Death Compensation

Chapter 460 Preparation

Chapter 460 Preparation

"You still found it!" Martial Ancestor's voice was mixed with some helplessness.

"I remember that I cut off all my clues."

There was a hint of doubt in Wu Zu's words.

"Then you should thank me." Lu Bai said, shaking the clown mask in his hand.

On the nine roads of the pre-selection road, there are mechanical equipment of various time and space phenomena.

For example, on Lingfeng Mountain, Lu Bai once entered and explored it.

But after learning about the operation core of Kewu Dimension, he didn't pay attention to those things, thinking that it was just one of the arrangements of Wuzu and others to deal with the phenomenon of time and space.

Yet none of that stuff really worked until the end.

Moreover, whether it is Ye Han, Lin Xing, or Wu Zu and others' time and space phenomena, most of them actually happened near Wu Zu Mountain.

Similar to the space-time equipment on Lingfeng Mountain, it seems to be meaningless at all.

After Lu Bai defeated Liu Yunchen and conquered Ye Longyu, he discovered that Liu Yunchen had used Ye Longyu's resources to send different people to various places.

And these places are all places where space-time equipment is arranged.

In other words, Liu Yunchen's behavior was just to find his next goal of pleasure.

And this goal is very obvious, it is Martial Ancestor.

He discovered the problem with Martial Ancestor's arrangement, and obviously intervened.

Lu Bai was able to find Martial Ancestor so easily afterwards, thanks to Liu Yunchen's intervention.

The entire buddy system, as well as the nine routes, are actually prepared for travelers, and the buddies of those locals are basically for the purpose of deception.

During this process, Martial Ancestor collected a lot of things, and constantly deepened the relationship between his partners and travelers.

In the end, all the traveler's partners were brought together to form a "traveler-like" identity, and then through the continuous operation of the space-time phenomenon machine.

Captured the trajectory of the traveler entering and leaving, and then carried out smuggling as a traveler himself.

I have to say that Martial Ancestor was really bold.

The most outrageous thing is that Martial Ancestor actually did it.

It's no wonder that in the previous performance, Wu Zu was a little bit stretched, but he couldn't kill Zhan Wushuang.

Judging from the situation at the time, the plan of the armored team was probably also in the eyes of Martial Ancestor. He was just waiting for the armored team to remove the artificial intelligence from his body, and then integrate with his partners to complete the retirement smuggling plan.

It has to be said that compared with Wuzu, Zhang Hao is just a younger brother.

And Wu Zu and Zhang Hao are indeed not alone.

In Martial Ancestor's world line, he killed Xiao Xi with his own hands and unified all people in the name of righteousness.

For the stability of the world order, he even tolerated the existence of the powerful.

As a savior, Martial Ancestor is qualified.

But is the savior necessarily a good person?

The answer given by Wu Zu is no.

"Travelers are really scary. I admit that my smuggling plan is mostly gambling." Wu Zu said, he collected a lot of information on travelers.

It is clear that behind all the travelers, there is an existence called 'Thousand-Dimensional Church'.

Traveler's activities are all supervised by this thousand-dimensional church.

My own kind of smuggling is very likely to be beaten, but in fact, I learned that as long as there is no harm, the Qianwei Church will not care.

It can only be said that Martial Ancestor gambled successfully.

"I'm afraid that this idea came to you not long after the Traveler appeared." Lu Bai guessed, and Martial Ancestor did not deny it.

Zhang Hao is a very ambitious person. After he gained power, the idea that gradually emerged was to shine on all things like the sun.

And Zhang Hao's foundation is based on Wu Zu. After Wu Zu successfully saved the world, waves of travelers came.

Such a him, after becoming number one in the world, would he really be willing to be trapped in the small science and military dimension?

Lu Bai even estimated that Zhang Hao would have other ideas in the near future. Of course, compared to Martial Ancestor, Zhang Hao might be more innocent.

The scope of his exploration is estimated to be dirt.

"So, you want to be a traveler?" Lu Bai asked.

"Of course." Martial Ancestor also replied.

Being approached by Lu Bai has advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage lies in his own identity, which is very likely to become Lu Bai's handle to blackmail him. Lu Bai is a person who can't suffer, and he needs to be extremely careful when getting along with this kind of person.

