Death Compensation

Chapter 558 All the blood is left, so let's all go to waste

Chapter 558 All the blood is left, so let's all go to waste

"Are you kidding me, don't think that I will really lose to you!" Chao Chao's eyes widened.

He has shadows in his heart, but it doesn't mean that he has nothing to do with Lu Bai's ability.

Tide is also a genius, he can use his knowledge to transform his own body.

Let your own flesh and blood body become a structure with countless overlapping force fields.

Through this structure, he has realized his own body of steel, and any damage can hardly harm the tide itself.

If it weren't for Lu Bai's Nether Flame, which can directly restrain the zero-point energy of the void, Tide wouldn't be so careful.

However, in this short period of time, Tide successfully upgraded his superimposed force field.

Originally, the force field of the body is stacked and superimposed, interrelated, so that it can defend against various external attacks to the greatest extent.

But there are also flaws, that is, if the defense is really broken, it is very likely to cause a chain collapse of his body.

It was difficult to change this structure in a short period of time, so he chose the split flow transformation.

So-called rift currents are also known as rip currents.

It is a narrow and strong current like a beam, which flows out to sea in a direction perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the coast.

People are playing on the coast, and if they are not careful, they will be sent to the open sea by this ocean current.

The length of this split flow is generally between 30 and 50 meters, and some are as long as 700 to 800 meters.

And the current is very fast. If you are trapped by the rip current, it is almost impossible to swim against the current.

So be careful when playing at the beach.

The tidal rift used to be a means of attack, through the change of the force field, the liquid or something was thrown out.

It can be regarded as a long-range attack ability of him.

But now it is used by him for body protection.

In his opinion, Lu Bai's Nether Flame is just a plasma-like high-energy object, but it has a miraculous effect on the zero-point energy of the void.

That being the case, then by other methods, when it touches itself, it can be launched from the surroundings of one's body.

This move is similar to the Ku Chan in Lu Bai's Ku Rong six moves.

It's just that the essence is to form a channel outside the body with a force field, and exert great pressure on it. This pressure can squeeze and eject everything that touches the body in an instant.

And I have to say that this move does have an effect.

Although after Lu Bo successfully sensed things, the flames of the netherworld also had a certain degree of lethality against non-living bodies, but this lethality was not as effective as its restraint effect on living bodies.

If you continue to use the Nether Flame now, then maybe you will be squeezed out of your body by the pressure of that force field.

However, Lu Bai who rushed up had no intention of using the Nether Flame.

Bombs are most deterrent only when they are not blown up.

Although it has been bombed once now, it is only to let the other party realize the power of this ability.

Lu Bai is sure that Chao Chao must have thought of a solution, but he must also be in a state of uncertainty in his heart.

In this way, it can draw a lot of energy from the other party.

For example, Lu Bai raised his hand.

"The first move!"

A pitch-black flame gushed out from his body.

At this moment, the tidal spirit is highly concentrated. Just as Lu Bai said, whether the split current body protection is useful or not, he himself is not sure.

That black flame looks like a black dragon that destroys the world.

Roaring, it flocked to his body.

The hot temperature seemed to burn his skin at this moment.

The moment the flame touched his body, it first entered into the force field interlayer on his body surface.

As the force field applied pressure, those flames were squeezed and disappeared in an instant.

A large amount of black was sprayed out from a channel on the side.

Everything seemed to be normal, but what surprised Chao Chao was that the blackness spread out, dyeing everything around him black.

Could it be that the power is being squeezed, but it will spread instead.

It's just that Tidal soon realized something was wrong, and when the force field changed, those blacks were pushed away.

Upon closer inspection, these blacks are simply toner.

What Lu Bai emitted was not the black flame before, but a dyed gas.

The so-called world-destroying black dragon and the so-called scorching high temperature were all made up by Tidal himself.

This is blindfolding!


Tide's first thought arose, and what followed was not anger, but shock.

He cared too much about the black flame.

Thus ignoring Lu Bai who was already close at hand.

This is the second trick: dragon sleep technique!

"Lu Bai!" Tide was startled suddenly, the force field rotated, caught Lu Bai's existence, and punched Lu Bai.

Just at the moment when he threw his fist, a thought flashed in Chao Chao's mind.

The black flame before was fake, so can I really prevent the real black flame?

A thought flashed through my mind, and I kept three points of strength, ready to deal with various emergencies.

However, it was Lu Bai's shield that greeted Tidal's fist.

The fist hit the shield, and everything around Lu Bai visibly vibrated several times.

The karma-changing tactic was used to the limit.

At this moment, his body is in an innately uncertain state, and he really can't be beaten vigorously. The original body training effect has also been thrown aside by Lu Bai.

