Yu Yehan said it very seriously. I remember that Mo Xiaoxie had said that night. The purpose was to let Yu Yehan die.

However, Yu Yehan still insists on

This photo is the one at the head of Yehan's bed. Mo Xiaoxie has seen it for a long time. At that time, he didn't recognize himself and didn't feel familiar with it. Even if yu Yehan showed her ten thousand times, Mo Xiaoxie still couldn't remember the past.

Except for Yu Yehan's narration, Mo Xiaoxie went through it in his mind, and built a small theater by himself, and carried out brain toning according to Yu Yehan's plot.

Mo Xiaoxie's expression was somewhat embarrassed. He glanced at the photo in Yehan's hand and said in embarrassment, "I'm sorry, I really can't think of anything. Didn't you tell me everything that night, and what else do you want to remind me of? "

"I want to remind you of your feelings for me, your commitment to me. You said you wanted me to marry you. I'm ready. I have a car and a house. I don't want anything but you. "

In the cold night background can be compared with Xi Xi, of course, there is nothing missing, cars and houses can be realized immediately in a word.

However, Mo Xiaoxie didn't have that heart. What's more, when I was so young, I knew what feelings I knew, but I just talked about them casually.

"Yu Yehan, in fact, it was not a promise. At that time, we were not sensible and young. You should not be too serious. Let these things go with the wind. "

Mo Xiaoxie didn't want to say anything too bad, just wanted to let the night cold die and stop thinking about her.

But who knows, in the night cold still does not give up, a pull Mo Xiaoxie's hand, push her to the motorcycle.

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

Yu Yehan obviously wants to take Mo Xiaoxie to some place by bike, but he doesn't say.

"Go to you will know, obediently cooperate with me, I will not let you have any danger, I will ride steadily."

Words fall, in the night cold a carry still struggling Mo Xiaoxie, and then put her on the car, he also followed the back of the car, immediately rode the car.

Said good steady, but in the night cold speed can be called to fly, very fast!

Mo Xiaoxie was forced to hold tightly on the waist of the cold night, for fear that one who did not pay attention would be thrown out.

In the cold night, he rode farther and farther. Although Mo Xiaoxie didn't know the road, he saw the hill not far away.

Yu Yehan is heading for the mountain, and the surrounding environment is becoming more and more remote.

In such a remote place, only Yu Yehan and Mo Xiaoxie were there. It was terrible.

Mo Xiaoxie wants to escape, afraid of the impulse of night cold, and does something out of the ordinary to her, but in the car, how to escape

Even if get out of the car, in the night cold big long leg strides a few steps, can catch Mo Xiaoxie.

Finally stop the car, Mo Xiaoxie is about to vomit by the night cold.

She frowned hard, looked around, found that the night cold took her to the unknown hill.

The scenery here is very beautiful, and there are many flowers and plants, but Mo Xiaoxie really doesn't want to enjoy it now.

"What did you bring me here for?"

"Take you to look for memories. This is the first time we met, when you saved the hero. Do you remember? "

When Mo Xiaoxie heard the speech, he looked around, looked up and looked down, but he couldn't think of anything.

Yu Yehan probably saw Mo Xiaoxie's doubts and said helplessly: "because it was many years ago, the environment here has changed, so it is a little different from before. But can't you smell the familiar air here? "

Mo Xiaoxie Leng next, in the night cold originally also can say so tender words. The air is a taste, Mo Xiaoxie can't distinguish

"It's cold at night, in fact I really don't like your mind. Maybe you are right. If I met you before meeting Xi, maybe we still have a chance to be together. However, fate is so wonderful that when I grow up, the first person I meet is Xi Yu. "

"It doesn't matter. I just like you. Maybe one day, you will be moved by me and have the impulse to be with me. Xi Xi is not in a good temper, and I dare not say how good I am, but I can guarantee that I will never lose my temper with you. "

“……” Mo Xiaoxie has no choice but to say that he will die in the cold at night.

See Mo Xiaoxie silence, in the night cold pulled the corner of the mouth, want to say what, but like what blocked the throat, difficult to make a sound.

The atmosphere between the two became more and more embarrassing and depressing. Mo Xiaoxie knew that if yu Yehan didn't stop thinking about Mo Xiaoxie, they might even lose the chance to be friends.

Mo Xiaoxie finally broke out and roared: "you are enough in the cold at night! If you do this again, our friends will not do it, and we will never come back again! "

Mo Xiaoxie turns around and walks after roaring. No matter how Yuhan calls her, Mo Xiaoxie doesn't pay attention to her and doesn't return to her head.

If you are not heartless, there will be more trouble later, and no one will pay for Mo Xiaoxie's soft hearted.

In the night cold see Mo Xiaoxie really angry, also do not make. It's just that in this remote mountain, you can't get a taxi. If you walk back, it's not ideal.In the night cold rides the car to block in front of Mo Xiaoxie, Mo Xiaoxie stops and stares at him.

"Don't follow me."

"Get in the car, I'll take you back, and then I'll go."

Mo Xiaoxie saw this and looked around. It was so slanting here that if you left by yourself, you could only walk back

Think about the attitude towards the night cold just now, so fierce How could Mo Xiaoxie sit in the car with cold night?

Is hesitating to struggle, in the night cold with a bit of threat flavor, said: "do not come up, I will carry you up."

When Mo Xiaoxie heard the speech, he was startled. Although Yu Yehan said so, he didn't act. You can see that Yu Yehan was under the steps of moxiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie frowned slightly, and then bravely got on the car in the cold night.

In the night cold is really peaceful, send Mo Xiaoxie home and leave.

Mo Xiaoxie looked at the back of the cold night, and then dropped his eyes.

It would be nice for such a spoony man to meet a woman who is in love with each other. Why should he hang himself on the tree of moxiaoxie.

In the evening, Xi Xi came back. Mo Xiaoxie was worried about song Xi'er's affairs. Seeing Xi'an's figure, he finally had some comfort.

Xi Xi did not know that song Xi'er was here today. As soon as he got home, he congratulated Mo Xiaoxie.

"Wife, congratulations on winning the prize and becoming the film queen. It's a pity that I'm too busy to go with you today. You must be very happy today, aren't you? "

"Well, I'm really happy..."

Mo Xiaoxie said so, but her expression was somewhat lonely.

Xi Xi could see at a glance that Mo Xiaoxie was in a bad mood. He could not help worrying and asked, "what's the matter? What's the matter with you? Or do you feel sick? "

Mo Xiaoxie shakes his head. The sharp dagger brought by song Xier is still on the table.

Her eyes subconsciously looked at the dagger, just caught by Xi Xi. Xi Xi also looked at the dagger, which was a severe surprise.

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