Death, Devotion, Dissonance

Chapter 144: 2nd years

Evin, alongside the rest of the students, was waiting for the Chairman to begin the opening speech. Of course, if he could, he would've skipped out on participating, but the teachers were very particular about having every student attend this one. 

"First of all, I want to commend everyone gathered here for successfully graduating the four-month program offered by our Academy," Kent spoke to the students gathered in front of him, voice stern. "But then again, there's really nothing commendable about going through that. Most of you only enjoyed the privileges that came with being a mage, lavishly wasting the money you've been given by the kingdom, and in turn, perhaps you only memorized a few runes and chants that your teachers cited to you."

The Chairman sounded much more serious compared to the wooly, casual manner he usually spoke in. Even his choice of words seemed different from before.

"The only commendable thing you've done was surviving the Helm's Worthy, which acted as a final test of some sorts for you all. A real, proper trial, with severe, and sometimes, lethal danger… Although the test only lasted for two days, three students died during it. Two of them died by the claws of the Turned ones and one even passed away by the hands of another student."

Evin felt the eyes of some students falling on him. Decatur's eyes, especially, seemed to be drilling a hole through his head.

"But I will not condone the student who committed the act," Kent resumed, giving Evin a bad feeling. "In fact, I would like to commend him, as he taught everyone here a vital lesson for the future: Don't make foolish mistakes or gamble with your lives, or else you might find yourself dead... or perhaps missing a limb."

Silence descended among the students, and Evin could almost hear Decatur's veins popping on his head.

"How dare you say that?!" the boy couldn't contain it anymore.

"How dare I say what?" 

"How dare you say that Byron's death was a foolish gamble of his life?"

"But it is, isn't it?" Kent shook his head. "Tell me, how did Byron end up dying?"

"He was killed by Evin over there, acting like nothing's happened. I heard he even killed his father during the holidays," Decatur did not hesitate to slander Evin's name.

Evin expected something like this, so he wasn't so shocked.

"Both cases are true, but it severely lacks context. In the first case, Byron was killed because he foolishly put himself right in front of Evin's escape route. He did not even bother to cast defensive spells, and just stood there like some kind of hero trying to block the villain's path with his body," Kent said coldly. "Did he expect Evin to not attack him out of goodwill, despite his group trying to corner and kill him for a whole day practically… or did he expect Evin to miss, knowing full well the accuracy of Evin's spells?"

"And does that make it okay for Evin to just pelt Byron with ice magic?"

"Yes. Considering his situation, it was justifiable for him to do that." Kent's answer was firm. "He was surrounded by his fellow students who were very clear on their intentions to kill him the moment they had him in his possession."


"It's the same for his father's death. The man was severely deranged to the point he knocked Evin out, and tried to burn him on a makeshift stake. Evin was weak and lenient enough to be taken by surprise, but after waking up and finding himself covered in smoke… of course, he would retaliate against the perpetrator without thinking much."


"Enough. I will not waste everyone's time here arguing with you."

'Funny how he says that after he's finished with his piece.'

"Sigh, now where was I… Ah, yes. From here on out, it would be common for some of you to receive unhealable injuries, or perhaps even die. Although we call this place an Academy, in truth, it's more akin to military training base for future mage soldiers. A rare few of you will pursue careers in a different field, but most of you all will end up as someone capable of combat. I will not hide this fact from you."

Evin frowned as he listened to the speech, but looking around, he could find some excited faces among the crowd. Of course, for many of these teens, it would be a privilege to become a mage and serve their own country. In fact, it wouldn't be weird if Evin was the weird one here for being unwilling to go to war. 

'Two months ago, I probably would've been excited like them as well. But after reading those letters from King Seth and the reports from Professor Heim Morton, it feels like I've started to see the kingdom in a very different light… And also, Endra's always going on and on about how fighting a war for the kingdom's the stupidest thing someone can do...'

"The Helm's Worthy was supposed to be a wake up call for you all to realize the change of atmosphere. Of course, this year's was quite short, so I don't expect you all to suddenly change your mindsets after one little speech reminding you of it... but I'm sure you'll feel the difference soon enough."

