Death Compensation

Chapter 573: A New Giant

Chapter 573: A New Giant

The giant is the pillar of this world, and can even regard it as the world itself.

His current scarred appearance is actually a symbol of this world.

The giant's ability is to suppress life's damage to the surrounding environment, and its essence is to maintain the stability of the world.

However, at this moment, even if he is dead, with only a little vitality left in his body, he is still being squeezed by Uncle Yu and others.

To some extent, even if the giant was really killed by Yue Sheng, Uncle Yu and the others couldn't stand up and be good people.

As for the way of strengthening the D-level personnel, Lu Bai understands it.

The giant symbolizes this dimension, this world, and the bleeding wounds on his body are the feedback of disaster.

Use the pus to neutralize the giant's remaining active meat shreds, and strengthen the D-level enhancer in this way.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a giant who symbolizes the world, even if it dies, it can still benefit countless people.

Lu Bai was planning to watch the giant carefully.

The change also happened at this time, and the entire viewing platform was instantly covered with bloody lines.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Uncle Yu slowly tore off his tie, threw the suit aside, and then unbuttoned it one by one.

Lu Bai looked at the slightly red light on the ground, and felt that his body seemed to be burdened with countless layers of shackles.

This viewing platform is a device for them to connect to the giant's ability.

Standing on it, the giant's suppressive power will be maximized.

"Because here, any ability will be suppressed, even Chao Chao will become an ordinary person here."

Taking off the shirt, Uncle Yu was dry and thin, but as he took off the shirt, he found that his body was full of scars and looked extremely lean muscles.

He put on a posture, obviously practiced.

Judging from Lu Bai's eyes, even if he doesn't have the miraculous skills of Xiang Fei through hard work, he can be regarded as a master.

"And I exercise day and night just to prove one thing, even if I can't accept strengthening, I will..."

Uncle Yu's declaration was deafening, but was interrupted at the moment of impassioned.

I saw, at some point, a pistol appeared in Lu Bai's hand, and the muzzle was pointed at him.

All the passion, all the hard work, and all the proofs seem to be extraordinarily funny at this moment.

"You are also sick." Lu Bai gave an accurate judgment, and he found that these people were basically mentally ill.

This is not a curse, but a fact.

It seems that everyone is immersed in the past, has some kind of psychological shadow, and then wants to prove that he is no longer afraid through some kind of behavior.

This is true of Uncle Yu, and so is the tide.

It's not what being sick is.

Looking at the gun in Lu Bai's hand, Uncle Yu didn't know what to say for a while.

This man doesn't play by the rules.

At this moment, he felt panicked, and wanted to yell, but this didn't seem to fit his personality.

So he could only endure it, and Uncle Yu shook his head, not afraid of the pistol in Lu Bai's hand.

Both he and Chao Chao are steady people. Although they both have ideas in their hearts that they want to prove something, these ideas will carry a lot of guarantees.

"Do you know where the huge black lightning you traded is?" Uncle Yu pointed to the top of his head and continued, "I planned to fight you, but I didn't know you were so ignorant."

"There is no way for this thing to leave here. You can't take it with you, and you can't kill me."

Uncle Yu said.

"Once I die, the device above will activate the black lightning, causing it to explode directly."

"So you retreat now, there is still time."

"Stay here, maybe we will be blocked by our people."

Taking the same fate as his trump card, Uncle Yu is considered to be invincible.

As he said that, he put on his clothes again, dressed like a cultured person, as if the person who undressed to prepare for the duel before was not him.

To be honest, it was too easy for Lu Bai to beat him. Even if his body was suppressed to become an ordinary person, with Lu Bai's fighting skills alone, beating him was still the same as beating his younger brother.

But what's the point of such a thing?

The pattern that Lu Bai cares about now is to compare fighting skills with ordinary people, and winning or losing has no effect on Lu Bai.

Turning the pistol in his hand, Lu Bai ignored the other party's words, but continued to stand on the viewing platform, observing the giant.

Being wasted some time by that guy made Lu Bai very upset.

He did not choose to jump off.

The blood pool below is the blood of giants mixed with a large amount of pus.

This stuff is the so-called effluent.

It can be basically confirmed that it is highly poisonous, after all, the giant's wound is equivalent to a disaster for the world.

How could this kind of thing not be poisonous if it turned into a real thing.

Coupled with this weird suppressive force, Lu Bai jumped headlong, and he might be poisoned to death.

Beside the giant, Lu Bai saw some ships, obviously that was the correct way in the past.

"You guys... are really reckless." Lu Bai looked at the giant, and then said such words.

