In the dark.

Bai Ye closed her eyes and felt the movement around her.

Thanks to the advantages of getting started with kendo, Bai Ye, who closed his eyes, felt things that his normal eyes could not see.

The sound became more obvious.

Just now, three wooden men attacked him at the same time, but now seven wooden men besieged him at the same time.

The sound of the wooden figures turning came from all directions. Bai Ye could even hear the sound of the wooden figures turning behind the seven wooden figures.

Bai Ye can be sure that if he knocks down one of the wooden men, the next wooden man will take over.

Unlike the previous waves of offensives, there was still time to defeat the wooden men.

Now this wave of offensive is really attacking Bai Ye one after another.

Without giving Bai Ye time to think carefully, the seven wooden men turned wildly and slashed at Bai Ye with their bamboo knives.

Bai Ye felt seven bamboo knives slashing at him from different directions. He exerted force on his steps and quickly repeled the two wooden figures.

As soon as the two wooden men were repulsed, two more wooden men immediately stepped in, not allowing Bai Ye to advance even half a step.

The wooden men waved their bamboo swords one after another, leaving no gaps open for Bai Ye to escape.

But even so, Bai Ye still fought back the wooden man. He had never been hit by the wooden man once, but he had not yet taken a step forward.

Secretly calculating the time in his mind, it was estimated that a few minutes had passed, and from where he was standing to the door, plus the time to repel the wooden man, it was estimated that it would take five minutes.

After all this calculation, there was not much time left for him.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Ye continued to fight off Mu Ren, during which he tried to take a step forward.

But as long as he takes a step forward, the wooden people around him will also move with him, not leaving him even half an inch, and then knock him back to his original position.

Moreover, the speed at which these wooden figures were turning was already making the sound of wind. If they were hit once, Bai Ye would probably have his skin crack.


Bai Ye, who was struggling to find a way to break the game, had just repelled a wooden man when he heard a strange sound.

It seemed that the wooden man he had repelled accidentally bumped into one of the wooden men, and the two wooden men were entangled.

Although The two wooden men quickly recovered and continued to attack Bai Ye, but it was this small detail that made Bai Ye's mind flash.

These wooden men seemed to be more flexible, but in fact...

Bai Ye's mouth curled up slightly. Lift it up and reveal a wicked smile.......

Outside the door.

All the members of Division 4 stood at the door, looking quietly at the door in front of them.

Ten minutes have passed, and there is no sound except for the sound of bamboo knives hitting and wooden figures turning.

"Captain, it's been ten minutes. Do you want to go in and take a look?"

Yamada Seinosuke is still very talented, and he looked inside with some worry.

His first impression of Bai Ye was not bad. He can get closer to the fourth team after graduation, but he must not be left with any injuries after being abused at this time. alright

"No one can move, the time is not up yet."

Unohana Retsu snorted coldly and stood there, causing Yamada Seinosuke to not dare to speak at all and could only continue to stand.

"Couldn't this kid have been knocked unconscious?"

"Yes, there's no sound at all inside. It's probably more serious than bad."

"But there is still the sound of the bamboo knife hitting here, should it be okay?"

"Do you think it's possible that the sound of bamboo knives hitting each other inside is the sound of wooden people hitting each other with knives? Hearing this

, the other team members thought for a moment and felt that this was also a possibility.

At the sixth level of difficulty, the attacks of these wooden men were already indiscriminate. Even if Bai Ye fell, as long as the wooden men were not stopped, these wooden men would still attack. Will continue to attack

"However, do you think the sound of the wooden figure turning here is a bit strange?"

One of the officers listened carefully to the sounds inside and heard something was wrong.

"Is there any? No difference, right?"

"Tian Mu, maybe you heard wrong."

The other officers also listened carefully and found that there was no abnormal sound at all. The questioned officer Tianmu couldn't say anything and could only continue to listen to the sounds inside.

"Three minutes to go."

Yamada Seinosuke counted the time and felt a little relieved when he heard the sound of bamboo knives beating inside.

By this time, everyone felt that Byakuya was choking enough to come out.

But if Byakuya could hold on for twenty minutes, It will also impress all of them.

After all, this is a mechanism arranged by Unohana Retsu himself. A student who can persist until now is already a very powerful existence.

And Bai Ye is so young, it is not a big deal to suffer some setbacks now, anyway, in the future There is still time to increase the strength.

When there are two minutes left on the clock, Unohana Retsu slightly taps his feet, and seems to be unable to resist going up to open the door.

"Captain, this is not bad either....."

Yamada Seinosuke wanted to step forward and open the door, but before he could finish speaking, the door in front of him was suddenly blasted open!

The two doors flew out, followed by several wooden figures flying out.

"Captain Unohana, the time has not come yet, right?"

Bai Ye's voice sounded at the door. Everyone turned around and saw Bai Ye standing at the door sweating profusely with a smile on his face.

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