The students glanced at each other with nervous eyes.

"In normal times, I would end the speech here, but this year, I have some other things to talk about. I'm sure everyone here is familiar with the war with the South. And I'm sure everyone's been hearing rumors of the kingdom losing battles on the Gray Fields," Kent said and paused. "I'm here to tell you that it's true. If you have anyone you know in the capital or in the Southern counties, you'll also know it's true."


"Now, how does this apply to you? Well, I'll spell it out to you outright. Some of you might get drafted to war at some point during your studies, though we don't know when exactly. Of course, you won't get sent to battle immediately, you'll most likely end up in some training facility before that."

<You should probably ask him how the students are going to get picked,> Endra hummed, sounding amused. Evin complied, and Kent answered. 

"Well, of course, not anyone will be picked. The kingdom wants capable mages, so they won't be happy if we send them someone incapable. The student needs to be able to absorb at least three lodestones' worth of mana, needs to be a swift spell-caster, needs to be comfortable with combat, and it would be even better if they were familiar with violence… so most of the students picked will be 3rd year or above. But that doesn't guarantee that 2nd years like you won't be picked."

Evin frowned, hearing a list of descriptions that matched him greatly. He glanced at Bella, and found the latter frowning as well. Hesitantly, he stole a glance at Decatur, and found the boy staring back at him with a smug, victorious expression.

A foreboding feeling welled over his heart and Evin couldn't help but feel like he needed to do something. "Chairman Kent, is the war going so bad that they need to draft children to fight for them?"

"It's been like this for the southern counties for a while now. The war's only catching up to us now," Kent shrugged, seeming entirely unconcerned. "Well, let's end our speech here. I hope everyone a good year in the Academy… Oh one more thing. From the second year on, aside from your normal classes, you'll have to attend as a specialist assistant under one teacher. You'll hear the details about it in your first class."

Then, sighing, he left the podium, not even bothering to look at the students whispering between themselves. There was definitely something wrong with the Chairman today. Evin wasn't sure, but he was half sure it was because of the war with the South. 

'Is it because I'm very likely to be sent off to way and fall out of his reach? I somehow want to go to the war just to spite him…' Evin found himself thinking. 

He went next to Bella, and they slowly made their way towards their first class.

"Do you know anything about this draft?" Evin asked.

"Normally, I should, considering my father being a viscount. Decisions like this usually require the consent of the Count, who then has to discuss the decision with the Viscounts and the more important Barons," Bella explained. "So, it's entirely suspicious that I'm only learning about this now."

"Your father wouldn't hide the information from you or something, right?"

"No," Bella said confidently. 

She sometimes hated explaining things, so Evin was used to her short answers.

"Then I'm guessing it's something that Decatur decided by himself…"

"No way the Academy will allow an Acting Count to make decisions like that just by himself. I'm sure Gehenne had a hand in it as well. That guy acts like a proper human person, but he's just as bad as his brother."

"You know something about him?"


From the way she said it, Evin didn't think that she knew something and was just trying to hide it. Bella just thought of Gehenne in that manner. Evin felt some retorts appearing at the tip of his tongue, but decided to shove them down for now. 

They soon arrived in their classroom, and Evin eyed his new classmates. Arza, Decatur, Lopar, Theundel, Dagan, Phel… twenty of the strongest students among their year were gathered and put in one class, which was named Helm Class. This was also the Helm team of Ankelite Academy's 2nd years led by Arza. 

For dukedom-wide or nation-wide tournaments and such, this class was to be the main one that represented Ankelite. There were seventeen academies in the kingdom. Four for each dukedom, and one for the Capital. Arcvallen's Academy was widely considered the best, so their Helm Classes were literally the best of the best. 

However, it wasn't so weird for other academies to have strong Helm Classes. According to what Evin was hearing, Ankelite Academies 2nd year was going to be such a class.

As Evin was having such thoughts, the Chairman entered the class. 

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