Chapter 494

The time in Dahua passed quickly. Compared with the previous dimensional trips, this time the dimensional trip was full but a bit dull.

But this is also helpless, Dahua is the evolution of the magic soil that has been opened up.

Although a new expansion pack has been launched, unless it is the Abyss Descent expansion pack, it will take some time to become exciting simply by relying on local development.

Lu Bai planted some helpers here, so he didn't get involved in these people's affairs.

Even if Lu Bai is not there, the demons here can start to operate independently.

And the research on the avatar has also reached the point where it can be sold.

Just wait for the time.

The next time I enter Dahua, it is estimated that I will be able to sell a batch of avatars.

Cao Daxian and the others who came in to make soy sauce all the time had no objection to this.

They also want incarnations, but the purpose of wanting incarnations is for stronger combat effectiveness.

And the current avatar is not stable enough, even if it is loaded, the combat power provided is not strong, and it is prone to sequelae.

So it's better to wait later.

Anyway, with their relationship, it is not difficult to enter Dahua for the second time.

Lu Bai's work in Dahua is gradually completed, and the demons will continue to provide a large number of demon seeds in the future.

However, the real transformation of the Heavenly Demon did not proceed immediately.

The reason is that there are not many soul boxes in Lu Bai's hands.

At the beginning, he was not sure about the function of the gray and white stones, so Lu Bai took some tentatively, and spent the rest of the time looking for various skills, knowledge and special secret treasures.

Most of it has been used up in the Kewu world, and Lu Bai doesn't plan to use up the rest right away.

At least he will have to wait until the soul box and dirty meat can be supplied in large quantities before Lu Bai will let go of the restrictions on the demon's transformation.

And if he wants to obtain a large number of things like soul boxes, Lu Bai needs to consider the opinions of the "multiple eyes" of the Nether Seabed.

From this point of view, it is best to go to the dimension where the 'Savior Sign' is located.

Lu Bai was also completely speechless about this.

The one who came to his dream with multiple eyes before was called a diligent one. After throwing things to himself, he never came again, so Lu Bai is still in a state of confusion about the task of that dimension.

"Iron man." Lu Bai concluded.

Slowly breaking free from the discomfort of crossing the dimension, Lu Bai saw Huniu when he opened his eyes.

At this time, she was full of murderous aura, very frightening, but if you observe Hu Niu carefully, you can find that she has a little more mystery.

Obviously, she didn't waste this time.

Lu Bai is very happy about this.

But before he was very happy, he was dragged by Huniu to review the idiom stories.

The name of the story is, how can you get a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's den.

This trip to Dahua, although Lu Bai did not improve on the bright side, but this can be regarded as a accumulation of foundation.

In the previous death, many gems were fished from the bottom of the sea, and these gems had a lot of technical knowledge praised by others.

At the same time, there are also changes in the operation of the dimensional core for him to learn.

Although the ability didn't increase much, it also increased Lu Bai's ability a lot.

Especially in the Sutra of the Six Desires Transforming the Heavens, as for the incarnation, Lu Bai can use his six desires as the base to create more incarnations.

For example, the thunder gourd in his hand seems a little weak now, Lu Bai can use the power of the six desires to transform this thunder gourd into an avatar.

This trick is called Borrowing Appearance!

The inspiration still came from Bai Xiao's second incarnation.

His second incarnation is actually still in a blank state, so he usually has no other abilities except invisibility.

It is necessary to absorb other evil mediums, or other incarnations, in order to manifest the body.

The incarnations of Lu Bo's six desires each have their own basic tools.

However, in the absence of these fundamental instruments, the incarnation of differentiation is not really powerful.

And if you use basic equipment, once the avatar is broken, the foundation of Lu Bai's move will be damaged, and it will be very troublesome to repair it.

Therefore, Lu Bai seldom transforms into an avatar to act alone. Even if he wants to use it, he uses the power of the six desires to combine forces to form the incarnation of the demon, using the six in one as the base to make up for the problem that the avatar is not strong.

The sand in the eyes, the thorn in the flesh, the ringing in the ears, the sneer in the nose, the disaster in the mouth, the ape in the heart, these fundamental instruments of the six desires incarnation have never been touched by Lu Bai.

Now, the trick of borrowing objects to reveal the body has also solved the defect of insufficient mana caused by the fact that the basic equipment does not move.

With this move alone, Lu Bai's methods have greatly increased.

Lu Bai sat up, removed the tiger tail that was hanging on his body, took out the Yinlei gourd, and took a mouthful of Yinlei liquid with the jade cup.

After swallowing, the whole body is numb.

It's just that the effect of body forging is almost gone.

With his current physical fitness, he can grab a gourd and drink thunder without using the karma-changing formula.

"This gourd can leave a solid body in the dirty soil, and its foundation is actually not bad."

"It seems that we have to find an opportunity to strengthen it!"

After possessing the trick of borrowing objects to reveal his appearance, Lu Bai had a new idea about arming.

Since it is possible to borrow objects to reveal their appearance, can they be supplemented by their appearance?

After turning the utensils into incarnations, then use the incarnation of the utensils to start cultivation, and feed back these utensils through cultivation.

This behavior is to make the artifacts whose structural capabilities have been fixed flexible and active, so that it is possible to change the gain.

"With this trick, my ritual of avoiding obstacles will be a little more secure."

Lu Bai plans to find an opportunity to complete the planned ceremony in the next dimension trip.

With the power of this ceremony, I can condense several original sin modules that I lack, and at the same time establish a connection between original sin and the ten obstacles.

