Death Compensation

Chapter 550: Siege

Chapter 550: Siege

Tide is too confident, he is confident that he can control everything.

Even anger is under his control, he can be angry, but under his control, anger will point to the side that is beneficial to him.

Everything was as planned, Ding Yan became the victim and was brought in front of the corresponding void monster.

It's just that Chao Chao never expected that Ding Yan would be able to fuse with the Void Monster.

There aren't many strengtheners of Prosperity. To be precise, there are only three people on record.

The first one is Yue Sheng, the developer of Void Zero Point Energy Strengthening System.

The second one was a female team member. For some reason, when she was promoted to D rank, she chose to accept death.

The third one is Ding Yan in front of him.

The birth difficulty of the Prosperity Enhancer is hell level.

Although it is more difficult for adversity strengtheners, and there are many losers, as long as they don't have so much psychological burden, they can succeed relatively easily.

But the good times are different, maybe it wasn't like this at the beginning, but after Tidal changed the promotion method and broke the balance, the Sea of ​​Nothingness has a natural hostility towards the strengtheners.

Accepting death is nice to say, but when facing the phantom of death, seeing the tragedy of one's own death, and the price one would bear after one's death may be completely engulfed by the sea of ​​nothingness, few people can really have no hesitation in their hearts. .

Including Ding Yan at the beginning, if he knew about this at that time, he might not be able to succeed.

He was hunted down for such a long time in a state of distress, he had self-destructive thoughts in the middle, and he wavered several times before he finally chose to accept death.

This is not a multiple-choice question, it is what you choose, but you need to agree with it wholeheartedly.

In addition, the assistance of the external environment is also needed.

Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. The environment has a great influence on people.

In the escort team, most people have a second side that is unknown, that side is irritable and depressed, which is caused by the environment of the escort team.

Everyone in there is under a lot of pressure.

The social environment in Rencang and even the whole world is in that kind of depressed state.

Poor lives with treacherous tricks, and riches cultivate conscience.

This is not to excuse the rich, but to show that when most people are poor and starving to death, he will not care about morality and the like. Only when he is in a state of material affluence can he have that The pursuit of morality - leisurely mind.

Although this is not entirely the case, there are also many perfect people with complete morality among the poor, and even if the rich have abundant materials, they may not necessarily have a conscience, but the general direction is indeed the same.

The granary knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing are sufficient to know the honor and disgrace.

In today's society, the shortage of energy has led to insufficient supplies. The upper class is for their own status, and the lower class is for survival. Various social conflicts are complicated and sharp, but they are suppressed by the force of the guards.

The moral standard of the social environment is not high.

In this case, there are really too few people who strengthen the situation, and many of them will be screened out before entering the escort team.

The guards are not sick, the two strengthening directions are completely opposite, and the strengtheners after strengthening also have irreconcilable contradictions.

Only those who are sick will waste the precious zero-point energy of the void to specially cultivate adversity enhancers who have irreconcilable contradictions with themselves.

Therefore, there is almost no research on the intensifiers of prosperity.

Only Mars has the copy, the investigation report.

And who would have thought that Mars, a person who only dared to take revenge on the weak after being cheated so many times, would dare to conceal such a crucial matter.

Even so, Tidal's wrath is still easy to let go.

He raised his head to look at Ding Yan, the murderous intent in his eyes was as cold as ice for thousands of years, just his eyes were enough to freeze people to death.

"I said, the strong have more fault tolerance, even now, I can kill you to complete my plan!" After Chao Chao's words fell, his figure had already disappeared from Ding Yan's eyes.

At this moment, Ding Yan's strength is stronger than that of ordinary D-level enhancers.

But there is still a long way to go from E-level.

The difference between D-level and E-level is the difference between human beings and natural disasters.

Ding Yan hardly had any ability to resist, so he was thrown out by the full force of the tide. There are too many void monsters here, so let's not let them out to get in the way now.

Throwing Ding Yan on the open ground, the tide floating in mid-air, turned his body, and turned into a spinning top, spinning and falling.

Tide's exclusive trick: Separation!

A punch or kick delivered in a spinning stance.

From the most basic level, it can instantly pulverize the hit object into powder or even finer particles.

After only meeting each other for a short time, Tide already judged that Ding Yan's immortality was far inferior to that of real void creatures.

If his body was smashed into particles, then in Ding Yan's state, it would probably be difficult to revive him.

This also seems to be a way to kill void monsters.

