Death Compensation

Chapter 561 It's none of your business, it's none of my business?

Chapter 561 It's none of your business, it's none of my business?

This is the strongest life-saving card for the Cavaliers.

Once taken out, even the tide will not continue to hurt him.

After all, no matter what, E-level enhancers are the pillars of this world, and there can be no problems in any case.

The current heir of the Cavaliers is not around, once something goes wrong with the body, it will explode.

Then the death element of the sun carried by him will really be emitted.

At that time, it means that the day and night changes in this world are out of balance, and various extreme weather will follow one after another.

Such as polar day or polar night.

Even further world destruction is not out of the question.

The sun is very important to the earth.

Most of the earth's energy also comes from the sun.

The importance of knights is self-evident.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have killed you."

"Let me go, as if nothing happened..."

"The balance is really going to be broken!"

At this moment, the Cavaliers completely lost their previous high spirits.

He tried to stir up the zero-point energy of the void in his body, trying to expel the demon masters in his body.

However, it has no effect at all.

These demon masters showed smiles one by one, and if you look closely at their faces, you will find that they are no different from those of knights.

Compared with the eight-day stars who used various abilities to wrap themselves tightly when they appeared on the stage, the problem with the Cavaliers is that he is too upright.

He dared to trust Lu Bai so much, and all the changes in his emotions and desires were clearly displayed in front of Lu Bai.

Lu Bai naturally collected them.

There is always only one thing that Heavenly Demon is best at, and that is: alienation.

Take other people's things and turn them into your own enjoyment.

The main material of these demons is actually the knight's own desires.

It was also because of this that this thing entered the knight's body so easily, and then became deeply entrenched.

The red lady over there is actually not much different.

Because the two people use different death elements of the sun, although in terms of destructive power, there is not much difference between the two.

However, there are some problems in the cycle of ability, so the field of destructive power has not been formed, and its own ability seems to be too single, and it cannot protect itself like the eight-day star.

They have no problem with marking the Eight Heavenly Stars, but when dealing with Lu Bai, their incompleteness will be continuously magnified.

"So what if it breaks, so what if the sun goes wrong!"

Faced with the knight's begging for mercy, Lu Bai raised his eyebrows and asked, "None of your business? None of my business?"

You're going to die soon, so the world is out of balance, doesn't it matter?

I'm just a traveler, so the world is unbalanced, it's none of my business?

"Besides, I really want to really kill an E-level enhancer. After all, the main body has just entered an innately uncertain state, so some heaven and earth visions are always needed."

"The world doesn't give face, so I'll do it myself." At this moment, Lu Bai has completely forgotten that the sky and the aurora have become scales and the aurora has become a painting created by the tide.

It is not easy to earn some money for milk powder for children.

As for the consequences of the knight's death, Lu Bai didn't care.

It is only the element of death in the world, not the cause of death in the world.

Not even one death would cause the world to be destroyed directly, but it would only cause some natural and man-made disasters, and there would be more extreme weather at most.

Then push the world further into death.

Lu Bai himself is not from this world. The tall guards and others in this world don’t care about it. They take the death element of the world and force a loan from the sea of ​​nothingness.

Don't you know that Lu Bo hates these renegades the most in his life?

Their own people don't care about crazy loans, why should Lu Bai pay for the other party's behavior.

Besides, the reason why Tide was let go was because Lu Bai was really not sure about killing Tide.

Letting you knight go, what good is there?

Your knight belongs to Luo Cheng, and Luo Cheng is my ally?

Why didn't he think about this when he shot at me and wanted me to die.

That being the case, then...


Lu Bai turned around and took two steps back. The knight's eyes leaked from the mask were full of regret and fear.

It's been too long to be an E-level enhancer, so long that he has forgotten the fear of death.

No one can break his defense, even if he breaks his defense, they will not want to kill him.

All E-rank enhancers are such hot potatoes.

This also made the knight wave for a long time, daring to do anything.

Today, you dare to point at Chao Chao and say that you have been number one in the world for too long, and it will be my turn, and the next moment you dare to swing your sword at your so-called allies.

He thought that he was crazy enough, but he didn't expect that there was someone crazier than himself.

"He's really not afraid..." With this thought, the knight felt that he had broken through his limit.

He has always been at the limit, but he has never experienced the feeling of breaking the limit.

"That's how it feels."

The next moment, a lot of cracks appeared on the armor on his body, and there were also a lot of scars on it. In the blink of an eye, the brand-new armor turned into tatters that seemed to have been tossed for decades. As his body changed, the armor instantly collapsed and turned into a pieces.