In Lu Bai's eyes, the giant is actually a huge treasure.

It is the pillar of the world, the embodiment of dimensions.

It is both life and not life.

It told Lu Bai more intuitively what life is like in the eyes of the world.

Every strand of muscle texture is like the law of the world.

Each of its wounds is a suffering for the world.

People in this world have really poor vision.

At this time, Lu Bai even believed that the giant was killed by Yue Sheng.

Because the way Uncle Yu and others used giants was inefficient and biased.

It was a great waste of the giant's great material.

So even if Uncle Yu originally wanted to kill the giant, there was probably no other way.

It's really not that Lu Bai looks down on Uncle Yu, but that they are limited by the vision of the natives of the dimension, and their knowledge of the world is far less broad than Lu Bai.

There was a voice from behind, and Mars rushed here.

He also ignored Uncle Yu, and walked quickly to Lu Bai's side, looking at the giant enthusiastically: "I knew it, it exists!"

Obviously Mars also lied before, he said that he knew nothing about the source of the void device, and that he only knew of the existence of the thing after his inner ghost gave the news.

This is a lie.

He knew the existence of the giant in advance, and he still had a certain understanding, so he sighed like this after seeing the giant.

"Sure enough, some of Yue Sheng's relics were lost back then. I guessed that someone stole them secretly. Now it seems that it may be you." Uncle Yu looked at Mars, Mercury who had followed Mars, After he stabilized his mind a little, he said to Mars.

It's a pity that Mars was still immersed in the magnificent charm of the giant, and didn't respond at all to Uncle Yu's words.

What was the Yongchuan Laboratory back then is now.

Uncle Yu has turned into a specialized administrative management. Although Chao Chao still has research, he has changed the direction of research into strength.

Mars is the only one who still retains the habit of a researcher.

He watched all this frantically, and almost wanted to jump off the viewing platform.

But anyway, Lu Bai stopped him.

"It's true, only the emergence of new giants can save this world and make us free!" Mars muttered to himself, looking at the dead giant, his mood suddenly became extremely negative.

At the beginning, Yue Sheng had a plan to incarnate himself as a giant, and among the relics Mars stole, there was a related draft plan.

It's a pity that before Yue Sheng could implement it, he had already betrayed his relatives, and died of three fatal injuries for no reason.

Back then, Yue Sheng was too lonely. The things they are studying now are actually nothing more than picking up people's teeth.

And there are some things that have not been picked up again until now.

In this case, it is almost impossible to get another giant out.

"The new giant, Yue Sheng can't do it, but I can." Uncle Yu's words finally caught Mars' attention at this time.

"You are impossible, or all adversity is impossible!" Mars retorted immediately.

They are all adversity strengtheners, and they all carry the world's death elements.

None of them are qualified to be the new giants.

"So this is the meaning of my existence." Uncle Yu said.

Unexpectedly, Mars's face was even more disdainful: "Thinking too much, Wei Yue and Luo Cheng haven't strengthened it, probably they have the same idea as you, but you really think too much."

The reason why those two goods are not strengthened is probably aimed at the position of the new giant.

Although it is said that it is necessary to assume the responsibility of the pillar of the world, but while taking responsibility, it also has power.

It is the pillar and the master.

Not to mention those who are strengthened by adversity, even those who are strengthened by good times actually have no chance.

They cannot bear such a great force.

Just like ordinary D-level enhancers, if they want to hold some flesh, they need to soak the effluent that is pus.

Ordinary people like Uncle Yu don't have that qualification at all.

The compatibility between the giant and the zero-point energy system of the void is very low.

It could even be said to be the opposite.

The giant and the sea of ​​nothingness are in a state of opposition.

In Yue Sheng's research, the sea of ​​nothingness is the opposite of the world.

"The giant's feet stand in the sea of ​​nothingness, propping up the world." These are Yue Sheng's original words.

The essence of the zero-point energy of the void is still the power of the sea of ​​nothingness.

The reason why it can appear in the world is only because the giant died.

Then after a certain degree of transformation, it became controlled by the sea of ​​nothingness, and became this kind of 'ownerless' power that escaped from the sea of ​​nothingness.

Although it is no longer against the giant, it is impossible to accept the power of the giant and become a new giant.

"Too ignorant, Mars." Uncle Yu obviously disdained Mars' words, but he didn't continue to explain why he had the confidence to become a new giant.

"Let's go, Jupiter is coming back, we still have time to come again." Lu Bai was extremely calm at this time.

It was time for this raid farce to end.

But more disputes are about to start again.

Second watch, good night everyone.

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