The Void Monster has formed a symbiotic relationship with Ding Yan. As long as Ding Yan is killed, the symbiotic Void Monster will also die.

Although it is slightly different from my previous plan, the result will not be any different.

"You can't kill him so easily now."

"Anger: Samadhi Fire!"

A bright yellow flame flew out, and came to Ding Yan first, forming an obstacle.

Although the body surface is protected by a layer of tidal power.

Yet Tide still felt threatened.

This flame appears to be fire, but in fact it is not just flame.

The most obvious point is that when he went out, his control over the tidal force quickly lost control when he was burned by this flame.

With the scope of this flame, if he completely enveloped himself, it would probably cause him a lot of trouble.

Forcibly stopping his figure, Tide flicked his cloak, and a gust of wind swept across.

Blow away the spreading flames.

After rising to a certain level, the tide looked in the direction of the flame.

Lu Bai was standing there, and after Chao Chao looked over, he took off the magic hat on his head.

Then with a flick of his hand, the magic hat flew towards the tide.

"Hmph!" Tidal's gaze focused, and a force appeared out of nowhere, acting on the magic hat, blowing it apart completely.

The earth-moon system——tide, his ability is very simple, that is, the force field changes caused by the earth-moon system.

This force was on his body.

According to him, he can only feel 1/6 of the earth's gravity.

So he can fly easily.

It is also possible to use this reciprocating force to form a force field and act on the surroundings of one's body.

Simply put, it is the smooth force of operation.

It's just the force between the earth and the moon.

Although he didn't notice any danger in the hat, it seemed to be just an ordinary hat.

But after the previous Samadhi Fire, the tide at this moment dare not be careless.

Especially in this special period now.

The exploded hat became a pile of finely divided powder.

Black powder spread all over the air, and then a person rushed out of it.

This person was dressed in bright silver armor, like a medieval knight, holding a huge knight sword.

After rushing out of the powder, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, he swung the long sword towards the tide.

"Knight!" Chao Chao didn't panic after seeing the other party.

This person dressed as a knight, whose code name is also a knight, belongs to Luoyue City, and is one of the three E-level enhancers belonging to Luoyue City.

He raised his hand and grasped the big sword that the opponent had slashed over.

Turning around and flinging, the knight was thrown aside and smashed into the factory building.

Following this force, he made a 180-degree turn in mid-air, and the knife in his hand slashed out.

The hand knife that came out of the slash hit a red arm.

On that red arm, the high temperature overflowed, but it couldn't break through the tidal force field protection at all.

The owner of the arm is a woman with a full head of white. At this moment, she is gnashing her teeth and looking at the tide.

Then he was twisted by the tide, and the flying cloak forced him back.

"Mutual Aid Society, the star of death——Lu Bai!" He floated in the sky, looking at the three people who surrounded him in a triangle, like gods on earth.

"Luo Yue, knight!" The other party was walking out of the factory building, his body was covered in dust, but his body was still as radiant as before.

"Take the moon, Ms. Red!" The white-haired woman in red at the bottom shook her arms, her hands were like lava, and her eyes were full of hatred for the tide.

She is the E-level enhancer of Lanyue City. She came from a small war-torn country. Because she couldn't bear the exploitation of the king and others, she carried out an armed 'rebellion', and then her whole family was bloody suppressed.

And what suppressed her family back then was naturally the tide, which was regarded as a symbol of 'peace'.

At that time, Ms. Hong was studying abroad. When everyone else was cheering for the tide, only Ms. Hong shed tears.

So she chose to join Lanyue City, and she was indeed talented, so she was quickly selected by Lanyue's organization, and then strengthened step by step, becoming an E-level enhancer.

In the past few years, it can be regarded as fighting with Chao Chao several times, but unfortunately they were all suppressed.

If it weren't for the fact that E-level enhancers are difficult to kill, and there will be a tragic price after killing, she might have been killed by the tide long ago.

"It seems that it is indeed like what the intelligence said, you have no way to draw the power of the earth-moon system to the fullest now."

"Your main force is maintaining this strengthening ceremony."

The knight's voice came, and the pair of eyes leaking from the helmet were full of naked killing intent.

Tidal has occupied the number one position in the world for too long.

It was so long that he couldn't wait to pull the opponent off his horse and kill him.

The power of the entire system of the earth-moon system is the full power of the tide, and now he can only use 1/6 of the power of the moon.

"So what, even though I bear the Moon Ritual and can only use one-sixth of the power, I can still defeat you group of remnants..."

"Kill them all!"

The first update, there will be another update later.

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