Death Compensation

Chapter 466 Wow! Come and eat!

Chapter 466 Wow! Come and eat!

It has to be said that most travelers cannot escape this kind of joint strangulation.

Only for Lu Bai...

"It's still a chicken and a dog!"

When Lu Bai stared, a chill came out of nowhere.

Although the function of Lu Bai's avatar of six desires has not changed, it has been continuously strengthened.

As a weapon, it is very difficult to change once it is refined, and every change is basically a gamble.

But as an incarnation, Lu Bai can keenly perceive the changes in himself with his six desires.

The incarnation of six desires has the dual characteristics of arming and incarnation.

It is not difficult for Lu Bai to fine-tune it.

At the same time, any of the six desires will be injected into various incarnations, and the avatars will be strengthened every moment.

Therefore, the incarnation of the six desires seems to be the same as before, but if you investigate carefully, you will find that the inside is quite different.

After all, Lu Bai's refining of weapons has already left the ranks of novices and entered the field of senior personnel. He can even produce such exquisite products as the Mandala of the Other Shore when the time, place and people are in harmony.

After fine-tuning the Six Desires Avatar, it has naturally been greatly improved.

The cold air was like a sharp arrow, shooting directly at the swordsman, trying to freeze the opponent to death before the swordsman stabbed himself.

The wizard immediately pinched a rabbit, and a phantom of a rabbit appeared outside the swordsman's body.

As the cold air touched the phantom of the rabbit, the rabbit in the wizard's hand was quickly frozen, and a large number of ice cubes appeared on its body.

Even the wizard's hands were frozen together with the rabbit at this moment.

It's just that the wizard didn't say a word, didn't let go, and continued to bear the cold.

The swordsman had no worries, and with that sword, he went straight to Lu Bai.

But the next moment, his head hurt, and a chill came out of his mind.

At the same time, his body became more fragile than ever.

His sword was already too powerful, and its edge could even kill himself.

It's just that he has always controlled it well and can stabilize the power of his sword.

However, at this moment, his physical fitness suddenly declined by 10%.

It was as if his own body had really become a chicken and a dog.

Mouth desire and misfortune in the mouth, the launch is successful.

Regardless of the chaos of the sword, the most important point is that.

The demon lock prisoner who locked Lu Bai was rapidly changing from green to black at this moment.

The "Heavenly Demon Desire Infusion Method" learned from Huang Ling's "Spirit Infusion Method" injected Lu Bai's desire into these beast souls.

Cooperating with the personal mark, quickly encroaching on this move that belongs to the beast.

Wild Ling was able to turn the angel's light shield into a big mouth under his control with the method of infusion, so today Lu Bai turned the other party's demon-locked prisoner god move into his own thing, and it's not because of it. Pass.

And this kind of encroachment probably started the moment the demon lock prisoner locked Lu Bai.

It's just that there is a layer of patina floating on it, covering up the eroded 'black'.

"Brass green bell · emerald echo!"

The roaring bells were rippling, as if everything around them were vibrating and distorting with the sound.

The swordsman's seven orifices were all under the backlash and vibration, and blood overflowed.

The sorcerer who performed witchcraft over there suddenly exploded the rabbit in his hand into pieces, and he took a big gulp, spitting out a large amount of black meat, in which toads, hair, snakes and the like could be vaguely seen.

Although witchcraft is convenient, once it backfires, it is very troublesome.

Despite this, the swordsman is still advancing.

This sword will stab out no matter what.

With this belief, the swordsman completely disregarded his own body that was on the verge of being broken, and poured everything into this sword.

"It's a talent, but it's a pity...that's the way!" Surrounding Lu Bai, the demon lock prisoner god, among which the beast souls all turned into black 'devil heads' at this moment, rushed straight into the swordsman's body.

The swordsman's body instantly became chaotic.

Reality will not change drastically because of will.

After all, the swordsman didn't stab out with this sword, but it was his own body, because the backlash of this sword appeared in multiple sword marks.

It turned into broken corpses and fell to the ground.

Lu Bai didn't feel too much emotion about this. There are so many talents, as long as he is an enemy, he will die if he dies. He doesn't have any heart to cherish talents.

Instead, it once again locked the target on the fine dog.

"Sigh! Come and eat!"

Pointing at the corpse, Lu Bai shouted coldly.

The puppy couldn't help feeling a desire to eat meat.

At the same time, there was also a strong sense of shame.

It was a feeling that arose from the debasement of his human personality.

"It's just that I'm not a dog in the first place?" The dog was in a trance for a moment, and actually forgot that it was fighting the enemy, and rushed towards the place Lu Bai pointed to.

"No, I'm a fine dog, and I belong to the twelve zodiac signs organized by the zoo, but my personality is not a dog!"

