Death Compensation

Chapter 440 Planning

Chapter 440 Planning

Noticing that Zhang Hao was missing, he followed Zhang Hao's footsteps to the competition route of the Budokai.

Her figure also began to differentiate at this moment.

There is a branch line of the sky, she chooses to sacrifice for the sky, donating most of her body.

There is a branch line of Martial Ancestor, and under the influence of artificial intelligence, she stands on the opposite side of Martial Ancestor.

There is also a branch line of Zhang Hao, she was captured.

Among the combined robots at this moment, Xiaoxi was soaked in the machine surrounded by everyone.

She curled up, surrounded by a solution with bubbling bubbles, and occasionally her body would flicker one or two, turning into a large amount of data.

"Tsk tsk tsk, is this the armored team's plan?" Lu Bai couldn't understand when he saw this.

"The armored team was the first to come to this dimension. They penetrated the skin of ordinary cities and discovered the core of this dimension."

"Then I want to use this core to do something."

"Su Lin probably embarked on the troublesome path because of the interference of the armored team."

"And what happened at that time may not be the syndrome of missing historical elements, but the syndrome of excessive historical elements."

"The foundation of artificial intelligence is probably made by these people."

"They want to use this dimension to create a super artificial intelligence."

"Even intelligent life forms that can span time."

"This is to create a Skynet." Lu Bai hid in the dark, watching all this quietly.

"No, maybe this artificial intelligence itself is based on Skynet."

Artificial intelligence technology is very important to the armored team.

The price they paid for this was not just represented by a dimension key.

After all, if it wasn't for this, they would have been able to directly use the advantage of the first mover to quickly promote the change of this dimension and obtain the key of the original dimension of this dimension.

Otherwise, there is no need to compete with other companies for this dimension.

"Is the focus on the changes in the next dimension?" Lu Bai remembered the basic information given by Tianwu when he entered this dimension.

The maximum number of travelers in a dimension, preferably 3-5 people.

If there are more, it will easily trigger the reaction of the dimension, which is actually unfriendly to the travelers who enter it.

Dimension is a huge and sophisticated instrument, and the arrival of travelers may be a lubricant or a catalyst.

But no matter what, as the number increases, the dimensions will change accordingly.

And now this dimension has suddenly flooded with more than ten times the number of travelers.

Especially because of the operation mode of the first effect and later cause, the Kewu dimension is more sensitive to this kind of foreign things.

Eighty years ago, a dimensional change took place, from the city to the military.

Now it is estimated that it will change from Kewu again.

"Dimension changes will produce the original dimension key, so the dimension key becomes unique."

"Are there any special changes besides this?" Lu Bai recalled his experience in the demonic soil.

After attracting the portal of the abyss, and then turning into a demon to seal it, Fang Hong opened the era of Dahua with various evil possessions.

Lu Bai did not witness the arrival of the Dahua era, but he still has half of the "heart" of the demon Fang Hong in his hands. The next time he opens the Dahua dimension door, he may be able to truly get the dividends of the dimension change.

"So it is very likely that there is something special in the dimension change. The armored team just wants to use this thing to make their artificial intelligence technology get a certain leap."

"And it's two leaps in a row."

"They don't participate in the battle. The purpose is actually to keep more travelers, and use travelers as catalysts to intensify the reaction of this dimensional change."

"So as to maximize your own interests."

"It's really greedy." Lu Bai appreciates this very much. If the other party is not greedy, he would not have this opportunity to pick peaches.

Although it is not clear what the opponent's specific operation is, there are some basic things that Lu Bai can still see.

The artificial intelligence is not released by the armored team. They are likely to be induced by too many historical elements. Otherwise, the key of dimension will not be differentiated to the traveler forces that enter the field later.

Then the artificial intelligence enters into the operation of the dimensional core.

In the next few core events, artificial intelligence is actually involved.

For example, Cang Tian, ​​although he looks alone, actually incorporates a large number of Xiaoxi's body parts.

This kind of operation makes the artificial intelligence have touched every aspect of the core of the dimension.

Even if the dimension changes, artificial intelligence will also change along with the change.

It is even used to capture the greatest benefits of dimensional changes.

"However, why did you send these crooked melons over such an important matter?" Lu Bai was a little puzzled by this.

Even though the armored team has now completed the integration and can beat Huniu and others, but with this strength, for Lu Bai, it is really just a crooked melon.

Lu Bai wanted to defeat them, and it was not difficult to complete the operation of dismantling the mecha with bare hands.

Perhaps compared to other teams, the strength of the armored team is not weak, and it can even be said to be a bit strong.

But compared with their investment in this dimension, it is a bit out of proportion.

They invested so much, but in the end only such a team arrived, and in the process, other traveler forces participated.

"Aren't they afraid of being cut off?"

"It also said that they still have some hole cards as an insurance measure."

Lu Bai was not in a hurry to go out, and now he finally turned to the dark side.

You have to wait for these people to perform to their heart's content before entering the arena to control everything.

"However, some of our hole cards can be lifted." Lu Bai said, sending a message to the outside world.

The eyes of the two people who were hiding in the dark light up at the same time.

"Boss has a message."

Then they looked at each other and stood up.

If you look carefully, you will find that these two people are members of the zoo organization, Shanpo and Denghuo.

At the beginning, the two were captured, followed by missile bombing.

Everyone thought that these two were killed by Lu Bai and others, but they didn't expect that Lu Bai actually kept the two of them and staged a rebellion.

To be honest, the zoo organization can only be regarded as a platform for them.

They are not counted as immediate members of the zoo, just a coat of arms.

After I worked hard to become a traveler myself through various means, in order to make better progress, I joined the platform of the zoo.

Although various resources have preferential treatment, they need to complete various tasks to obtain them.

Compared with the inner members, the status of their outer members is actually much lower.

Not every member of the foreign minister has such a high status like a military spirit, and they are old friends with the veteran members of the zoo.

Faced with the situation of being captured and dying, they decisively chose to live.

And extremely decisively directly gave up the status of a member of the zoo organization.

After all, the zoo is not an idiot. All official members were wiped out, and there were only two members of the foreign minister left, so they would definitely be closely scrutinized.

And they can't escape this kind of censorship, so it's better to follow Lu Bai to do things with peace of mind.

And in the days that followed, they also felt grateful for their decision.

Because there is no way to face the zoo, it is impossible for them to return to the earth normally.

So Lu Bai revealed a little bit about the dirt to them.

After all, if the dirty soil trade is really established at that time, there must be some own people there no matter what.

Although the gargoyle is a reliable ally most of the time, once interests are involved, it is not clear what will happen at that time.

For those corporate forces on Earth, Lu Bai is an important talent who has mastered the core technology, and then connected the cooperation between several large companies.

So it seems irreplaceable.

Although it is still very important to the dirt, once the Kewu dimension becomes a bridgehead, the importance of Lu Bai will decrease.

The most important point is that killing the chicken and taking the eggs seems stupid.

But every day of the year and every month this stupid thing happens.

If you can't further expand your influence, maybe killing the chicken and taking the eggs will happen to you.

Of course, it is very likely that Lu Bai will become that chicken.

Mountain soul and lights are one of Lu Bai's attempts.

After the two took refuge in the dirty soil, they would gradually lose their status as travelers, and then board Lu Bai's thief ship and become Lu Bai's forces.

First update.

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