Death Compensation

Chapter 514 Curious

Chapter 514 Curious




Amid the cheers, Luo Sheng, who had scars on his body, showed a painful smile.

And this smile quickly solidified under the light of the camera, and then became the cover of various newspaper news.

Luo Sheng became famous by defeating a B-rank void monster and a C-rank void monster in one battle.

Although it is a bit of a trick, he used the position to make the two void monsters clash, and then he took advantage of the opportunity.

But even so, it is quite remarkable.

He has become the most outstanding guard rookie in the past three years.

In the bar at night, Luo Sheng, who was injured, became the focus of the audience as soon as he appeared on the stage.

I don't know how many 'reserved' Tiancai who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles approach Luo Sheng at this moment.

Luo Sheng never refused, and now he is the king of this era!

Extravagant, blurred, chaotic, dizzying.

Original sin is beating on the body, and karma is constantly accumulating.

Even for a moment, Luo Sheng didn't know how many days and nights he had passed.

Then he was picked out, entered the escort team, and clocked in for work.

At this moment, Luo Sheng had a strong resistance to work.

When he goes to work, when he is in a ghost class, he wants to play until the sky is dark and the world is destroyed.

It's just that his rationality is telling him that no matter how famous he is now, he still has to go to work, and the job of the guard is his basic position.

As for the person who caught him, he also saw it, and it was Liu Dongdong back then.

She had been transferred from the intelligence department and became a manager for members of the escort.

Take care of these Guardians one-on-one to help them solidify their image and attract more fans.

Then use it to gain economic benefits.

After all, the escort team has always had a lot of expenses, and they also need income.

And this kind of fan economy can not only create a lot of benefits, but also maintain the status of the members of the escort team.

For example, Captain Chao Chao is the most famous star in the world at this moment. His words are often more important to some people than their parents.

People regard his words as truth.

Even if he directly pointed at an innocent person and said he was a heinous criminal.

Even in the absence of any evidence, that person will criticize and even have violent fans, and will directly put his hands into action.

They're not doing justice, they're just trying to get Tidal's attention.

People are so blind.

Their brain circuits have formed that tide is justice, and he is the absolute equal sign of truth.

In this case, it's not stars and fans anymore, it's gods and their followers.

What Luo Sheng wanted to be was Chao Chao.

Each of the eight-day stars is no longer as simple as a member of the guard.

They have the power of life and death, according to the information given by Lu Bai.

Among the Eight Heavenly Stars, there is a tyrannical existence. There has been bullying and rape in the team, insulting girls at will, and not seeing anyone for more than a month.

But until now, he is still the famous eight-day star, and he is worshiped by everyone.

Jupiter, one of the eight stars, astronomical symbol:.

Is the largest planet in the solar system, but also a gaseous planet.

Jupiter is thought to be almost as large a radius as the planet's structure and evolutionary history can dictate.

The composition of Jupiter and the sun is very similar, the ratio of hydrogen and helium is very close to the original solar nebula.

Of course, the mass of Jupiter is still too small compared to the sun. Some people think that Jupiter only needs to increase its mass to a certain extent, then it will continue to shrink, and eventually the pressure inside the planet will reach the standard, and nuclear reactions will occur, turning a planet into a star.

The eight-day star, who was awarded the title of Jupiter, prefers to be called Jupiter.

The chief god of Roman mythology.

Of course, it can also be called Zeus.

The main god of Greek mythology.

The myths of the two are confused with each other, and they can almost be regarded as the existence of two sides of the same body.

Among the Eight Heavenly Stars, Jupiter is also extremely arrogant.

For the other Eight Heavenly Stars, except for Tidal as the captain, he is extraordinarily strong.

Even for Captain Chao, he has been preparing to overthrow the opponent.

Many men and women in the guard team have been bullied by him, and this guy is also a guy who doesn't care about meat and vegetables.

Although Luo Sheng was not as confused as Jupiter, his first feeling was envy when he saw Jupiter's information that had not been revealed to the public.

He also wants to be that kind of person, who can do whatever he wants.

Thinking of this, Luo Sheng put a smile on his face, greeted Liu Dongdong, and then started today's work.

He needs to wait, waiting for his own strengthening.

According to Lu Bo, his adaptability will increase rapidly, and the speed at which he can gain reinforcement will also continue to increase.

Soon, he will be able to carry out C-level enhancement.

Then, the opportunity to become a D-level enhancer will appear in due course.

Finally, go one step further and become an E-rank enhancer.

