Death Compensation

Chapter 457 Evangelizing the World·Flower of Death

Chapter 457 Evangelizing the World·Flower of Death

Huge energy burst out from Zhang Hao's body, and because of Xiaoxi's fusion, his sun phase form became unstable for a moment.

All the members of the armored team who rushed over were all blown away by this wave of energy.

Even the remaining frame of the integrated armor collapsed under the impact.

But soon, Zhang Hao felt a huge computing power assisting him.

The distance between myself and Xiaoxi has never been so close, and the feeling of being connected with each other is so wonderful.

At the same time, with the influx of computing power, Zhang Hao felt that he was 'complete'.

"This, this, this..." No one could have imagined this turn of events.

In their view, the ownership of Xiaoxi, a super artificial intelligence, has always been in their hands.

Why did you run away with someone else's things in your own house?

These days, there are quite a few people who regard their daughters as commodities, just waiting to sell them for a good price.

What's more, in the eyes of people like the Armored Corps, how could the technology I put in and the finished products I produced not be my own?

During this process, they carried out multi-channel technical encryption, and added an absolute code of ownership to the other party's underlying logic. Any behavior of it must take into account the interests of the Mechanical Armor Technology Exchange Conference.

In any case, Xiaoxi's thinking logic should not break through this layer of code, which does not conform to the operating rules of a program.

"Even if it's a bug, it shouldn't be like this."

"It's very simple. The benefits are divided into long-term and short-term. I think that if you take me away now, it is a short-term benefit. Only if you stay is the long-term benefit. This is not enough." Xiaoxi's figure emerged from Zhang Hao's side.

People are not completely logical creatures. There are many people who do not speak logic in this world. There is a lot less Xiaoxi, and there is not much more Xiaoxi.

Women can be deceiving!

"Sure enough, digitizing emotions is a scam."

"Create a strong artificial intelligence with emotions, break through the logic blockade, how can strong artificial intelligence tend to be inferior to human beings."

"Sure enough, mechanical ascension is the right way." Technicians fell into despair for the inferiority of human beings. It would be great if everyone talked about logic.

At the beginning, it was because he was cheated of money and feelings that he plunged into the field of armor technology, wanting to protect himself with a steel shell.

It's a pity that he has been deceived even now.

In fact, Xiaoxi is definitely not as easy as she said, and it is her real lie that she said so easily.

Otherwise, she would not choose to give up her fresh body completely, and completely connect with Zhang Hao in a digital state.

Her every move needs to go through the underlying logic of artificial intelligence.

The so-called deception logic is not so easy. She invaded Zhang Hao's body with the intention of 'offensive'.

Then after the intrusion, he used Zhang Hao's identity as the core spokesperson of the dimension to reconnect with the core of the dimension.

With the help of the operation rules of the dimensional core, to refute the underlying logic of the artificial intelligence, and then my own personal emotions are biased in it, and then I successfully escaped from the control of the armored team.

And this escape is only temporary.

Because the dimensional core is still in an unstable state.

As long as the people in the armored team use ownership as a medium to activate the machine again, as they did when dealing with Martial Ancestor, she may still be recalled.

Her current lie is to deceive everyone in the armored team so that they do not realize this.

In that way, joining forces with Zhang Hao will quickly stabilize the changes in the core of the dimension.

By modifying your underlying program bit by bit, you can gain real freedom.

It's just a pity that in the armored team, there may be technical apes who don't understand people's hearts, but there are also real wise men.

One person seemed to be standing in place and raised a cannon to attack Zhang Hao, but when the cannonball flew over, he turned directly and turned to the nearby ruins.

And the explosion of the shell was not violent, it could even be said to be very 'slight'.

The machine that imprisoned Xiaoxi before was blown out by this slight explosion, and flew to the other side with the explosion.

Zhang Hao, who was connected with Xiaoxi, instantly discovered the problem.

With a sweep of his eyes, the originally illusory eyes turned into reality at this moment, and the scarlet light lit up.

But at this moment, a robot appeared in front of Zhang Hao's line of sight, raising a conical shield.

Block the bursting heat rays.