During the phase of the moon, the ape in his heart was yelling, his body was shattered and wounds were opened, and a lot of purple blood flowed out from it.

"Defense?" Chao Chao didn't quite understand. Lu Bai used the fake black flame to deceive himself into the opportunity he had won, and actually just waited for his own attack to defend?

But soon, Tide understood the problem.

A big sword descended from the sky, gathered momentum below the apex, aimed at his neck, and slashed directly at his neck.

With great force, the sword pierced through most of the force field shield and landed directly on his skin.

The body with the superimposed force field was also slightly unstable under this sword.

This time, the main effect of the dragon sleep technique is not to make Tide ignore Lu Bai, but to make him ignore the knight and the red lady.

Although these two people are not in the eyes of Tide, they are both E-level enhancers.

If you really want to explode with all your strength, Tide will have to deal with it with your heart.

At this moment, he was tantamount to being attacked without any defense.

In addition to the knight's sword, the red lady turned into a mass of hot humanoid magma, or hot plasma.

At the same time that the knight's sword slashed down, it turned into a red glow, and pierced into Chao's back while spinning wildly.

Because he adjusted his body's force field protection to form a rift, his body's defense power dropped slightly.

The attacks of the two of them now all act on his superimposed force field.

It seems to be only a matter of time before it is breached.

"Just relying on you two guys, you want to kill me, Lu Boyi underestimates me too much!" Chao Chao's eyes froze.

Perceive the changes in the death elements of the world in the sky.

"Go away!"

Wu Yu Ming Po!

The force field superimposed on the body began to loosen at this moment, and spread towards the surroundings under the active urging of the tide.

A ray of light flashed, and the entire factory was instantly flattened.

At the cost of actively destroying the force field balance built in his body, an outward explosion was triggered.

Completely destroy everything within a ten-mile radius, except for yourself.

The moment when the superimposed force field of the body is about to be broken is the most dangerous time for oneself.

Abandon the pawns and save the handsome.

Although the defense of one's own body will be reduced to a certain extent, it can also destroy the surrounding sources of danger.

After he conceived it, he only used it experimentally once, but this time it was truly revealed to the public.

No matter what, Lu Bai and the others probably won't die, but will be seriously injured.

"Sorry, it's the third move now!"

However, Lu Bai's voice appeared in Chao Chao's ears.

On a barren artificial basin, the tide floats slightly in the middle, and there are thick smoke and dust spreading around it.


Chao Chao turned around and punched, but Lu Bai dodged it directly.

Arms burning with flames pressed towards Tide's chest.

Anger: Samadhi fire!

"Absolutely impossible..."

"Even so, don't even think about hurting me!"


Tides are cyclical, ebb and flow.

Wuyu Mingpo, after the explosion, also had a reflow.

In this way, those hazards that have not been destroyed by blasting are protected.

He Chao is a genius, he will definitely not die from this sneak attack!

The backflow force passed through Lu Bai's body, instantly turning it mottled, as if distorted.

It's like a problem with the video signal that caused the blurred screen.

"Blindfolding!" Chao Chao came to his senses in an instant.

Under the influence of Wu Yu Ming Po, everything within a radius of ten miles, except him, will be destroyed and pushed away.

Especially with him as the central position, the impact is the greatest, and it is impossible for anyone under the impact to be fine.

This Lu Bai is just the light and shadow cast by the other party from a distance.

Oops, the second paragraph of the ultimate move was tricked by the illusion.

Then there was a ray of light.

With a movement in his heart, Chao Chao instinctively launched an attack towards the source of the light.

I saw Ding Yan, who was covered in scars, activated his ability again under the repair of the gel coat on his body.

At this time, a black shadow appeared again.

Lu Bai, carrying the Samadhi Fire, appeared beside Chao Chao.

The palm print was directly printed on Chao Chao's chest.

The Samadhi Fire instantly invaded Chao Chao's body, and that area quickly died.

But after staying in that area, he stopped and continued to destroy, but became entrenched.

A bit of burnt blood overflowed from the corner of Chao Chao's mouth. He looked at Lu Bai with a questioning look in his eyes.

"Ah, it's already the fourth move."

"Sorry, it's a little more than a move."

"However, I think Master Chao is well-informed, so he shouldn't really believe that there are only three moves just because the enemy said three moves."

"If that's the case, I'm really worried about Lord Chao's IQ."

"Wow!" Hearing Lu Bai's words, Chao Chao could no longer hold back and spit out a large ball of blood.

It was at this time that the world death element of the sky was injected into Chao's body.

The second update, there will be another update later, please help to vote, there is still more than a hundred, and it will be 1,000. If the monthly pass is doubled, it will only be a few dozen. Thank you for your support!

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