He will be the ninth star.

It is said that the guards have already determined that after the eight-day star, the new E-level enhancer will be named after the constellation.

Luo Sheng, he has already pre-booked a certain constellation!

Then the alarm sounded.

"Renhuai Road, there is a void reaction on the first street, and it is determined to be a D-rank void monster."

"Let the D-level third preparation team go to the corresponding location and deal with it."

The broadcast sounded very timely.

And the D-level third preparation team also immediately set off.

As soon as they walked out of the door one by one, they got a lot of cheers.

In comparison, the cheers that Luo Sheng received before seemed too weak.

He was in the building, looking at the expedition team, his eyes were full of coldness.

Greed is constantly spreading, and in his opinion, all those cheers should be given to him.

But afterward, Luo Sheng closed his eyes.

He is not strong enough now and needs to constantly improve himself.

Just training bit by bit on your own is just too slow.

I have enjoyed the way of quickly learning a skill that Lu Bai gave to the dirty meat.

That clumsy training method is no longer in his eyes.

If you have that time, you might as well invite a few female fans who adore him, and have a happy night together.

On his body, another original sin was gradually revealed.

It's just not obvious enough.

On the other side, the D-level third preparation team, which was going on an expedition, soon arrived at Renhuai Road.

On one side of the street, there are already void ripples like water waves.

This is a sign that the void monster is about to appear.

The logistics team of the preparation team immediately made preparations around and drove away the people who were frantically surrounding them.

"What's the matter, one by one will come to make trouble."

The logistics team is a trained reserve team, they have not received the enhancement of void zero point energy.

It is somewhat similar to Luo Sheng's previous intern status.

They need to assist the other party to do some work when the reserve team is dispatched, and the crowd must be evacuated.

However, this kind of work has recently become more and more difficult to do.

Especially with Luo Sheng's sudden rise to fame.

From their point of view, Luo Sheng was the lucky one who got into the guard through injury.

And now he is a rising star.

This made them envious, and many people also took action.

They can only seize this only 'channel'.

Therefore, during this period of time, more and more people gathered at the place where the void monster attack took place.

In this regard, these logistics personnel have no way to forcibly take these people away.

After all, some people want to court death, and they can't help it.

Instead, after installing the void device, he chose to leave by himself.

Unlike these ignorant people, as the logistics team, they have seen too many void attacks.

Void monsters are monsters that unenhanced humans cannot defeat anyway.

Even the most ordinary A-level monsters have strong immortality, and it is difficult for human weapons to cause damage to the opponent.

Only members of the guard can defeat them and capture them.

Soon, the layers of void ripples expanded to the limit, and a humanoid monster with purple skin and a big hole in its chest appeared on the street with black and red blood dripping from the hole.

The moment it appeared, the void monster let out an angry roar.

The sound waves of the roar spread, and the surrounding glass was directly shattered.

A group of people who were still very excited fell to the ground with blood gushing from their ears.

"Quack quack quack!" That kind of humanoid monster made a sound similar to the cry of a bird after roaring.

A pair of slender but blood-stained hands casually pierced into the hole in his chest.

As it pulled out suddenly, the entrance of the hole, which had been flowing continuously, suddenly seemed to burst a dike.

A large amount of dark red blood sprayed out towards the surroundings.

The blood sprayed out quickly hardened after being separated from the body, and shot out towards the surroundings like ice crystals.

However, the D-level enhancer who came this time was also prepared. He raised his hand and distorted the surrounding things.

The originally solidified blood melted again in just an instant.

It turned into a pool of black blood and fell to the ground.

On the building in the distance, Lu Bai watched all this, and gradually understood.

"So that's it. Can the guards also predict the appearance of the void monster, and even accurately predict the monster's ability type, so that they can send corresponding personnel to deal with it?"

Looking at the monster's black and red blood, Lu Bai quickly turned his mind, and quickly locked on a person.

During the Ding Yan incident, the guy with the short hair who made the shot.

The ability he uses is to grow black and purple translucent ice crystals on his fists and feet.

Although the color is a bit wrong, the translucent shape of the ice crystal is very similar.

"So, does this monster actually correspond to the cropped man?" Lu Bai thought, but then shook his head.

If I remember correctly, when the inch-headed man was promoted from C-rank to D-rank, he defeated a D-rank monster.

According to Ding Yan's information, that D-level monster corresponds to the cropped man.

"But what is the reason for this similarity?"

Lu Bai expressed his curiosity.

First update.

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