Xi Xi did not expect that there were so many rooms in such a humble house?

But that's not what he's going to care about right now.

He looked at the time, the second hand ticking along, a sound of a buckle in the seat of the extremely nervous heartstrings.

This room is the most quiet, not even a mouse, he quickly with a flashlight around.

When he saw the blood on the ground, his face suddenly changed color.

This blood is fresh. It seems that it has not been bleeding for a long time. Although I don't want to admit it very much, but Xi's heart already knows that this is the blood shed from who.

He tightened his brow, staring at the bloodstain on the ground, followed the blood step by step to the closet.

The bloodstain disappeared in front of the wardrobe, and Xi Xi immediately stopped.

He timidly stretched out his hand, dropped it on the closet door, and then opened it abruptly!


Then the blood

"Who!" Xi Xi is too nervous. As soon as he hears the movement behind him, he immediately turns around and illuminates him with a flashlight.

But there was no one behind, only the mottled white walls.

He looked around again to make sure no one was relieved. As soon as I was about to go to the next room, the bed behind me suddenly moved.

Dong Dong Dong

Under the bed came a beat sound higher than a sound, Xi Xi frowned fiercely, attention highly concentrated, nervous to forget to breathe, step by step to the bedside.

The bed was covered with dust, as if no one had slept in a long time. However, the bed is also covered with sheets, which makes the mat very difficult to understand.

The closer you get to the bed, the more musty the smell gets, until it sweeps across the entire nasal cavity.

He pinched his nose, squatted down slowly, and lifted the draped sheet. Then, take a picture under the bed!


This photo, Xi Xi Xi was scared.

He is unprepared, a black, very terrible looking spider appeared in front of him.

He quickly put down the sheet and sprang to his feet. The movement was so sudden that it made him dizzy.

Before he could recover, he came again under the bed, "Dong Dong Dong..." The voice of.

"What the hell? Get out of here Xi Xi gave a tentative cry.

"Dong Dong Dong..." The response, however, was still a knock. But this time the sound is much weaker than the last few times, until it no longer reverberates in Xi Xi's ear.

Hearing that there was no movement, Xi Wu called out again: "is Xiaoxie you? I'm Xi

“……” There was no response.

Xi Xi was worried to the extreme, but he was helpless.

"Xiaoxie, if it's you, knock it and I'll save you." Xi Xi still did not give up.

However, it is still a silence.

Xi Xi was frustrated and just wanted to move to the next room when a powerful "Dong" came from under the bed

Xi Xi heard the subconscious stop and ran to the bedside.

"Xiaoxie! Is it really you? You knock again


Xi Zhen saw this and was very sure that the person under the bed was mo Xiaoxie. It's just, how is this going to go on?

Xi looked at the time, and five minutes had already passed. Why didn't Li Li come to him? Forget it. It's important to save people!

Thinking of this, Xi Xi Xi tried his best to drag the bed. The big spider saw his nest destroyed and ran away.

Xi Xi didn't care about it, and moved the big bed to one side.

I saw a big square hole in the floor. Must be the voice from there, Mo Xiaoxie is there!

"Xiaoxie, wait for me, I'll come down."

As soon as the voice dropped, Xi Xi was eager to jump. It's just that it's dark down there, and he has to bring something to light.

Thinking of this, Xi Xi Xi bit his mobile phone in his mouth and jumped into the cave.

This height is more than two meters, which is neither high nor short. Fortunately, Xi Xi was agile and didn't fall. He landed perfectly.

Otherwise, he will be broken again, so don't go out today

"Xi Wu..."

A faint, faint voice came from behind Xi. Although it was very light and light, Xi Zhen knew clearly that it was mo Xiaoxie's voice.

Xi Xi quickly turned around and came to Mo Xiaoxie. Mo Xiaoxie has been upset by those crazy sick fans. He is totally changed

The gauze tied to her abdomen had been dyed red with blood, and the color of her medical uniform was also dyed. Her weak appearance makes people can't bear to look directly at her. There is no trace of ruddy on her pale face. She is so powerless to be tied on the wooden chair.

"Xiaoxie, don't panic. I'll save you right away." Xi Xi comforted Mo Xiaoxie, but his heart had already mixed five flavors.

Xi Xi quickly untied the rope for Mo Xiaoxie, and she was paralyzed in his arms. Xi Xi's gray suit was also stained with blood, but he did not dislike it, but held Mo Xiaoxie tightly."You're suffering again." Xi Xi's face was distressed, and he said to Mo Xiaoxie with some guilt.

However, Mo Xiaoxie did not respond. Xi Xi realized that Mo Xiaoxie had already fainted and could not hear any sound from the outside world.

Xi Xi saw this and didn't want to delay time. He immediately picked up Mo Xiaoxie and wanted to leave.

However, as soon as she turned around, she saw her dog coming down.

See energetically the makeup on the face all cried to spend, Xi Xi Gu puzzling under the eyebrow.

Another look at the dog in Li Li's arms, lying motionless in her arms, Xi Xi realized something.

"You devil! Did you feed my family Wangcai with chocolate? " Energetically with a cry cavity, tearing heart crack lung to Xi Xi, a pair of want to rush up to strangle Xi Xi Xi.

Hearing the speech, Xi was stunned for a moment. He did give the dog chocolate, that is to attract its attention, to ensure their own safety, what's the problem?

"What? Is it hard to eat chocolate and die? "

"Yes! Will die! He only loves chocolate. I feed it every day, but then the vet said that the dog eating chocolate is a chronic suicide! How could you You feed it chocolate! You dog killer


Xi Xi has never had a dog since childhood, but at most he has raised a cat. How can he know this? He is also unlucky, but when he gives the dog chocolate, the dog burps his fart

as like as two peas, "how much is it? I'll accompany you." Xi Xi is a little impatient. Mo Xiaoxie in his arms is still waiting for treatment. He can't spend it with her any more!

"Money? Money is great? It has been with me for eight years, eight years! What is the concept? I've made it a part of my life, and now it's all destroyed by you! If you destroy my things, I will destroy yours too

After roaring vigorously, gently put down the dog and draw out the dagger pinned on the waist! With a look full of hatred, he rushed to Mo Xiaoxie in Xi's arms!


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