If you come to the other party's territory, it is very likely that you will be arranged by the other party.

And the advantage is exactly the same, the other party can arrange themselves.

He didn't come to Earth to be an ordinary person, he obviously came for the traveler profession.

It's just that I don't know his current situation, whether he can become a traveler.

Lu Bai felt that there was no problem with this.

A dog can become a traveler, and Jiang Yue has no problem. It can be seen that in the eyes of the God of Thousand Dimensions.

As long as a person has self-awareness, his identity has already belonged to the earth, and if he goes to the dimension through the key of dimension, he will be regarded as a traveler.

In terms of Martial Ancestor's strength, no matter which company he goes to, he will receive great preferential treatment.

Although the artificial intelligence has been stripped away, and he is no longer the patron of the core of the dimension, but even so, his strength has not weakened much.

Lu Bai and the opponent really fought, and the outcome was still hard to tell.

"Then have time to play a game?" Lu Bai changed the subject and stopped talking about becoming a traveler: "It's a pity that I didn't compete with you."

"That's right, I've also wanted to fight you for a long time." Martial Ancestor's fox nodded with a smile on his face, and the feeling of wanting to stab Lu Bai back rose again.

Although it is said that the current consciousness is mainly based on Martial Ancestor, but the consciousness of those partners does not mean that it has completely disappeared, and it still has a certain impact on Martial Ancestor.

This battle is actually taking the right position.

Martial Ancestor is not the kind of character who is subservient to others.

However, it is impossible for Lu Bai to help someone for no reason.

Therefore, Lu Bai's helping Martial Ancestor can be regarded as an exchange of interests in a transaction.

But how to calculate it depends on the result of this battle.

If Martial Ancestor wins, then Lu Bai's helping Martial Ancestor become a traveler is more of an investment, making good friends with the strong is an investment that will not lose money at any time.

And if Lu Bai wins, then it proves that Martial Ancestor is not that strong, and Lu Bai's investment in him will be even more detached.

Both of them are people who are well-versed in the world, and the meaning of this is very clear.

However, the two of them were not in a hurry and immediately engaged in a fight, as Lu Bai still had things to deal with.

Wu Zu also needs to further adapt to this new world.

After leaving from Martial Ancestor, Lu Bai returned to Tianwu Group.

The medicine dregs doctor has come back, and through the repair cabin, he performed a deep repair on Lu Bai again.

Although Lu Bai looks fine on the surface, after all, he has been resurrected once, and his body may still have some hidden injuries. Lu Bai can't find it from his own perspective.

"What the hell have you been through?" After Lu Bai woke up, Doctor Yaozhang looked at Lu Bai with the expression of "you're playing pretty perverted".

And after that, the XP that has always been a person is free, but I still recommend you to see a doctor.

Of course, Lu Bai was also in the process, asking all the time what it was like to single out three groups of succubi with his own strength.

As far as he knows, the succubus clan is basically mixed letters.

It's either S or M, and I don't know how the medicine dregs doctor can bear it.

Is his waist okay?

After finishing the deep repair of his body, Lu Bai sorted out his next plan.

The first is the dirty soil trade. Later, we need to go to a reconciliation meeting to see the situation of the Minghong Group.

In this rotten era, there are also a lot of problems within the Minghong Group.

With such a huge profit in dirt trade, there must be countless people who are jealous.

The second is revenge, and revenge, Bai Wu's arrest has already begun.

In addition, I heard that the Tianwu Group is still looking for trouble with the Zhenxing organization, so Lu Bai also wants to see if he can use this to find Shulaoyinbi.

If it weren't for this old man to expose his identity as a awakened person, Lu Bai would not have so many troubles.

The longer this old thing survives, the more likely it is to expose itself.

Maybe after a while, some 'old friends' will come to the door, wanting to catch up with me.

Although it is said that Tianwu Group and Minghong Group will work together to protect themselves, but to be honest, Lu Bai is not fully ready yet.

Finally, there is 'Dahua'.

This Key of Dimension is almost fully charged, and I still need to find some time to check it out.

First update.

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