Chapter 472

"Really, if Mr. Lu wants to join the White Scale Society, just tell me, and please brother Yu to bring it here." And there was already a person standing at the door.

"You Fei!" The man didn't reach out rashly, but first introduced himself: "Minghong Group's Honghe department head."

Lu Bai, who read the atmosphere with a perfect score, immediately noticed that the atmosphere was not very good.

It was clear that the two had some kind of conflict of interest.

And although Yongfeng City is next door to the next city, Tianwu Group and Minghong Group actually don't have much contact with each other.

And in the past, I have never heard of any conflict between the two parties.

You Fei didn't show up when talking about dirt trade before.

Then the conflict between the two is likely to be recent, and why did they stop themselves at the door.

The answer is already on the table.

It is very likely that there is an interest in attracting people to join the White Scale Society.

And this interest is also tempting.

Coupled with the fact that I am now the host of the dirt trade, it is quite normal for the other party to use this 'senior' relationship to win me over.

The best way to do it now is actually to turn into green tea, to show that he is a good boy and that he doesn't understand anything, so that Yu Hui and You Fei, who have similar pronunciations, will fight to the death for profit.

As long as this can be achieved, Lu Bai will be able to get the greatest benefits from both sides.

Of course it's only a short-term benefit.

These two people are both human beings, and they are still in a state of fighting without breaking.

Under such circumstances, green tea can indeed gain short-term benefits, and they will pay a considerable price in order to win over Lu Bai.

However, the consequence of this approach is that the human spirit can easily get out of the green tea trap, and then destroy the trust of both parties in Lu Bai.

Lu Bai never trusted others, but he has been cultivating others' trust in him.

He regards people's hearts as data in the game. What kind of behavior he does will make the other party trust him even though he knows he is not a good person.

Gouzi, Zhang Hao and others were all locked in by the trust that Lu Bai cultivated. Although they were often hostile to Lu Bai, they would trust Lu Bai at critical moments.

And Lu Bo will assess the risk of these people losing control and set expectations for them.

Once the expectations are not enough, these people will be given up by Lu Bai.

Of course, this kind of abandonment will not be shown on the bright side.

For the sake of Lu Bo, he chose long-term interests. After shaking hands with You Fei and saying hello, he didn't leave Yu Hui too much.

And this kind of behavior not only makes Yu Hui feel comfortable, but also makes You Fei's evaluation of Lu Bai rise.

"Hahahaha, I originally planned to cut a joke, but it's a pity." You Fei also clearly admitted his purpose.

The three of them walked into the bar, and there were not many people inside. When they saw the three of them coming in, their gazes clearly fell on the face of the newcomer, Lu Bai.

And many people recognized Lu Bai.

When it was time to join the club, Lu Bai knew exactly what You Fei wanted to intercept.

To join the White Scale Society, one needs to go through some kind of evaluation review.

The thing evaluated is a grotesque flower.

Generally, there are one flower on one stalk, or many flowers on one stalk.

But the flower in front of me has three handles and one flower.

The three branches protrude from the soil in the potted plant, leaning slightly outward, and then converge toward the center of the three stems after reaching a certain height.

After confluence, multiple strands of filaments protrude, and these filaments fuse with each other to form flower pedicles.

On the flower base, there is a slightly floating flower blooming.

This floating flower was originally a spherical bud. After Lu Bai came in, the bud began to bloom.

It was only later that Lu Bai discovered that the flower buds are multi-layered, like nesting dolls, with one layer inside another.

After Lu Bai came in, the buds opened nine layers in total.

Along with the flowering, a unique fragrance also began to spread. After asking about this fragrance, Lu Bai's nose desire was greatly improved, and at the same time, he obtained a lot of information.

Fragrance, cleanliness, no filth, sensitive smell, anti-smoke, clear spirit, spiritual blessing, barrier-free, balanced.

One layer of flowers represents a kind of blessing.

The first three will improve Lu Bai's body decontamination ability, and always maintain a faint fragrance, which makes people feel good after getting close to it.

In fact, it is similar to the effect brought by Lu Bai Qi and Blood Like a Dragon Queen.

Smell sensitivity, anti-smoke and clear spirit make Lu Bai's sense of smell extra sharp, and there is always a special clear spirit in the nasal cavity, which can help Lu Bai resist most irritating gases and maintain his mind. wide awake.

These six blessings are actually the same, and for Lu Bai, they have very little effect.

The emphasis is on the latter three blessings.

Lingyou can protect you with a special way of existence. When you suffer damage, the damage will be as close to the minimum as possible in various ways.

Of course it's just approaching.

For example, when a bullet is shot at you, he can't make the bullet weaker directly, and he can't help your defense become stronger, but he can make various probabilities bias towards weakening the damage.

This is a kind of interference and utilization of 'uncertainty'.

