Death Compensation

Chapter 564 Transition

Chapter 564 Transition


The crazy laughter made the survivors a little further away scream in horror, turn around and start running away.

The guards' side has the most complete lights in the city, and the square in front of the company is still as bright as day even in the extreme night.

But at this moment, the brightest place in the city has become the scariest place.

Countless flesh and blood were spread on the square, and the pungent smell of blood spread, causing many people in the guards to spit it out.

The people at the guard headquarters were in an uproar for a while.

Many guard members are crazily condemning Pluto's behavior.

Although they are extravagant and dissipated, although they are extravagant, although they are often irrelevant.

But this is indiscriminate massacre.

At any time, this kind of massacre is the most inhuman and crazy thing.

However, that Pluto was still standing in front of the square at this moment, bathed in blood mist, laughing wildly.

Apparently, the silly boy has become someone else's gun again, but he doesn't know it.

Just for this one act, even if others knew that the order came from the upper echelon of the guard, Pluto would not be popular in the future no matter what.

In this case, even if he became one of the so-called eight-day stars, he was still just a pawn in the hands of others.

His way of thinking is still the same, I rely on influence, and then how many things I do, how many people I kill, I can become a tall person.

In short, it is just the thinking of a young and Dangerous boy.

Although Pluto was indeed a young and Dangerous boy before.

Living in the shadow of my brother since I was a child, after being annoyed by my parents saying that I don't want to learn more from your brother, I chose to run away from home and hang out with the gangsters in society.

Later, when he couldn't get along and went home, he realized that his brother had become a researcher, and he seemed to be very powerful.

Under the arrangement of his parents, he became a handyman next to his brother.

He's just a gangster who is ignorant and full of killing.

It can only be said that sometimes, relationships are really important. Just such a person with an unclear head, because of his status, got an opportunity that others could not change in eight lifetimes.

When Pluto walks into the Guard Building.

The terrified gazes of those around him made Pluto especially useful.

He doesn't care whether other people look at him with admiration or fear, all he wants is that people look at him.

In the past, the eyes of the parents were more on the elder brother Yue Sheng, he was just a younger brother who didn't like to study and was ignorant.

After leaving the society, people paid more attention to the eldest brother, and he was just the younger brother who waved the flag and shouted but no one looked at him.

Working in Yue Sheng, although Yue Sheng treated him fairly well, but people's eyes were still focused on his talented brother that day, and did not notice him as a handyman.

After betraying Yue Sheng, Tang didn't have much because he came too late, so he could only exist as a hidden star, following Uncle Yu all day long.

It seems very powerful, but still not many people's eyes are on him.

Today, everyone finally saw him.

"Go and wash the floor." Pluto enjoyed instructing the rest of the guards to work.

Those people didn't dare to resist, they just came to the square, but they vomited out one by one.

How to wash the floor.

Countless flesh and blood thickly covered the square.

The blood and various things in the internal organs turned this area into a dyeing workshop.

For a moment, these people couldn't tell whether this was the world or hell.

In the end, it was Neptune who shot, drew a lot of water, and cleared it from the square.

Otherwise, I'm afraid this place will stink to death.

Regarding this matter, the guards only gave one announcement, that they would storm the guards headquarters and die without guilt.

For the victims, there is no explanation and no compensation.

Killer Pluto, because of its special ability, became one of the eight heavenly stars, replacing the original Mars Mars.

In this regard, many people went to the mutual aid association, asked the mutual aid association for help, and asked the mutual aid association to apply for justice.

That's right, the one who took the lead was the one who secretly joined the demons.

Lu Bai strongly condemned this, and justifiably dispatched the demons to take over various urban facilities and confront the guards.

It's just that although it seems to be fighting, the fighting is not intense enough.

After all, the lights are dark now, and once the fight starts, as long as the street lights are broken, unless you have those night vision devices, otherwise, you should go back to your respective homes and sleep better early.

Both sides are waiting at this moment.

While waiting for this period of time, the wrangling about the truth of the matter has not stopped.

Lanyue City said it was made by Lu Bai, but Luo Yuecheng said it was made by Lanyue City.

The guards looked like whatever you want to say, I just want to control the hegemony.

But it was just a gesture, but it did not attack the outside world. Instead, it was shrinking various forces and transporting a large amount of supplies to the headquarters of the guards.

It seems like everyone is waiting for something.

Luo Cheng came over the next day and asked about the knights.

Luo Cheng expressed his anger at Lu Bai beheading the knight.

When Lu Bai said that the knight had betrayed to Lanyue, Luo Cheng's anger didn't stop.

"I don't care about you killing me."

"What I care about is that you shouldn't kill the E-rank enhancer."

"You care, what's the use?" As soon as Lu Bai said this, Luo Cheng choked instantly.

Luo Cheng left in a hurry after leaving the words "one more E-level enhancer dies, and the doomsday will be activated in advance".

It was a bad break up, but the exchange of various materials and information did not stop because of this bad feeling.

Even the connection is getting closer.

"What is Luo Cheng doing? My actions make him seem a little too late." Lu Bai made his own judgment.

After these years have passed, no matter whether it is Ren Cang, Lan Yue, or Luo Yue, they have already had corresponding expectations for the end of the world.

The end of the world started the moment Yue Sheng died, and it couldn't stop.

So they all have their own plans.

The second phase of the Convoy is the plan.

Although at the very beginning, the guards didn't really believe in the end of the world, nor did they believe in Yue Sheng's prophecy.

So the initial "second stage" is actually to forcibly occupy the hegemony of the world by force and energy.

It's just that as there are more and more E-level enhancers, the understanding of E-level enhancers is getting deeper and deeper.

They gradually realized that the prophecy might be true, so the second phase became this so-called Noah's Ark project.

Clear out most of the useless population, and concentrate most of the resources on them, a small group of 'elites'.

These 'elites' come to solve the doomsday, and then re-plan the world.

It was originally planned to be updated normally today, but some things need to be done, so I only updated the 2000 words of this chapter.

Happy National Day everyone.

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