"I'm not a dog!" Shocked by the smell of blood, Xinggou suddenly came to his senses, and suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

A black hand suddenly appeared in his chest, pinching his heart.

Behind Lu Bai, the demon incarnation is one of the three songs, with a smile on his face.

Seven Theories of Psychology·Freaks!

Sigh! Come to eat, belittle the personality of Xinggou, deny his essence as a human, and regard the means "dog" he uses as his essence.

This caused his cognitive confusion.

When the other party is briefly awake, he will deny this cognition and use "I am not a dog" to fight against cognitive confusion.

However, they don't know that this is in Lu Bai's arms, because it denies his past.

The change in mood aroused desire, and desire was controlled by the incarnation of the demon in this change, and turned into a heart-pumping hand.

The moment his heart was crushed, he instinctively wanted to find something to fill it up and heal it. It was this desire that quickly created a false heart in Xinggou's chest.

At the same time, false thoughts also began to penetrate into his mind.

"My life is neither human nor dog, what's the point?"

"It's better to die." Xinggou couldn't help thinking about his "tragic" life.

Constantly working hard, successfully entered the zoo organization, and then won the title of dog.

After being bestowed with the title of 'Dog', he also gave himself the code name 'Small Dog'.

As for my past name, it doesn't matter anymore.

His name is a dog, and his meaning is to become a dog, even to get closer to a dog, so as to speed up the resonance rate of the module. His usual form is also the form of a thin dog, and everything about him is a dog.

Whether it is an individual, in fact, no one cares.

Even he himself doesn't pay much attention to it, but deep down in his heart, he still has some thoughts.

That's why when Lu Bai came to eat, a surge of anger surged deep in his heart, and he didn't want to be humiliated like this again.

If he has been treated as a dog, then what is the meaning of his life?

The illusory heart in his chest stretched out many tentacles, and when the puppy was thinking wildly, they had already penetrated into his limbs and bones.

As he gave up on himself, that vain heart also fulfilled its historical mission and quickly shattered.

Under the influence, the body of Xinggou died instantly, but his mind may have died one step earlier.

Like a dead dog, Lu Bai didn't pay much attention to it, and glanced at the remaining two.

Beasts and wizards.

The wizard is backlashed by witchcraft, and his abilities are basically weird and changeable, with outstanding auxiliary abilities.

Only Ten Thousand Beasts, although he lost a batch of beast souls, his own state remained intact.

It's just that although the state is preserved intact, it's still a fart.

They were originally in the dark, but Lu Bai was in the light.

Start with witchcraft curses, poisoning and plotting, and then carry out surprise attacks.

But within a short period of time, two of the four main forces died and one was disabled.

The target, Lu Bai, didn't even have a single wound on his body.

You tell me how to fight this.

"Brother Lu, you misunderstood me, Xie Bu and I are good brothers!" Wan Beast, who basically couldn't speak normally and used beast roars as a substitute, was so agile at this moment.

There's nothing you can do if you don't like it, maybe if you take a slow step, the person will disappear.

"Really?" Lu Bai also smiled, his previous killing intent seemed to be restrained.

It's just that Lu Bai changed the subject and said, "Since we are all brothers, we should naturally reciprocate."

"You made two moves in total, so I will be more generous and only return you one move."

"Let's make it through!" Lu Bai said.

The next moment, Wan Beast's eyes stared, and a demon head flew out of the swordsman's corpse.

It was the previously polluted beast soul.

When Wanshou saw this scene, the corners of his eyes twitched.

It doesn't look like much, but there is a huge amount of information in it.

This represents Lu Bo's habit problem.

That is, after one move, there must be many backhands.

For example, a fine dog, if he breaks free and comes to eat, what awaits him is a mistake.

And if he didn't break free and really ate the swordsman's meat, then it was the devil waiting for him.

Judging from this situation, how credible is Lu Bai's one-stroke agreement?

It was at this moment that he saw the smile on the corner of Lu Bai's mouth, and he already had the answer in his heart.

The next moment, those demon bosses rushed towards Wanshou with a grinning grin.

At this moment, their resentment radiated more violently than before.

The raw material of the devil is the soul of the beast, and almost all the souls of the beast are the children of Wanshou himself.

These children have been suffering from various diseases caused by the combination of humans and animals since their birth, and their birth is a disaster.

Wanshou is the source of all these disasters. He not only caused these disasters, but also used them.

Therefore, at the moment when the target pointed to the beasts, the demon heads rushed towards the beasts one by one with cheers.

Heavenly Demon Slaughtering God Law · Evil Law Reform · Absorbing Heavenly Eclipse!

This move can intercept and absorb the strength of the opponent, and reflect it backwards.

What you are facing at this moment is the devil of the same origin, so the goal is to use the same origin to the same origin, absorb all the malice, and not let it affect yourself.

The desire to survive is high at this moment!

The first update, three thousand words.

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