Death Compensation

Chapter 1520 Postscript (1)

"Come next time, you're welcome, I'll give you everything I have!" Lu Bai stood in front of the whirlpool door, waving his hands cheerfully.

The 'unknown' existence in the whirlpool gate seemed to be a little faster. It immediately turned into a mental image and quickly left from the upper and lower vortex passages of the large multiverse.

Looking at the speed, it seems as if he is worried that if he runs too slowly, he will lose something important.

In other words, his important things have been lost in Lu Bai's hands.

Seeing the other party's disappearing figure, Lu Bai smiled and happily began to sort out his harvest.

"I didn't expect that there is such a way to use power. I really keep learning." Lu Bai sorted out these 'knowledges'.

In the circle, the so-called wealth is separated from matter, energy and other things, and becomes "data" and "knowledge".

In the infinite circle, there are infinite things, and these things are distributed to every link of the circle in the form of a large multiverse.

These individuals are the top existences that can obtain this infinite thing.

But even for them, to obtain these many cognitions, they need to go to the corresponding large multiverse and observe the corresponding phenomena in order to obtain the most realistic information.

And because we need to know ourselves, we cannot extend the time of self-knowledge indefinitely.

Otherwise, it is very likely that it will become chaotic itself in the process of infinity.

These are also some of their limitations. Pursuing infinity with infinity, the final result is likely to be infinity.

It becomes completely chaotic and loses its self-awareness.

Just like constant change, at this time of constant change, self-awareness has been completely lost, but his past body and mental image have only been distorted and decomposed, not dissipated.

In the large multiverse he re-promoted, there are still traces of constant change, but these traces have little to do with the 'constant change' itself.

It can only become the background of some power in the universe. So much time has passed and even self-awareness has not yet been born.

Therefore, even if you are a member of the circle, you cannot gain a lot of knowledge immediately.

It still needs to be expanded by itself.

This kind of expansion cannot continue to improve one's own realm, but it can expand one's own breadth.

There was once a being who put forward a certain theory. If you could travel through the infinite circle and learn all the knowledge within the circle, you would be able to transcend naturally.

It's just that this kind of thing cannot be done just by thinking about it.

I don’t know how many people have died on this road. Infinity is infinite, and it is basically difficult to survive this long period of study.

"Because I am not sure whether I have really learned everything." Because Lu Bai has the door of detachment, he can infer some things through the existence of detachment.

"The road to infinity is too confusing to see the end, and even to a certain extent, it is more illusory than transcendence." Lu Bai looked at the information in his hand and stopped thinking about the infinite needs.

He has many advantages over others. Although he started late, his progress is not slow.

In the end, it was because everything was just right.

Lu Bai is by far the person closest to transcendence in the entire circle.

At least that's what everyone knows.

This resulted in countless people from the Transcendence sect coming to learn from it.

There are many detachment sects, and when they come to look for Lu Bai, they can't come empty-handed. If they want to get relatively accurate detachment information from Lu Bai, they can't just take it away.

At least it requires corresponding information and knowledge to exchange.

The dissemination of information will be distorted if it changes hands.

This is also the reason why some of them will not choose to change hands after receiving the corresponding transcendental information from Lu Bai, because the effect will be worthless after changing hands.

Lu Bai used his own special perception of mental images to develop heart-infused information transmission to minimize this distortion.

If someone else changes their hands, the skill will change no matter how high it is.

So no matter how reluctant those people are, no matter how ruthless Lu Baizai is, these people still have to come to Lu Bai's place.

This is used to gain insights with minimal distortion.

Lu Bai just stayed in his own big multiverse, robbing customers to live his life.

By the way, make certain modifications to the current large multiverse.

"But there is still no way to change the reincarnation process of the large multiverse." Lu Bai observed the large multiverse in front of him.

The original ever-changing large multiverse has now been renamed Tongtian.

Lu Bai discovered a problem, that is, he reopened the Earth Feng Shui Fire, used his heart to enlighten his heart, recreated other people's images, and recreated this large multiverse.

But the scale of the universe has not returned to zero or one.

But came directly to eighteen.

On top of the scale, the Tongtian Multiverse inherits the ever-changing evolutionary scale.