Before the people inside could even see their faces clearly, they exploded in an instant, splattering pieces of flesh and blood.

Some of the blood splashed just in front of Lu Bai's feet, but did not stain his shoes.

At this moment, the clear sky seemed to have undergone drastic changes.

The other three people who were far away in Luoyue and Lanyue City changed their expressions at the same time, and then collapsed on the ground, their bodies became hot and hot, and various problems appeared in their bodies.

The red lady not far away looked behind her with a terrified expression, and flew frantically towards the distance, but fell down halfway.

After falling to the ground, she gritted her teeth, resisted the abnormality all over her body, and wanted to leave.

However, the next moment, a person stood in front of her, stepping on the palm that Ms. Hong had crawled on.

"You still owe me a story? What are you running for?"

In the eyes of Ms. Hong, Lu Bai's smiling face became extremely terrifying.

"Ahhh, don't come here!!!"


"It's not yet dawn!" Lu Bai stood on the balcony, and beside him sat Qiu Mo with a confused face.

At this moment, the sky is dark, only a few lights of the city are shining, but occasionally the lights can be seen being extinguished.

After the death of the knight, the upheaval did not happen immediately.

The sun went off work as usual, and then it probably stayed in bed.

The current time is nine o'clock in the morning of the next day, but it is still no different from late at night.

On the other side of the hemisphere, it is said that even at night, the sun in the sky is still radiating its own enthusiasm.

The polar night phenomenon has already occurred, and the day and night phenomena around the world will become unbalanced in the future.

And the most important thing lies in some internal changes in the world.

"The death element of the world..." Lu Bai held an oil lamp in his hand, and a little light was shining slightly in the oil lamp.

After the knight died, most of the world's death elements in his body were scattered.

Only a small part was kept by Lu Bai, and then he made such a lamp like a kerosene lamp and locked it in it.

As for the remaining elements of world death, they spilled into this world and started their own work.

After all, the work of the death element of the world is just to promote the death of the world.

They were taken out by humans and then kept in the body, and they have been on strike for too long.

Extreme day and extreme night are just appearances, and what is further manifested is the collapse of the world.

The more serious problem is that the energy is not enough.

How are they going to work when daylight has not come?

Turning on the lights to work and turning on the lights at night is not something that migrant workers like them can enjoy.

Besides, even if you want to turn on the lights, it might not be so easy now.

Originally, in order to be promoted to F-rank, Tidal occupied an extraction factory of void zero-point energy.

The factory is still bombed.

Deep fried.

If you want to restore it, it is no different from rebuilding one, and it may even cost more because of the cleaning of the site.

This would have resulted in a reduction in energy supply.

As soon as the extreme night happened, everyone panicked, and the prices of various resources began to soar.

Although there is no real battle, Lu Bai knows that in this kind of resource war, more people will die.

This is just one of the effects.

At the same time, a disease called polar night sickness is also spreading rapidly.

These people feel weak and cold during the day.

It's just that I feel much better when I take a photo of the sun.

Unfortunately, the sun never came back.

These people's bodies were so cold that they became stiff, and then they became 'phototaxis'.

They will appear violent and furious in the dark, and will rush to see any light.

After being quiet for a while, the attack will occur again.

Lu Bai speculates that this is because these people have been affected by the collapse of the world order. One side is the extreme night sickness, and the other is probably the extreme day sickness.

There will be more and more patients with these two diseases.

"And over time, there will be more and more impacts."

"I won't talk about crops, because the position of the sun is wrong, and natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods will also erupt one after another."

"The news has already spread, saying that the reason why the world is like this is because of the tide, because he wants to be promoted to F rank, which has caused the world to change drastically."

At this moment, Qiu Mo's cell phone rang. After checking the message, Qiu Mo reported to Lu Bai.

To splash dirty water, it is natural to be fast.

As for whether this dirty water can succeed, in Lu Bai's view, most people will believe it.

No way, who is called recently, only you, the tide, has made big moves.

Dirty water is not poured on you, but on someone else.

"By the way, spread a message. Joining the Mutual Aid Association can prevent and treat polar night and polar day disease."

Qiu Mo nodded and arranged the task.

Then he looked confused again.

"Lu Bai, I have a question?" After hesitating for a while, Qiu Mo asked.

"Speak." Lu Bai put down the oil lamp in his hand and looked at Qiu Mo.

After a slight pause, Qiu Mo asked.

"What would you do if one day you found out that you were not human?"

The second update, there are still 4,000 words later.

Special thanks to "Aben of Miracle" for their strong support! Many thanks!

I originally planned to take a day off tomorrow, so it seems to be forgotten, continue to update! !

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