Barrier-free, when choosing a road, as long as you are willing, the road you choose will be the road with fewer obstacles.

This ability is similar to Ye Han's 'correct' choice, but it is also different. It is only aimed at obstacles, but it does not mean it is 'correct'.

There is a balance, which helps to help you balance your own state. Whether it is a disorder of energy in the body or a disorder of the body's endocrine, this thing can help you to balance as much as possible.

These last three abilities, although they are all 'as far as possible' to achieve these effects, the ability to represent these things is limited.

However, even so, these things are an additional blessing, and have nothing to do with your own abilities, so they won't affect you.

It can be said that this kind of blessing should be as much as possible.

As Lu Bai walked out of the test room where the three-handed flowers were stored, a membership card belonging to him in the White Scale Society had been made.

Each senior member will have an opportunity to recommend members to join the club once a year.

The only test the personnel have to face is the blessing of the three-handed flower called "Three Lives Infinite Flower".

If the number of blooming layers is six or less, it will be regarded as a failure in the assessment.

Three Lives Boundless Flower is a kind of flower that judges people, it will judge your threat to him in a special way, this threat is basically equivalent to your combat power level 'note 1'.

Because "single person" cannot make the Three Lives Infinite Flower bloom, so the number of flowering layers +1 is your level.

Lu Bai is at the tenth level. According to the level of destructive power, it is at the level of 'intercontinental', which exceeds the eighth level of city destruction, and also exceeds the ninth level of natural disasters.

After Lu Bai came out, the people around looked at him a little wrongly.

Generally speaking, there are two situations when newcomers join the company.

Part of it is the sixth level of flowers blooming, and the actual combat power corresponds to the seventh level of forming an army, which will fail to join the club.

The other is the success of joining the club, but even if it is successful, it may be that the flower blossoms to the seventh floor and reaches the city of destruction, which is regarded as the standard joining battle strength.

Occasionally, some geniuses, who joined the club late, can bloom eight layers.

Like Lu Bo, it took nine floors to join the club. This only happened when the White Scale Club had just opened, when the earth had developed for fifty years, and a large number of veteran travelers joined the club.

Now everyone who is eligible to join is surrounded by various associations, and there are almost no wild travelers.

Besides, Lu Bai is not a wild traveler. Most people have information about Lu Bai themselves, and a small number of people also learned about Lu Bai immediately after the test.

It's unbelievable that a rookie who has only traveled three dimensions can actually reach the level of combat at the 'intercontinental' level.

At the same time, the gaze towards Yu Hui is also full of envy.

According to the rules of the White Scale Society, they also divided the dimensions into levels according to the upper limit of combat power.

The difference is that the upper limit of any dimension's combat power has an "army", so the dimension corresponding to this level of combat power is called the "level one dimension".

The surface level is the 'sixth dimension'.

The fantasy dimension around the earth has the best combat power level, which is level six.

And new members who join the club will have a chance to enter the corresponding level dimension according to the number of flowers blooming in the club.

As a referrer, you can use this opportunity together.

You Fei stood beside Yu Hui and said, "I regret it."

"It's useless to regret." Yu Hui's eyes were also full of surprises, but he was still able to maintain his rationality and fell into deep thinking.

The levels of combat power behind the surface are: satellites (continents), planets (domains), and stars (boundaries).

Satellite-level destructive power means that when you are on the earth, you can directly destroy the moon and completely destroy the moon. The continent is used in a fantasy world. That kind of dimension does not talk about planets, but the worldview of round heaven and earth.

According to the ancient classification method, within a dimension, there are continents divided into east, west, north, south, and middle, and if they have the ability to destroy one of the continents, they can be regarded as continent-level destructive power.

Of course, this classification method is only approximate, and it is not accurate enough that you must actually destroy the thing.

It should be divided according to the actual situation.

Lu Bai has nine flowers, that is to say, Lu Bai can enter the star-level dimension at most.

Generally speaking, the background in this dimension is extraordinarily large. The background is either a galaxy like the Milky Way, or a world with multiple existences and coexistence of various worlds.

In that environment, Yu Hui said that he might not be able to bear it with a high probability.

There are so many opportunities, but so are the risks.

Lu Bai also frowned at this situation. He was able to bloom nine flowers, mostly because he was backed by the 'Netherworld'.

According to his own evaluation, his combat power is at most at the level of natural disasters.

It is more reasonable to say that it is a natural disaster.

In this case, going to that advanced dimension cannot be said to be a weak person, but it is definitely not the kind of strong person with dominance.

"Don't worry, this level of dimensional door is not so easy to open."

"Before that, we're probably all well-prepared."

The first update, 3000 words.

Note 1: Review of the previous combat power level:

Single player, break the door, form a team, demolish the house, a hundred enemies, villages and towns.

Form an army, destroy a city, natural disasters, intercontinental, destroy a country, and surface.

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