In other words, although Lu Bai restarted the universe, he did not restart the reincarnation of the universe.

In essence, it only completed the change of dynasties, but did not complete the change of heaven and earth.

And Lu Bai also did some experiments later, that is, his own transformation of the universe. Even if he reshapes some of its things back to their previous state, it will not change the scale back, but will speed up the change of the scale.

The scale from zero to forty-two is irreversible.

"Constant Change seemed to push the changes to the extreme at that time, dragging the scale from seven to fifteen, and then to forty-two."

"But the period from fifteen to forty-two can only be recognized as a special experience. Because of my reshaping, this experience was eventually considered to be the third scale, so the large multiverse directly reached the eighteenth scale. .”

"The restart of the large multiverse must contain some kind of knowledge that I can't understand."

This is Lu Bai's main research topic now.

As for detachment, Lu Bai is not in a hurry.

Haven't he had enough fun with the ring yet?

Don't leave in a hurry, who knows what will be after transcendence.

Even Lu Bai, who was unable to transcend because of insufficient conditions on the other side, only had some simple guesses about the other side of transcendence.

Whether it is correct or not, Lu Bai cannot guarantee.

For now, whether he can transcend, it is estimated that he can only wait for variables.

"Of course, if there are others who can transcend, I might be able to free ride." Lu Bai had some general knowledge.

Because of this, Lu Bai was not in a hurry.

This kind of thing would not happen to Lu Bai if he could not ask for it and thus feel the torture.

Now Lu Bai lives a very happy life. After learning new knowledge every day, he returns to his own multiverse to review the old knowledge.

The power of the God of Thousand Dimensions is like thousands of veins that penetrate into every part of the large multiverse, and countless dimensional worlds are connected to these veins.

A large number of children of God travel on the dimensional membrane.

The Son of God seemed to sense something when Lu Bai passed by, and immediately let out a 'shout'.

Then it flows and changes on the dimensional membrane, like dancing.

They are praying to God the Father.

Lu Bai's status at this time is too high. Even if he simply passes through the dimensional membrane, as long as he reveals some information about himself, it may cause changes in the dimensional membrane.

This change is good or bad, but there are bound to be some problems, that is, promoting the scale change of the dimensional membrane.

This is not a good thing.

Lu Bai is still used to living in the Tongtian multiverse now, and he doesn't want to change houses so soon.

Therefore, he tried not to show up and actively promoted the development of the large multiverse. Instead, he left everything to the real dimensions.

These Sons of God could only sense Lu Bai's existence by relying on their own senses.

This is already a blessing for them.

Lu Bai came all the way to the core of the Thousand-Dimensional Tree. At this time, the Thousand-Dimensional God had been waiting for a long time.

"Wait a minute." Looking at Lu Bai coming over, the God of Thousand Dimensions quickly stopped the opponent's movements and said, "There are already too many sons of gods. Please pay more attention these days."

The current Sons of God are mainly divided into two batches. One group is the thousands of Sons of God who were born by Lu Bai in order to expand the way of living beings and the God of Thousand Dimensions, Yun He, Wang Erya and others before changing the theme.

The second batch was derived from Lu Bai's slightly more intense collisions with his girlfriends after the world restarted.

"Okay, okay, I understand." Lu Bai didn't care about this, but he just wanted to have more skills later...

The God of Thousand Dimensions has now become the new theme of the large multiverse.

As the theme changes, its path also changes from the path of innovation to 'continuity'.

The Thousand-Dimensional Tree now connects the inside and outside of the large multiverse.

In a conventional sense, people recognize it as the basis of connection between the dimensional world and the dimensional world.

It is the embodiment of the development of the large multiverse.

Therefore, its external image becomes a thousand-dimensional tree, and the growth of the tree symbolizes the development of the multiverse.

Lu Bai roughly estimated that the Thousand-Dimensional Tree would begin to decline around thirty degrees, and at that time the Thousand-Dimensional God would need to be reminded to make certain changes.

But there is no rush now, there is still a lot of time.

As long as Lu Bai doesn't mess around, it will take who knows how many billions of years for the entire multiverse to complete the remaining twenty-odd degrees.

