Mo Xiaoxie frowned and hated the feeling. She felt that she was about to suffocate. Out of instinct, she gave song Xi'er a kick!

Song Xi'er suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't stand up in pain.

Mo Xiaoxie came to her and looked down at her with disdainful eyes.

"You want to kill me? You are still young. " Mo Xiaoxie left this sentence and turned away.

Song Xier collapses. She can't help it. She lies on the ground and wails.

Song Xi'er's scandal burst out, immediately hot network! And Xi Feng's intimate photos, as well as that recording is also crazy reprint.

Mo Xiaoxie's indecent photo incident broke itself. However, Xi later clarified that the photo was synthetic, which was more convincing after all.

Wang Yan is lying in the hospital, and his injury is very serious. After Xi Zhen contacted Mo Xiaoxie, she also rushed over.

"Fat man, what happened last night?" Xi asked.

Wang Yan's leg fracture, for a while and a half will not be good. I don't know who did it, so cruel.

"Mr. Xi, forget it I don't want to pursue this matter. " Wang Yan waved his hand and was ready to finish.

Mo Xiaoxie was not willing to be at one side, and quickly asked, "if I beat you like this, you'll just forget it?"

"I meant to, but now I don't think it's necessary. Everyone is in the same boat, so don't push people any more. "

What Wang Yan said, Xi Xi and Mo Xiaoxie were more confused. They looked at each other with tacit understanding, and always felt that Wang Yan had something to say.

Xi Wu then asked: "no, fat man, I tell you, if you don't tell me who I am, I will deduct your salary, refuse to give you food, and prevent you from looking for a girlfriend."

By Xi Xi Xi such a threat, Wang Yan immediately counselled. However, he was still stubborn and refused to speak.

Xi Xi saw the shape and frowned slightly. Wang Yan generally does not conceal what Xi Xi Xi is. He is so hesitant today, and there must be something difficult to say.

Xi Xi doesn't want to force Wang Yan any more.

"Wang Yan, you have to know that if you don't investigate for the first time, there will be a second time. If you indulge in it, it will only make things worse. " Mo Xiaoxie advised Wang Yan.

Wang Yan lowered his head and sighed gently.

at this time, Mo Xiao Xie accidentally saw Wang Yan's hair smell of perfume.

Besides, it's for women

Mo Xiaoxie seemed to think of something and asked tentatively, "Wang Yan, the man you want to protect is a woman?"

Wang Yan was obviously surprised. He stared at Mo Xiaoxie in amazement. You can see from his expression that he was guessed by Mo Xiaoxie!

"No! No, it's not It's not a woman, it's It's a man. " Wang Yan lies and dodges his eyes.

Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Xi Xi see through at a glance, and Xi Xi Xi is about to ask questions when they are held down by Mo Xiaoxie.

"Wang Yan, don't lie. I already know who it is. There are not many women around you, just a few. I already know who you want to defend. Don't worry. I'll leave this matter to us. If you don't investigate, we will do it for you! "

Mo Xiaoxie finished and took the mat away.

Xi Xi was a little confused. He thought that Mo Xiaoxie really knew and followed her.

When he arrived at the door of the ward, Wang Yan was not calm and quickly called out: "no! Don't blame hee, she is also forced to be helpless

Smell speech, Xi Xi Xi and Mo Xiaoxie look at each other.

In fact, just now Mo Xiaoxie didn't know who it was. He just provoked Wang Yan for a moment. Unexpectedly, he really forced Wang Yan into a hurry and said Song Xier's name!

"Fat man, are you sick? That woman is going crazy. Do you think she is forced to be helpless? " Xi Xi is dissatisfied, Wang Yan is too indulgent to song Xi'er.

"Mr. Xi, don't be angry. Listen to me slowly..."

It turns out that after Xi Xi Xi sent a message last night, Wang Yan was ready to do it. Just at the door of the house, song Xi'er suddenly appears. Then he complained a lot about Wang Yan and said that he was aggrieved. Wang Yan was distressed and asked her to go in and sit down. But who knows, it's leading the wolf into the house

Song Xier takes advantage of Wang Yan's inattention and injures him. There was no dead hand, but Wang Yan was also badly hurt.

After Wang Yan fainted, song Xi'er fled. The reason for this is to prevent Wang Yan from clarifying and let netizens misunderstand Mo Xiaoxie more.

Today, Wang Yan learned of song Xi'er's scandal, and a little soft hearted, he did not want to investigate.

"Stupid! You said you, a big man, still so burly! Knocked out by a woman? You know, if you go on being so stupid, you will die in the hands of women sooner or later. "

Xi Xi Qi does not play a place, Wang Yan is too honest and honest.

Wang Yan in Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Zhen's persuasion, also recognized the mistake. The investigation of song Xi'er will not be avoided, but Wang Yan puts forward a request.

"Don't make a big fuss about it. She had been deeply involved in a scandal. If this incident broke out again, it would be So, Mr. Xi and Xiao Xie, you two promise me, OK“……” Mo Xiaoxie frowned, the infatuated fat man

See him so insist, two people also did not force, according to Wang Yan's meaning to do.

Because of the scandal of song Xi'er, Xi'an's brokerage company has suffered huge losses.

Xi Xi usually doesn't go to the brokerage company, but now, there is no way.

He rushed to the brokerage company to discuss with the directors and think about countermeasures.

"Song Xi'er has always been a popular actress before, but now her reputation has plummeted. She has a great influence on the company. I have to find a way out."

"Yes, it won't work. Mr. Xi, do you have any good ideas

Xi Xi was thinking, shaking his head: "everyone think about it."

However, after the meeting, there was still no good way.

At this time, Mo Xiaoxie is chatting with sister Mei, and by the way, discusses the future development.

Xi Shi was just about to find Mo Xiaoxie when he was passing the bathroom when an employee ran into Xi Xi Xi.

Xi Xi frowned and stopped.

"Mr. Xi, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

The man who bumped into Xi'an was a woman in her early twenties and not very old.

"It's OK." He didn't want to move on.

"Mr. Xi, wait a minute!"

Xi Xi stopped and asked, "how?"

"Well, Xi looks in a bad mood. Is it because Mo Xiaoxie found someone to expose song Xier, which brought bad influence to the company? "

Glasses woman seems to have no intention of words, but let Xi Xi Wu to frown fiercely.

This matter, is mo Xiaoxie exposed?! How can he not know! I always thought that it was the paparazzi who took the photo secretly. I didn't expect that since it was mo Xiaoxie

Mo Xiaoxie hasn't said a word these days. It's so deep But since Xi does not know, how does the glasses girl know?

"How do you know that?"

"Oh, because the person Mo Xiaoxie is looking for is my friend. My friend disclosed it to me."

Xi Xi hears the speech, fiercely turns around and rushes to the office where Mo Xiaoxie is.

Mo Xiaoxie was chatting with sister Mei when Xi Zhen suddenly burst in without knocking at the door, and was very angry. Mo Xiaoxie was immediately confused.

"Sister Mei, you go out. Xiaoxie, let's have a good talk , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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