Death Compensation

Chapter 448 Metaphysics

Chapter 448 Metaphysics

The reason why the metaphysics mechanical sect is not very popular in the mechanical armor technology exchange meeting, that is, the team behind the armored team, is that it does not talk about mechanical technology at its root.

Their various techniques are just to disguise the surface, and the core lies in metaphysics.

What is metaphysics?

Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders.

Originally in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the research and interpretation of "Laozi" and "Book of Changes", etc., has been passed down to the present, which seems to be regular, but in fact it depends entirely on luck.

For example, you must wash your hands before drawing cards, it is best to draw cards at a certain hour, and you must sincerely recite what you want to draw when drawing cards, etc.

Everything in metaphysics has an uncertainty. It may not be true, but you can't point to it and say that it must be false.

Xuan Nian naturally knew that other companions had prejudice against him, but he didn't care.

The key point of metaphysics is actually 'I am thinking'.

Believe it or not, I just believe it anyway.

It is this blind faith that is the point of the Mechanicus.

People who seek metaphysics are generally those who are powerless when faced with real things.

When the illness cannot be cured, then pray to the gods and worship Buddha, hoping that one day the gods and Buddhas will bless you, and you can recover in one day without medicine.

So metaphysics is actually similar to lottery tickets. People who are powerless against reality turn to outside forces to violently solve their own predicament.

This has also resulted in people who buy lottery tickets are basically loyal believers in metaphysics.

Because winning the lottery is a real dilemma that they cannot solve, so they can only pray for the power of other metaphysics to help them solve this problem.

And this kind of thinking is very suitable for the mechanical descending of the gods. When encountering difficulties, a god-like existence will be descended directly through mechanical means to solve all difficulties.

The mechanical descendant is a skill that every member of the metaphysical mechanical sect will build.

Its specific effect is to summon special powers to help oneself when encountering difficulties.

As for what the special power is, there is uncertainty.

It may be a sudden encounter with an expert, or it may be a disaster that has never been warned, or it may be a direct encounter with a strange monster from an outer dimension.

It is also possible that nothing happened.

Of course, with the continuous improvement of skills, this skill will gradually change.

Some people are activating their skills so that they suddenly have incomparable luck, and their wishes almost come true.

And some people initiate it by directly contacting certain existences in the outer dimension, making a contract with the other party, and reaching a relatively stable contract call.

Xuan Nian's mechanical seance is the latter.

I saw Xuan Nian chanting words in his mouth, which looked very mysterious.

However, as long as you listen carefully, you will find that Xuan Nian is reporting the name of the dish.

What steamed lamb, steamed bear's paw, etc. The name of the dish was quickly reported in an indistinct speed.

At the same time, he also took out a panda ornament, took out three sticks of incense and put it in the panda ornament's hand.

After lighting the incense, there are also handprints full of mistakes and omissions, but they form a system of their own.

Halfway through the seal, it becomes a one-handed seal, and the other hand grabs the tablet next to it and starts drawing with an electronic pen.

In less than ten seconds, a picture of Hatsune Miku smoking a cigarette popped up on the tablet.

Everyone around looked at all this with the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his phone.jpg.

There are too many flaws in this set of rituals.

The problem is that when Xuan Nian performed these rituals, he still looked pious.

The ceremony went very smoothly, and it was completed before Zhang Hao arrived.

Following Xuan Nian standing the tablet on top of the three sticks of incense, and taking another breath on the tablet, the preliminary ceremony was completed.

Then, taking advantage of the gap, he opened the passage of the cabin, and threw the tablet out like a paper airplane.

The tablet that flew out did not change in any way, and was easily crushed with the aftermath of the battle.

All the abnormalities are produced after the plate is broken.

The broken tablet seemed to burn out some components, and the inside began to smoke continuously, and the smoke was still lingering.

And there is more and more smoke. The aftermath of the previous battle can easily crush the tablet, but there is no way to blow this cloud of smoke away.

At this time, the members of the armored team had to admit that there was something about the metaphysics sect.

When Zhang Hao arrived, the smoke had already spread, and the entire battlefield was surrounded by smoke.

And the fumes are very choking, like those stiff socks you hide under the bed being burned.

Zhang Hao frowned, the sound of fighting in his ears had stopped.

The total armor is so huge, it is also hidden in the smoke at this moment.

"This smoke is poisonous." Zhang Hao judged it the moment he came into contact with the smoke.

Light surrounded him, and he stepped into the smoke carefully.

In any case, he has no reason to back down.

Walking into the smog, Zhang Hao lost his bearings for a moment, obviously from the perspective of the outside world, the lingering range of the smog is not large.

At the same time, the various abilities on his body are actually useless to the current situation at this moment.

Such as my own special physique, I can't adapt to this kind of smoke for a while.

The stars, there is no way to analyze the use of these smoke.

When Zhang Hao was about to analyze the true meaning, Ye Han's "correct choice" also played a role, and it was best to persuade Zhang Hao not to do this.

At the same time, the stars also released some information. The last time this happened was when Lu Bai and Lin Xing were fighting, they drove Lin Xing crazy with the information of the foreign domain in the dirty meat.

Qun Xing learned a lot from a pitfall, combined with the reminder of "Correct Choice", told the new owner Zhang Hao, telling him not to die.

"That is to say, there is also some kind of exotic information in the smoke, can it pollute people's mind?" Zhang Hao did not take this lightly.

Instead, he chose to punch directly and explore in the smoke. Instead, he might walk into the rhythm of the opponent, so the best way now is to break the situation violently.

The light pierced through the smoke, releasing light and heat to the surroundings.

And then what's behind the smoke also flickers away.

The moment he saw that thing, Zhang Hao even had an inexplicable feeling of nausea and vomiting.

And the most important point is that with his current martial arts, he can quickly remember the appearance and characteristics of that thing, let alone just glance at it.

But this time, Zhang Hao barely remembered a few pieces of information.

First off this guy looks stinky.

It's not that Zhang Hao's description is wrong, but it really looks stinky.

The vision unconsciously colludes with the sense of smell.

Secondly, this thing still looks very hard. This time, the vision colluded with the sense of touch.

First update.

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