"It's good that you know." The Thousand-Dimensional God, who is the symbol of the development of the universe, can only remind him this way.

The number of Sons of God has increased a lot during this time.

The problem is that the Son of God is too strong.

This creature is born sacred. Although it does not contain much information, it is just the aftertaste of some information after Lu Bai and his girlfriends collided.

But that also transcends many living things.

They are born to be able to travel on the dimensional membrane, and their levels are basically at the daily level.

Of course, it is no longer called Japanese level.

The Japanese level refers to individuals with self-propulsion, when the original has been liberated.

Life is born with driving force, so various practice systems have also changed.

The low-level ones are okay, as they don’t involve high-end power like propulsion.

So from single player to surface, there is still not much difference, they are graded according to their destructive power.

But behind the surface, from the moon level to the sun level, things have changed.

It has become that when you reach the moon level, you can initially use the original driving force.

Therefore, the path of cultivation after the surface has become much smoother. According to the different levels of original awakening, they are simply called the first liberation, the second liberation, and the third liberation.

Lu Bai plans to wait for the day when he is free to expand these three liberations to include ordinary people who can start directly.

At that time, after three liberations, one can directly reach the original Japanese level, and then begin to understand the path.

Lu Bai planned the combat power system of the universe.

The development of the large multiverse is not meaningless to Lu Bai.

With the development of various things, things that you have never seen before will inevitably appear and expand your knowledge.

Make an excellent plan so that others can reach a higher level, which can also bring certain help to yourself.

Now that the power system is transforming from the old system to the new system, there is naturally a period of chaos, and the Son of God is born powerful at this time, which will naturally cause more problems.

Some of the Sons of God are quite bad. After all, there will always be some scum who fail to inherit Lu Bai's excellent qualities.

But the bad Son of God is still a Son of God. Most people still have concerns about the Son of God. They don't dare to kill him, they only dare to seal him.

Lu Bai didn't care much about this. Except for a few key sons and daughters, the other sons of God could only be regarded as derivatives.

They made mistakes and were insulted by others, but Lu Bai and the God of Thousand Dimensions didn't really care.

But these people cannot help but have their own concerns.

Of course, this concern is normal, and the signs are not obvious yet, but the King of Hell is easy to mess with, and the devil is difficult to deal with.

Lu Bai himself had no objections, but some people did.

These people worshiped Lu Bai crazily. Even though Lu Bai never paid attention to them, their worship not only did not decrease, but also increased day by day.

These people also worship the Son of God crazily.

Among these admirers, there are many challengers or higher-level beings who have begun to open their own paths.

Of course, below this level, even if you want to know some information about Lu Bai, you can't do it now, so naturally you won't worship him so crazy.

Because these "little devils" worship Lu Bai, they will make things difficult for those who have "offended" Lu Bai.

The situation is not serious yet, the God of Thousand Dimensions and others have always been managing these things.

At present, in the entire Tongtian Multiverse, there were originally more than ten true dimensions, but now only a few are left.

Sea of ​​Stars, Sea of ​​Netherworld and Dead Sea, God of Thousand Dimensions and Herd of Beasts.

As for the other real dimensions, Jinglin, the past and mythology, Lu Bai has a little bit of a hold on it, and there is still a chance of waking up, depending on their luck.

Green Forest, Mechanical Wheel, etc., directly follow the constant change and become the background board of the universe.

Even if they wake up, they are just ancient gods of the universe, specious.

Lu Bai and the God of Thousand Dimensions reviewed their old knowledge and prepared to leave for the lower multiverse.

That is Lu Bai's mental universe.

At this time, it has been completely integrated into the circle and is in the early stages of the great multiverse.

The early stage is a period when the universe explodes with vitality. It is estimated that there will be certain cosmic disasters. Lu Bai plans to go to the theater.

It is estimated that you can also gain a lot of useful knowledge and understanding and expand your knowledge base.

"I'm leaving first. You should feel some of my 'love' and try to understand the power of the ring as soon as possible." Lu Bai parted ways with the God of Thousand Dimensions and left the Tongtian Multiverse. (End of chapter)

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