Death Compensation

Chapter 59 Dead Flower Seeds

Chapter 59 Dead Flower Seeds

The scarlet mist of internal energy, combined with the smoke of qi and blood, made Lu Bai's body seem to be beating with scarlet flames.

As soon as he handed it over, Hualian discovered that the internal force combined with the bloody aura on Lu Bai's body had a disturbing effect on the spirituality of his own internal force.

Originally possessed spiritual internal force, and cooperated with himself to be able to perform many internal force operations.

But once this kind of operation reached Lu Bai's body, he was rushed by the bloody aura, and he started to mess up.

As a result, all kinds of delicate operations can't be carried out, and the tricks of Hualian's whole body are at least 10% weaker because of this.

Don't look at it as only 10%, but in this moment of life-and-death struggle, the slightest difference can make the result of the battle completely different.

"Wait, Lu Bai didn't realize the effect of that bloody aura?" It was at this moment that Hualian realized this.

Lu Bai's bloody aura emanates from almost every inch of his body. These auras are very thin, and the red color will become more conspicuous when gathered together after flowing out.

Therefore, if you look closely at the body, what you see is a wisp of wisp, and this wisp of wisp drifts further, and only then will it gather into the wolf smoke of qi and blood.

According to Hualian's observation, Lu Bai didn't deliberately use the scarlet aura during the exercise.

Instead, it was allowed to float, failing to form effective protection at all.

Thinking that the red mist on Lu Bai's body only appeared when he was ambushed in Heshan Tower last time.

"Maybe he has just mastered this ability, and he doesn't know the magic of this ability at all."

This idea flashed away, and Hualian realized his opportunity.

"Don't make Lu Bai aware of this." Hualian instinctively wanted to attack Lu Bai's weakness without scarlet aura before, but quickly rejected it.

This kind of flaw needs to be handed over to a fatal blow.

On the other side, Lu Bai was keenly aware that there was a problem in Hualian's battle.

At this point, the battle is actually very rhythmic.

Attacking, defending, dodging, and laying traps all follow the rhythm.

To some extent, fighting is a collision of two rhythms, making one's own rhythm smooth, and then defeating the rhythm of others.

Hualian can be regarded as Lu Bai's old opponent. Not long after this fight, Lu Bai noticed a slight change in the opponent's fighting rhythm.

This is Lu Bai's keen perception of combat. Without this ability, Lu Bai's combat ability would not have improved to what it is today.

The details between such battles can sometimes change the direction of a battle.

Thoughts turned, but the movements on Lu Bai's body didn't stop.

While waving his hands, his fingers turned into claws, and he grabbed towards the painted face's neck.

Under Lu Bai's powerful strength, the not so long nails have also become a deadly weapon at this moment.

If Hualian hadn't relied on the powerful internal force that had entered the Blossom Tribulation, he might not be able to deal with this level of attack at all.

He lifted his left hand up, and the internal force naturally flowed there, first passing through the meridians and acupoints, forming the first layer of protection.

Then it is released from the acupoints, like plant fibers, interwoven and wrapped around the arms, forming a second layer of protection.

A bark-like shell is then formed as a third layer of protection.

In the end, some long thorns like thorns are formed, which become the fourth layer of protection.

Martial arts practitioners who are proficient in internal strength can be considered qualified if they can achieve the first layer of protection.

The masters of martial arts can barely achieve the second layer of protection.

And the third layer of protection can only be achieved after the internal force "life".

Hualian achieved the fourth layer of protection by relying on the advanced martial arts of the Kurong Scripture.

If the internal force is tangible and qualitative, then you can see that there seems to be a set of armor in Hualian's body.

Every time he collided with Lu Bai, the armor at the collided part would emerge.

Then at the moment of the collision, the so-called four layers of protection will be damaged by two to three layers depending on the degree of the collision.

Hualian knew in his heart that once his internal strength could not keep up, every attack by Lu Bai might kill him.

Although his body was transformed by the life-eclipsing flower, the strength of his body is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is only a lot stronger.

Let Lu Bai punch a few times without protection, I'm afraid I have to explain here.

The raised left hand blocked Lu Bai's paw, and then raised his right leg and drew towards Lu Bai.

If you look closely, you will find that under his other foot, the internal force has turned into roots and penetrated into the ground, helping to stabilize his figure.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, your kick means you have given up your mobility.

Of course, the power erupted from the legs is definitely stronger than the fists.

With the cooperation of internal force, the position of the toe of this foot is like a waving awl, which is powerful enough to pierce Lu Bai's defense.

So Lu Bai retreated back very naturally.

That is to say, with this retreat, the blood mist emanating from Lu Bai's body was also driven, and appeared in front of Lu Bai.

Hualian walked through the blood mist with one foot, and at the same time splitting the blood mist, he turned his supporting left foot.

With the help of that kick, the whole body kicked out the right foot, spun around, and then thrust forward. The movements made by the body in an instant were not at all the posture that normal people can exert force.

His palm directly grabbed Lu Bai's chest, and the blood mist in front of Lu Bai had already been split by his previous kick.

The spirit is highly concentrated at this moment, and internal force becomes the most delicate tool.

Hualian felt that she had to seize this opportunity.

Lu Bai is not in his strongest state at this time, and his blood-burning secret technique obviously has the skill of a second burst.

That technique is very harmful to the body, perhaps because of this, Lu Bai has never used that second burst technique.

It is also precisely when Lu Bai still maintains this arrogant mood, he should seize the opportunity to kill him with one blow.

Even if you can't kill him in one go, you have to establish a victory here.

The tattoo-like black lines on Hualian's body originally expanded rapidly at this moment, and the shape of the flower branches completely disappeared.

The normal Kurong scriptures alternate life and death, but the evil way of Hualian has gone to the point of absorbing the lives of others, causing death, and mixing life and death.

Birth and Blossom Tribulation absorbs the life and death changes of others and covers it on oneself, the next step is...

The blackness on his body spread out from his body and merged into his inner strength.

At that moment, the rapid condensation of internal force turned into a black point, converging on the tip of the painted-faced finger.

Evil path withering and dead flower seeds.

Seeds are the initial state of most plant life, symbolizing the most primitive form of life.

It's just that the dead flower seed does not breed life, but death.

This is the most elaborate trick that Hualian has researched.

Integrate life changes into internal force to form a seed, as long as it is planted into the enemy's body, it will destroy the enemy's life balance in an instant.

Death will irresistibly spread and take root on that person and then blossom!

Second watch, good night everyone.

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