At that time, his big red dragon Bo Xun will be officially born.

In this regard, Lu Bai's output can also be supplemented.

Lu Bai has many methods now, but the actual output ability is not strong.

For example, although he now has a natural disaster-level combat rating, but in terms of output, he is really not at the level of natural disasters.

At most, it is to use the two forces that can affect the celestial phenomena to change the celestial phenomena for fun.

At most, there will be a larger hailstorm. Although the damage area is wider, the attack power is not enough.

The big red dragon was originally built to complement the output.

The build of this skill has been delayed long enough.

"When this skill is supplemented, then my combat power may surpass natural disasters and truly reach the point of intercontinental." Lu Bai estimated his own combat power.

This kind of combat power is already very remarkable. The means for travelers to increase their upper limit of strength is mainly the resonance rate.

And Lu Bai's resonance rate is actually too low compared to his combat power level.

Currently, the modules with the highest resonance rate in Lu Bo are the operation module [Concept] and the avatar-related modules such as [Eye], [Ear], [Mouth] and [Nose]. These modules have reached the level of 6%.

According to the realm level (Note 1) of the Greek alphabet, if the resonance rate reaches 6%, then it belongs to the fourth level delta-Δ.

That is, the level of Chopper in the former pretender team.

The corresponding combat power level of this level is probably between forming an army and destroying a city.

However, even if Lu Bo has perfected the skill of the big red dragon, as long as the resonance rate of his other modules has not been improved, then he will not reach the next level Epsilon-Ε (requires the resonance rate of the main module to reach 10%)

Lu Bai's strength and combat power level exceeded the corresponding level of the realm by two to three levels.

This is the improvement brought about by the rationality of skill building, the sophistication of modules, and the degree of cooperation with each other.

While Huniu was already asleep, Lu Bai called the Bailin Club and got in touch with Yunhe.

According to Yunhe, the relationship to go to the star-level dimension has been established, and the application has also been approved, but the tickets for this level of dimension have already been booked.

If they want to go in, they still need to queue up for a certain amount of time.

In a short period of time, it is not realistic for them to want to enter that dimension.

Yunhe asked Lu Bai to find a few surface-level dimensions by himself, to improve himself first, and then prepare to enter the star-level dimension.

This is not surprising to Lu Bai. Under such circumstances, it seems better to focus on completing the task of Nether Eyes.

Taking out the symbol of the savior, Lu Bai opened his traveler panel and mobilized the low-level dimensional certificate.

Choose the savior logo as the medium.

The answer you get is that you can travel, please go to the Thousand-Dimensional Church to start the corresponding portal.

"Then make sure, the next dimension trip will go here." Lu Bai made up his mind.

However, there is no plan to go now.

I just came back from Dahua and need to rest for two days.

By the way, refine some more weapons and let yourself have a few more hole cards.

And the dirt trade is about to start.

Although Lu Bai does not intend to enter the Kewu dimension again, he has his own dividends for the things that come from the transaction.

As the director of the trading house, he had to be present to make arrangements no matter what.

Put some high-quality materials in your bag, and search for some virtual shapes by the way.

The ability of virtual form can also further increase the breadth of Lu Bai's ability.

The Tailman's fighting skills and stone statue omnipotence given to Gongren before are just a small matter.

The real value of the virtual form lies in its ability to directly endow ordinary people with extraordinary abilities.

After relying on dirty meat, it can even achieve 100% efficiency.

It's just that Lu Bai doesn't go straight to the dirty land very much now.

Many Eyes in the Nether said he was the Chosen One.

Then once you make a big commotion in the filth.

Once the dirty will, which is closely related to Nether, discovers Lu Bai's identity.

It's hard to say what won't be done.

Before his strength was insufficient, when it was time to fight, Lu Bai's desire to survive was quite strong.

After confirming the target, Lu Bai went to find an angel to mend his magic.

After studying the tiger's hair and power burst, he wanted to study the body structure and ability characteristics of this special creature, the Nephalem.

No way, Lu Bai is such a diligent and studious person.

Explanation 1: Realm level review: No matter how to build skills, travelers whose skills have not been built are called Alpha-Α.

The traveler whose five skills have been built is Beta-Β.

Gamma-Γ is the traveler who initially obtained the resonance rate, is very familiar with all five of his skills, and has developed additional tricks.

When the resonance rate reaches a certain level, the traveler who can make the skill "free" is delta-Δ (5%).

It is said that as the resonance rate further increases, there are Epsilon-Ε (10%), Zeta-Ζ (20%), Ita-Η (30%), Theta-Θ (40%), Jota -Ι (50%) etc.

In theory, travelers could even reach Omega-Ω all the way.

According to the Greek alphabet, travelers can be divided into twenty-four levels.

However, most of the travelers in daily life are only the third level Gamma and the fourth level Delta.

The travelers of Ita, ranked seventh, and Xita, ranked eighth, are the big brothers among the travelers.

Theoretically, the twenty-fourth level Omega is actually conceived according to the God of Thousand Dimensions, the boss of all travelers.

The general correspondence between the level of combat power and the level of the realm: {single person, breaking the door, forming a team (Α)}, {demolishing a house, fighting against a hundred (β)}, villages and towns (Γ).

Forming an army (Δ), destroying a city (Ε), natural disasters (Ζ), intercontinental (Η), destroying a country (Θ), and surface (Ι).

Then there are satellites (continents), planets (domains), and stars (boundaries).

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