubts, and was preempted by Xi Xi.

"How did you get down? Are you hungry? "

Xi's voice made Mo Xiaoxie suddenly realize something. Could it be that he didn't receive the text message because Mo Xiaoxie didn't dare to think about it. She took a look at Xi Xi, which made him shudder.

Mo Xiaoxie understood all at once and nodded his head knowingly: "yes, I'm hungry, so I came down."

When Xi Xi heard Mo Xiaoxie say so, he turned his eyes and fell on the hot coffee.

He was so calm that he couldn't be more calm. He took a long sip of coffee. The slender fingers are very conspicuous by the coffee cup lining, the whole body exudes the noble spirit which nobody can reach.


"Why don't we go to have a hot pot? Something bad happened today. Miss Mo didn't have a good hot pot?" Shen Jialun interrupted Xi.

Xi Xi was just ready to serve the servant to cook, and got stuck in his throat.

Shen Jiacheng was stunned. Why didn't anyone care about SMS?

He didn't give up, and shook his mobile phone in front of Mo Xiaoxie: "you see, there is! How can you ignore it? "

I don't know whether Shen Jiacheng is unreasonable or naive? How could he not understand such an obvious thing?

Just now Xi Xi suddenly cut in, which means that he can't receive the text message. Is it his fault? Shen Jialun saw it at a glance, so she went on to talk about the topic of eating. Unexpectedly, Shen Jiacheng still clings to this matter, which makes people feel embarrassed.

Shen Jiacheng shakes her mobile phone in front of Mo Xiaoxie. She looks like she wants to jump on it. She frowns fiercely. He pulled Mo Xiaoxie's arm back and made her lean against the sofa. He himself leaned forward and faced Shen Jiacheng.

Frankly speaking, Xi Xi Xi didn't want Shen Jiacheng to get close to Mo Xiaoxie, deliberately blocking in front.

Seeing this, Shen Jialun coughed gently, reminding Shen Jiacheng.

At this moment, Shen Jiacheng finally understood all doubts. He was not reconciled, but he had to take back his mobile phone and sit next to Shen Jialun again.

"Hot pot?" Xi Xi turned his head and asked Mo Xiaoxie seriously behind him.

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned for a moment. After reacting, he quickly sat up straight: "that place, I don't want to go again, I'm afraid..." Mo Xiaoxie was eager to speak but stopped.

"Never mind. I'll protect you." Xi Xi gave a smile and looked very warm.

I didn't expect that Xi Xi also had this side

However, Mo Xiaoxie's heart still had some resistance. After all, it was very unpleasant to be there today.

"Don't worry, Miss mo. Let's go to the box on the second floor. It's OK. " Shen Jialun also let Mo Xiaoxie not worry.

Mo Xiaoxie was helpless. Their words were said to be in this position. If they refused again, it would be a bit unreasonable, and it would also spoil everyone's happiness.

Mo Xiaoxie bit his teeth and insisted.

Come to the hot pot shop, Mo Xiaoxie's heart is very nervous. Her legs didn't listen to me. She was going to get out of the car.

"What's the matter? What's the problem?" Xi Xi frowned slightly.

"I always feel that people around me are staring at me and whispering about me..."

Xi Xi was stunned when he heard Mo Xiaoxie's words. He knew Mo Xiaoxie, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, would also worry about gossip and public criticism. He always thought that Mo Xiaoxie could be very strong, but she also had a weak side.

Xi can't help but love Mo Xiaoxie, he squeezed out some bitter smile, and took Mo Xiaoxie's nervous hand that had been doing small movements.

"What am I afraid of? Let's go. I'll show you how to behave. " In order to relieve Mo Xiaoxie's pressure and relax, Xi Xi used humorous language.

Xi Xi pulled Mo Xiaoxie down. At the moment when Mo Xiaoxie stepped on the ground, he felt that it was no big deal. Or that sentence, the body is not afraid of the shadow slant!

Then, Shen Jialun and Shen Jiacheng get off together.In order to ensure the safety of Shen Jiacheng and Mo Xiaoxie, a total of eight elite bodyguards were brought. They are all black suits and sunglasses. They are too professional.

As soon as we got off the train, such a big battle attracted many people's attention.

Everyone saw that it was Shen Jiacheng, but they couldn't believe it. They quickly took out their mobile phones and shot enough.

When female fans see Shen Jiacheng, they are even more crazy. Fortunately, the bodyguards are very professional, and have been blocking around, so that fans have no chance to take advantage of.

Into the hot pot shop, such a big scene startled the boss to open his mouth. If you are not careful, you have miscalculated.

Xi Xi was wearing an expensive wine red suit, and Shen Jialun was wearing a dark blue suit. Mo Xiaoxie is a sexy little black dress. As for Shen Jiacheng, of course, she is handsome in everything and fans like it.

However, the two handsome men beside Shen Jiacheng are not inferior! There are also these bodyguard brothers. They are all in good shape.

Seeing so many handsome men, I can't help but make all the girls feast their eyes. Clap it quickly

"It's just a meal. I'm sorry to make it so grand..." Mo Xiaoxie looked at her little black dress.

"Are you sure it's just eating?"

Being asked by Xi Xi Xi, Mo Xiaoxie is stunned, isn't it?

Mo Xiaoxie frowned slightly, and before he could ask questions, a wave of media reporters came up.

Mo Xiaoxie opened his eyes and couldn't believe there were so many reporters lurking here.

"Excuse me, sir. Are you the president of Xi's? What do you have to do with the lady next to you

"Are you the boss of the popular star Shen Jiacheng?"

"Is this lady really the person in charge of the brokerage company as mentioned in the press conference?"


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