Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was still sitting on the futon, reaching out and picking up the crutches placed aside.

When Bai Ye saw this, he also took out his own ejaculation

"I wonder what Captain Yamamoto wants to teach him?"

"It should be the moves from the first sixty chapters of Kidō. After all, he is still a student after all."

"I heard that Captain Unohana has already taught him the basics of kendo, maybe a little bit of Hakuta and Shunpo."

Everyone who was watching was talking about it, wondering what Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni would teach.

Byakuya was still a student in their eyes, and they naturally thought that Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni wouldn't teach anything advanced.

"Classmate Bai Ye, I won’t waste too much time, so I will guide you in three moves."

"The first move, Bai Ye-san, show me the Fifty-Four of Po Dao: Destruction Flame."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni directly pointed out a Kidou move and asked Byakuya to start showing it.

"The commander-in-chief actually asked him to demonstrate the fifty-fourth form of Kidō?"

"Did he learn this in college?"

"These are the most difficult to learn among the first sixty moves of Kidō."

Everyone was surprised when they heard that Yamamoto asked Byakuya to demonstrate the fifty-four moves of Hakudo.

Ghost Path is divided into two parts, each with sixty moves. The first part is generally the easiest to learn, but the first part It is very difficult to master the moves after fifty.

Not to mention that many teachers in the academy cannot master them proficiently, and even many members and some officers in the 13th Division have not mastered them.

According to the rules of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy As a student, being able to master the first thirty moves in the previous chapter before graduation is already very impressive.

As soon as Yamamoto came up, he asked Byakuya to demonstrate this.

Is this guidance, or is it deliberately making things difficult?

At this moment, many team members Shifengyuan Yoruichi and Yan Yuanjinle are also worried about Byakuya.

This is the personal guidance of the Captain. If you can't even pass the first level, it will be really embarrassing.

After all, Captain Yamamoto was so optimistic just now If he, Bai Ye, can't do it, he will definitely disappoint the captain.

But Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni still looked at Bai Ye with a smile, and seemed to have great confidence in Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's face was calm, but in his heart he secretly complained about this. Is it called guidance, but it is still a shallow strike with the left hand, and the right hand is slightly raised to point at Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni. The

Fifty-Fourth of the Broken Path: The Abandoned Flame Abandoned Chant Version!

The disk-shaped flames instantly burned in front of Byakuya , burning a big hole through the floor in an instant!

"He can release such great power without even chanting?"

"If this waste flame were to burn me, it would probably burn me to death."

Seeing Bai Ye lightly raising his finger, the waste flames were released instantly, and everyone was stunned.

There were several chief officials present who saw the waste flames released by Bai Ye, and Chu Shen imagined that if the waste flames burned them I guess I can't even resist at all.

"This kid, is his spiritual pressure so strong?"

"Classmate Bai Ye, you really give me more and more surprises."

"White night?"

Shifengyuan Yoruichi, Unohana Retsu, and Yan Yuanjinle were shocked to varying degrees when they saw the waste flames displayed by Bai Ye.

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was still sitting with no expression on his face, but he held But the hand holding the crutch was a little tighter.

As Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni raised his hand and waved the crutch, a gust of wind blew by, and the waste flames were immediately blown away.

"Yes, yes, Bai Ye, your strength has improved a lot compared to last time."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni praised Bai Ye without hesitation, but his eyes kept secretly looking at Bai Ye. The waste flames released by Bai Ye just now seemed to contain spiritual pressure that had reached the captain level!

This discovery made Yamamoto Yuan Liuze Zhongguo was shocked, but this was a ghost move, which was not enough to explain. More methods were needed to confirm his suspicions.

"Just now, you chanted the waste flames. It was indeed very powerful, but some details were not noticed. The energy of your waste flames was somewhat diffused and could be concentrated a little more."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said while demonstrating, and also told the details to Bai Ye, so that Bai Ye could understand better.


After Yamamoto finished speaking, Bai Ye nodded immediately, remembering every word clearly, and would tell Aizen about it later when he goes back.

"Okay, second move, show off your swordsmanship and add spiritual pressure."

Yamamoto saw that Bai Ye had already understood, so he pointed at his crutch,"Let's see if you can destroy my crutch."


Byakuya nodded, held the shallow one tightly and released all his spiritual pressure.

Since he had to show it, fortunately Byakuya did not hide it and showed all his strength.

The moment the spiritual pressure was released, Yamamoto and Uozhihua Retsu's squinted eyes opened slightly.

Yan Yuan Jinle and Si Fengyuan Yoruichi widened their eyes, looking at this scene in disbelief.

Byakuya's spiritual pressure has actually reached the captain level?!

But how old is Bai Ye?

And the most outrageous thing is that Bai Ye is still an ungraduated student!

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