Death Algorithm

Chapter 33-Walking

It is an old fox in the field. I didn't make the final moment, I only consider it. But with a spare solution, the big stone in my heart is slightly half, and everyone is full of joy, concealing.

Qian Kai knows that it is a bit too much performance, and it is slippery. Liu Guozheng and a few shareholders have been together, and they have no one, and several people quietly discussed.

"You, the CAA engineer, is it reliable? How do I think anything is wrong?"

Liu Guozheng reminded: "The wind group wants to transform, annexing CC is a good trading."

"Unlike it. The big wind is the boss, Liu Hao is calculated?" ? "

"I also listened, Liu Laozi ..." Four people without people, "I think Liu Hao is too heavy, it still needs to be hone, so the wind gives the boss in the tube. In these years, the body of the old man is not as good as before. These two Brother, I am afraid to compete. "

"That ~ Liu Hao is adding a chief to yourself, leaves the road?

"Will n't it? Although the company didn't make much, the company did not make much, the outside world was very optimistic. Many companies aimed it, he didn't be afraid of half the road to be embarrassed?"

"Also, if Dong Li's car accident is Liu Hao, he is a murderer, and it is sure that the wind group will definitely not play. How many people are aiming, he will not be so stupid."

The people are, no money to help, everyone has gave Liu Hao to the high hat.

Liu Guoying is powerless, can only sigh. Will it again, CC is really easy.

After the shareholders walked,

Liu Hao sat on the office chair, opened his hands, facing the ten fingers, slightly turned the chair, a good calculation. This is a hunting game. The prey is favorable, and it will be injured. He understands that he is going to do, it is a step-to-step range, and the prey has been thrown into the dead end.

Liu Hao decided to let the next trick, let Bai Yu prepare to announce Dong's car accident.

White Mushu is a press release, ask: "The title is, CC technology executives seriously injured ...

"'Suspected' emphasized, plus the 'economic dispute', this must be written."

Bai Yu repeat: "Suspected CC technology executives, caught in an economic dispute, seriously injured in a car accident."

Liu Hao took the finger head and expressed recognition.

Bai Yu asked: "This news broke out, we can't get it!"

Liu Hao pointed out: "Suspected, it is not true, someone asks, can also come back."

"What should I do if I don't come back? ... Li Ming is the same as the dead fish, do not toss on the shore. When you pick up the chairman, this is or your business."

"Yes, it is."

Liu Hao insisted that it seems that he can collect the wind, which is beneficial to him. White Yu doesn't know where Liu Hao is in the air, what is it, and it doesn't ask, and it is easy to drive.

Now technology is developed, the news is fast. A sticker, a few big V, and the net is boiling on the Internet.

CC Technology's office also exploded a pot.

Many people once again, and the death of Xue Yuli, think is the curse of Xue Jia's curse. Tao Wenwen, assistant Chairman, reminding everyone, Li Ming Ying seal, "But people are like this, the more it is, the more, the more, and even extend the conspiracy theory, I think it is Li Ming to do the thief, forcing Xue Yuli, no calculation Directology that knows the physique does not let go.

The employees have a lifetime, and the more the rumors are more likely.

The shareholders have also played a mission. If Li Ming does not want to see the means, the heart is hit, it is likely that the money will be transferred to the company, and then reorganize the equity architecture. Li Ming made a person, putting everyone in a pit. If you think about it, no one helps Li Ming.

Let Li Mingzhong will leave, no one has reached out to help, is the effect of Liu Hao.

Li Ming is really self-defeating, just signed the divorce agreement, but also did not have a peace of mind, and saw an extremely disadvantage of the company.

Li Ming suspected that Liu Hao took out, suffering from no evidence. He is constrained by the media, can't stop the keyboard man on the Internet, you can't use hackers to give it black, you can only blame the police not to do confidential work, let the news leaked out.

Li Ming went to the police station to ask.

Police: "Founded, broke the news is taken by the passers-by. The freedom of the citizen's speech is not."

Li Ming bite is Liu Haota's hands and feet: "They want to get cc, of course, will not pay for it!"

"Comrade, to handle evidence, we are investigating."

"Evidence evidence, wait for you to master evidence, CC is specially smashed!" Li Ming angrily, "So big money has not recovered, and burst out of our company unfavorable rumors, very clearly I don't want to give a means. So many clues, you can't find it, please check it! "

In the face of Li Ming's question, the police carefully said: "Your mood can understand, we are also trying to trace the suspect. And, you didn't tell us that Dong Li has an economic dispute."

"She is not low, and she has no bad habits. It is impossible to have an economic dispute!"

"She uses you and related to the company's cooperation news, buy stocks. We find, a few, her anonymous accounts, have additional funds, avoiding the operation of the position. She has a motive, and one of the suspects."

Li Ming is like a bucket of ice water, from the head to the foot.

The ghost opened again: "The company's situation is very complicated, there are not many people around you. R & D must keep the R & D department, only Dong Li can be used. As a result, know people know that it is very good. Obviously, each time, Dong Li took the initiative to ask for the bank, even the alarm was also taken together. But so far, Dong Li did? Just let the bank promised the release loan. In addition, she did not make any The company has helpful, followed Wang Fang. "

I thought about Li Mingxin in the middle of the ghost, if Dong Li owes the giant debt, this weird behavior can explain.

The identity of the assistant of Dong Li's chairman, there is more than about between Li Ming and the accounting department.

Li Ming yed, Dong Li was afraid that the police found her economic problems, so they did not dare to call. She dragged Li Ming, while flickering, looking forward to making money on the stock market and filling in part of the money in her misappropriation. As for the tracking Wang Fang, it is likely that after exposure, the sin is pushed to Liu Hao and Wang Fang, and get rid of the suspect.

On the other hand, Dong Li even more courageous, and dare not use the company so much money, things are likely to have another hidden. For example, Dong Li misappropriated a part, was founded by Liu Hao, and took a lot of money to form a 12 billion cave. In this way, Dong Li died, became a sin pee, and he didn't have a definition for a lifetime ... God does not know the ghost!

The police reminded: "You think about details, maybe some inadvertent things, hide important clues."

Li Ming, "Liu Hao has no? Liu Haimi more powerful and motivated, misappropriation of the company! Dong Li is an important job in the company, and it is likely to know what is hit by Liu Hao, killing people!"

"Sorry, there is no evidence for the time being, and your company's shareholders are related to the car accident."

"Liu Hao is a crime, all things, all of him plan! You find clearly, he wants to compete with the chairman of the chairman, what means can't make it! Money hire a person to make a fake image, guide public opinion Is it difficult!? Dong Li still lying in the hospital, if you are not your news, not Liu Hao, who else ?! "

Dead algorithm

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