After explaining to Aizen the techniques of Kendo from 1st to 10th level, Byakuya couldn't wait to start fighting.

"How about we change places?"

Seeing the surrounding woods and thinking about Byakuya's strength, Aizen was afraid that Byakuya would cut down all the surrounding trees.

"No need, let's just go here. I won't be as polite as before in this battle. Aizen, you can use the return path to heal yourself when you are injured."

Byakuya reminded Aizen that he could use the return path during the battle, and he launched the attack without hesitation.

Now he has mastered the first level of swordsmanship, and is about to master the second level of swordsmanship.

Without using spiritual pressure Next, Byakuya's attack was also very fast and fierce, and the angle of the sword was extremely tricky.

Aizen, who was fighting with him, could only keep dodging and did not dare to show his true strength.

In this way, Byakuya fought while Aizen retreated.

As he was beating, Aizen accidentally backed up and hit a tree.

"Aizen, you have to be more careful than before in the dark."

Seeing Aizen's flaw, Byakuya swung a shallow strike towards Aizen's thigh.

This time Byakuya was not joking. He did not completely suppress Aizen in sparring, but actually wanted to hurt Aizen.

He felt the crisis. Aizen subconsciously waved the light blow in his hand, accidentally releasing some spiritual pressure.

Aizen's sword was so fast that it even made a sound of breaking through the air.

The two people paused and saw each other through the night light. The last move.

I saw Aizen's shallow blow hit Bai Ye's shoulder, and Byakuya's shallow blow scratched Aizen's thigh, making a big gash.

"Bang!"With a sound.

The trees behind Aizen slowly fell backwards, making a loud noise, leaving a very smooth and flat cut surface.

"Aizen, you are injured, please use the return path to heal it."

This time, Bai Ye didn't panic after making a big noise.

After all, he was the one who was praised by Captain Yamamoto. Even if it caused a little loss to the academy, it would be fine, right?

But the annoying thing is that there will definitely be someone from the academy in a while. If the guards come over, then you can’t train.

"Go on, Aizen, your kendo and kaido fusion still need to be strengthened."

Bai Ye wanted to seize the moment, knocked away Aizen's shallow blow with his hand, and swung his sword again.

Aizen hurriedly blocked Bai Ye's sword with a shallow blow!

At this time, Aizen noticed that he had just slashed Bai Ye's sword. There was no injury at all on the shoulder, just a hole in the clothes.

Seeing this scene, Aizen was a little shocked.

In other words, Byakuya just learned the skills of Hui Dao and Kendo from one to ten levels today, Already able to use Hui Dao to heal himself at all times during the battle?

This kind of fighting using two moves at the same time shows that Bai Ye's comprehension ability is very terrifying.

【Ding! The bound object is comprehending the second level of swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship is increasing a hundredfold!】

【Ding! The bound object is comprehending the return path, and the return path is increasing hundreds of times!】

【Ding! The bound object is comprehending the second stage of Hui Dao and Ken Dao. Hui Dao and Ken Dao are integrated into each other. Hui Dao and Ken Dao are growing a hundredfold! 】

The system's beeps kept ringing, and Bai Ye was extremely satisfied. It seemed that he had stimulated Aizen again today.

Of course, this is not enough!

Bai Ye thought about stimulating Aizen more to make Aizen's training speed increase faster.

However, before Bai Ye could make a few more moves, he heard a sound coming from afar.

You don't need to think about it, it's probably the guards from the college who are coming.

"This must have come too quickly."

Bai Ye felt slightly dissatisfied in her heart, but she had no choice but to stop.

"Who is there?"

The guards saw Byakuya and Aizen from a distance, drew out their shallow guns and came closer.

"Sorry, we were practicing and accidentally applied too much force."

Bai Ye raised his hand and took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"oh? It turns out it’s Bai Ye. If you’re practicing, then you’ll be fine."

When the guards came closer and saw clearly that it was Bai Ye, they immediately relaxed and smiled.

Of course Bai Ye and the others knew each other. They were very famous figures in the college during this time.

And the last time Bai Ye taught, They also secretly studied from a distance, and their strength also improved a bit.

"You two, go back quickly, we can handle the things here."

The guards just left Bai Ye and Aizen alone. If it were any other students, they would definitely have to arrest them and hand them over to the teachers for serious treatment.

However, they did not dare to let Bai Ye and Aizen continue training. With Bai Ye's power, if Later, the damage caused by the cultivation will be too great, and they won’t be able to stop it.

"Well, thank you."

Bai Ye thanked Aizen, and could only drag Aizen back, ending today's practice early.

When leaving, Bai Ye suddenly found that the wound on Aizen's thigh had healed. Looking at

Aizen again, his face was calm, listening The system notification sound in his mind indicated that Aizen was still practicing at this moment.

"Aizen, don’t waste your time on the way back and continue practicing."

Since Aizen is so diligent, Bai Ye came up with a brilliant idea, and the two began to fight while walking.

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