"Don't step on the horse nonsense, you coward, have the ability to fight me fairly!"

Xi Xi was insulted by Lin Jun gnashing his teeth. He took a look at Wang Yan who had been kicked to the ground.

"Wang Yan, take good care of Mo Xiaoxie here."

"Lin Jun, we can't do it in the bedroom. How about we go out and fight?"

"Well, that's good! If you win, Mo Xiaoxie is mine, and the whole vineyard is mine, and you, go back to your company and don't step into the vineyard any more! Don't touch Mo Xiaoxie any more! "

Xi Xi forced himself to endure, bit his teeth fiercely, and insisted.

Wang Yan saw this and wanted to dissuade him. However, Xi Gu ignored him all the time and closed the bedroom door. Wang Yan had to give up.

He had a helpless look at Mo Xiaoxie on the bed, then went to her side, covered her with a quilt, and quietly stood by the bed, waiting for the news of Xi Xi.

Xi Xi's back was scratched by Lin Jun, and the blood flowed down the river and wet the suit.

"Mr. Xi, what do you want? You look so handsome and have such a good figure. Young girls are sticking on you. Why don't you give me this Mo Xiaoxie?"

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to start the fight as soon as possible." Xi Xi doesn't want to listen to Lin Jun's wordiness any more. He looks at Lin Jun with a face of "I really look away", and stares at Lin Jun rudely.

Lin Jun didn't say anything. He threw away the fruit knife in his hand and started a fight with his bare hands.

"Mr. Xi, you should be faithful to your words. You can't renege. When I win later, you can't go back on it

"Don't worry. I always say one is one and two is two."

"OK, take it!" Lin Jun said, it is like a bull rushed up.

Xi Xi's subconscious escape from Lin Jun's hard blow.

Lin Jun does not give up and continues to rush to Xi Xi. But the next few times, was still Xi Xi Xi to hide in the past.

Lin Jun was a little impatient. His face was full of provocation and said, "don't hide. It's meaningless to only defend and not attack?"

Whatever you want, I'll fight Xi Xi raised her eyebrows slightly, which was also a provocative expression.

Seeing this, Lin Jun laughed contemptuously and said, "compare your physical strength with me, right? Well, I'll make you lose miserably! "

Xi Xi knew that he could not beat Lin Jun, but he could not admit defeat. After all, the price of losing is very heavy! He will lose a lot of important things!

Therefore, in any case, as long as Xi Wu still has one breath, he will not let the insane Lin Jun succeed!

On the other side, Mo Xiaoxie already had signs to wake up. Wang Yan on one side reacted, and his two eyes were staring at Mo Xiaoxie.

See, Mo Xiaoxie slowly opened his eyes. When she saw Wang Yan at the first sight, she was in a daze!

"You Why are you here? " Mo Xiaoxie was flustered and didn't know what happened.

"Don't be afraid. Xi always brought me here."

"Where has he been? And That Lin Jun... " Mo Xiaoxie stopped, trying to remember what Lin Junlai had done before he fainted.

"Lin Jun He Forget it. I don't know how to say it. Anyway, you're here to have a good rest. Don't go out. I'll stay here with you and wait for the table to come back. "

Mo Xiaoxie was confused, but she still wanted to understand what was going on.

"You say, where is Xi Xi?"

Wang Yan was left and right by Mo Xiaoxie. If he told Mo Xiaoxie that Xi Xi Xi went out to fight with Lin Jun, he must have rushed out at the first time with Mo Xiaoxie's temperament!

"In short Well, can you be obedient? Xi always does it for you... " Wang Yan realized that he was talkative, so he shut his mouth and stopped talking.

"What?" Mo Xiaoxie is full of expectation.

Wang Yan pretended to know nothing. He closed his mouth and shook his head in a funny way.

"You fatso, I'll find it myself if you don't tell me!" Mo Xiaoxie left this sentence and rushed out of the room.

Wang Yan didn't react, he was scolded by Mo Xiaoxie. To say that he is fat is killing him He tugged at the corners of his mouth with a complex expression.

Realizing that Mo Xiaoxie has already run away, Wang Yan quickly drags the heavy and painful body to follow up.

"Wait for me, you can't go!"


"Take pity on me, a fat man!"


However, Mo Xiaoxie ignored Wang Yan at all and walked forward. Her eyes have been scanning around, not let go of every corner, Zai Zai carefully looking for the seat.

At this time, the fierce fight continued on the side of Xi Xi. After all, because of the problem of physical strength, Xi Xi didn't avoid Lin Jun's attack, so he beat him hard and fell to the ground.

"Throw in the towel. You've lost your pretty face. I have to lose money." Lin Jun looked down on his face and said to Xi Xi."What is this pain? Come on, go on! Don't talk! Come on, come on, fight this way Xi Xi sneered, waiting for Lin Jun's attack.

Lin Jun also followed with a sneer, and then rushed up. Xi Xi saw the situation, nimbly hid in the past, grabbed Lin Jun's arm and fell over his shoulder with a handsome hand!

"Fool, the brain is a good thing, but you don't have it." Xi Xi sneered at Lin Jun mercilessly and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Lin Jun's combat effectiveness dropped sharply, but he was still at the top.

"I didn't expect that you still have two sons. I thought you were a paper tiger who could only move his mouth

"Well, do you know the word paper tiger? It's really amazing to me Xi Xi was deliberately sarcastic, trying to highlight Lin Jun's lack of culture. Because, this is his weakness.

"I warn you, don't think that if you have received higher education and studied abroad, you can show off in a bad way."

As expected, Lin Jun was more angry than expected. At first, Xi was just addicted to his mouth, but then he regretted it.

The angry Lin Jun, with his combat effectiveness exploding, rushes up directly and uses his knees to top his abdomen.

Xi Gu bit his teeth in pain and took a breath of cool air.

"Well, are you afraid? Useless things

"Will I be afraid? It doesn't exist. " Xi Xi is hard spoken, for the last bit of dignity.

Seeing this, Lin Jun was no longer polite to him, and gave him a hard blow.

Now, he directly beat the mat down. So fierce that his mouth is full of blood and his eyes can't be opened!

"Xi Xi, does this taste good? Would you like to try it again

"I advise you to go back. You can't fight me..."


A dull sound came from behind Lin Jun, and he turned his head stiffly. His expression was terrible, just like the zombies in the movie

Xi Xi also followed and cast his eyes, saw Mo Xiaoxie holding a wooden stick, severely hit Lin Jun's head!

"Mo Xiaoxie, why are you willing to beat me?"

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