At the same time, Xuan Nian appeared behind him without knowing when, and caught those instruments.

Then he didn't stop, and hid to the side with his things.

The robot that blocked the heat rays lasted less than three seconds before being pierced, and a big hole melted in its chest.

The rest of the people seized the opportunity and rushed towards Zhang Hao.

With Zhang Hao's gaze swept away, his body instantly dissipated into light, and all his attacks fell through at this moment.

With Xiaoxi's assistance, he became more proficient in controlling elementalization.

Xuan Nian held the instrument, and did not run away, but placed it directly on the ground, and then immediately adjusted it.

Before, they used the phenomenon of time and space to recall their artificial intelligence using Xiaoxi as a medium.

Now it is necessary to use ownership as a medium, skipping the phenomenon of time and space, and directly capture Xiaoxi who is close at hand.

The goals are different, and the operation mode naturally needs to be debugged.

The light approached quickly, Xuan Nian ignored it, and finally muttered something.

"eat grape but do not spit out grape skin, do not eat grape but spit out grape skin."

When the light approached, a layer of smoke surrounded Xuan Nian and the machine.

The light hitting it just caused a shock.

Obviously, Xuan Nian used the power of the wild spirit to temporarily move an area into the critical state.

It's still the kind of closed threshold. If you don't have the corresponding cognition and want to enter, you can only break the space by force.

With Zhang Hao's current strength, he can give it a try, but it takes time, and what is needed most now is time.

At this moment, Zhang Hao must make the right choice, otherwise Xiaoxi will be recycled, and Xiaoxi is now in a completely digital state, once recycled, he will be imprisoned in that special USB flash drive immediately.

At that time, people are really lost.

"Then what is the most correct choice?" Zhang Hao was thinking, and Xiaoxi was also calculating.

Then they all got the answer in the first time.

"Brother Lu Bai, please hurry up, please!" The voice resounded and was sincere, giving Lu Dog enough face.

Lu Bo, this person is soft but not hard, Zhang Hao has to give more face, so he has to work harder, it seems that he can't study this wild spirit anymore.

The huge demon incarnation opened its eyes for the third time, with a mysterious smile on its face.

The moon phase appeared behind him, and Lu Bai's figure also appeared before the incarnation of the demon.

The Sixth Form of Bo Xun's Demon Palm·Moon Phase·Magic Light Shines All Over!

Lu Bai formed a palm with one hand and made a seal with the other.

The huge incarnation of the demon behind him also moved accordingly, with three heads and six arms, or making tricks, or brandishing weapons.

All of a sudden, everything in the world was infected by a wave of desire.

Everything belongs to Lu Bai's desire.

The magic light shines all over, so it naturally illuminates all things, and everything must be carried out under my will.

That kid Zhang Hao, imitating himself day after day, really thought he didn't know.

Little did he know that he was the real demon of otherness.

The Demon Lord of the Six Desire Heavens who turns everything of others into his own use.

With the way of heavenly demons, preach the world and cultivate the way of the world.

If the demons are cannon fodder and leeks, then Zhang Hao is a high-quality wild-raised product.

When Zhang Hao imitated himself, he was actually exploring the way for himself.

Zhang Hao's contribution to the smooth completion of the sixth form of Bo Xun's Demon Palm is indisputable.

And using this trick to rescue Zhang Hao is also a kind of cause and effect.

Wild Ling only felt that the space he lived in was compressed to the limit in an instant.

Wild spirits can only exist in the borderline, but in most dimensions, there is actually no borderline.

Almost all the borders are developed by the source of pollution, the "junction", using strange demons as tentacles.

With Lu Bai's move of magic light, the criticality of this dimension is constantly suppressed.

Originally, he still had spare energy to help Xuan Nian open up the closed border, but at this moment, he could only retreat.

However, what Lu Bai wants is not just retraction.

The incarnation of the demon behind him collapsed, turning into a beam of light and entering Lu Bai's body.

As soon as Lu Bai stepped on his feet, the whole world surrendered under Lu Bai's feet, and everything around him surrounded him to the front of the wild spirit.


The next moment, everyone saw a flower bloom.

A flower of death!

Second watch, good night everyone.

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