Death Game: Starting as a fraudster, pretending to be a god

Chapter 90 The Detective's Discovery

"Tell me, have you discovered anything?"

Lin Yu, who was holding a gun, sat on a chair and looked at Forpolo who was circling around the room three times and asked.

The 'detective' turned back and looked at Lin Yu with a serious expression.

"There is indeed a discovery."

"This warmer than I thought!"

Forpolo said, Lin Yu sighed.

"Dear Mr. Forpolo, my time is precious, and so are my bullets."

"Please activate your 'detective' ability immediately, otherwise, I will take action."

Lin Yu said, Forpolo never dared to fish again and quickly spoke.

"Okay, actually I've found the most wrong thing in this room!"

Forpolo said, pointing to the "workbench".

"That table hides the trap."

Lin Yu frowned slightly: "Mechanism? Why didn't I notice it?"

You know, that table is where Lin Yu focuses his exploration.

He knocked everywhere but found nothing wrong.

After all, it was when Lin Yu was inspecting this table that he met 'Chat' - so he had reason to suspect that 'Chat' didn't want him to continue investigating this table.

However, after repeated inspections, nothing was found to be wrong.

This made Lin Yu think that maybe it was just a coincidence.

But Forpollo shook his head.

"It's normal that you didn't notice it, because this mechanism is so secretive..."

Then, Forpolo looked at Lin Yu.

"What do you think is the most important thing about being a 'detective'?"

Lin Yu thought for a moment and said, "Is it the ability to reason and observe? Can you find clues and deduce the meaning behind those clues?"

"No," Forpolo shook his head, "The most important thing for a detective... is 'knowledge'."

Forpolo pointed to his head: "You don't need to have a particularly in-depth understanding of a certain aspect, but you do need to know a little bit about everything."

"The astrology at night, the smell of herbs, the hardness of rocks, the fighting styles... In short, every great detective must be the most knowledgeable polymath."

"In this way, when you want to understand the 'truth', those environments that may seem like a fog to ordinary people and are no big deal will become friends who will answer all your questions."

"Therefore, I don't need to activate the 'detective' ability yet."

Forpollo walked to the table and pushed the workbench gently: "The material of this workbench is wrong. The texture is straight, brittle, and it is easy to stain. It is 'balsa wood'."

"This kind of wood is usually used to make small boxes or boards, and few people use it to make tables."

"And even if it is used to hit a table, it shouldn't be so 'heavy' - the weight just pushed on it is almost as heavy as the elm wood from my hometown."

"So, the material of this thing is not entirely made of wood."

"My guess is that it's like this house - a wood-panelled metal structure."

Forpolo said, looked at Lin Yu, and scratched his butt very confidently.

"My advice is, if you're looking for something 'off' in this house, just hack it up or... burn it."

Lin Yu heard Forpolo's confident words and let out a breath.

He picked up the black torch and lit it without saying a word.

The pale flame burned the wooden board, burning out a black spot, and then... it quickly ignited the wooden board.

Forpolo looked at Lin Yu who was so decisive, but he was a little curious.

"You trust me so much?"

he said very unexpectedly.

And the flames rising over there quickly covered the entire table, burning quietly.

"What you said makes sense, why don't I believe you."

Lin Yu looked at the lit table and spoke calmly.

Forpolo shook his head: "Under normal circumstances, if I don't say that I have the ability to activate, it would be difficult to convince them."

He sighed: "Whether it's the 'Game of Death' or reality, everyone is very stubborn and nothing can be done to persuade them..."

Lin Yu looked at Forpolo and couldn't help complaining: "I think you should find more reasons for yourself."

Forpollo's analysis just now is indeed sound and well-founded, but from his dress to his accent to his temperament, there is something unconvincing about this person!

He seemed so unreliable.

Whose detective speaks with a Henan accent and wears an ear protection hat?

If Lin Yu hadn't been very interested in observing human beings and therefore could minimize the impact of appearance and temperament on his thinking, he would have doubted Forpolo.

Soon, the entire table was in flames.

When the fire was about to continue to spread, Lin Yu picked up the bucket found under the stove and poured a bucket of snow water on it.


The flames went out and smoke and steam billowed up.

Forpolo looked at the metal box exposed by the burned wood after the flames were extinguished, and smiled happily.

"Ha-I knew there was something in this."

He said, then stepped forward to dust off the dust and charred wood residue on the metal box.

But as soon as he reached out and touched the surface of the box, Forpolo let out a shrill scream.

"Emma, ​​hot!"

He screamed and rushed out of the house, reaching into the snow outside to cool down.

Lin Yu walked over helplessly and looked at Forpolo, sighing.

"A profound polymath, a great detective who knows both astronomy and geography, do you know that the temperature of the embers of a newly extinguished flame is also very high?"

Forpolo shed tears of pain. He looked up at Lin Yu and said, "I'm not too excited..."

Lin Yu shook his head helplessly: "I really don't know how you survived sixteen copies..."

Lin Yu took another bucket of snow, turned around and poured half of the bucket onto the metal box.

After the snow melted again this time, the temperature on the surface of the metal box also dropped.

Lin Yu calmly swept away the dust with a book, and then wiped his hands with snow.

The entire metal box was revealed, and it was about the height of a six or seven-year-old child.

It was square and square, with a locked door at the top.

The door is a mechanical old-fashioned knob combination lock.

To open it, you need to enter a four-digit password.

Lin Yu squatted in front of the box and started thinking.

"The password..."

Lin Yu said, and then Forpolo came over.

His right hand was red and swollen, and the palm and four fingers were burned and turned white.

It should start bubbling after a while.

Forpolo looked at Lin Yu and said, "Brother May, can you use your 'doctor' ability to treat me?"

"My hand hurts so much, it hurts so much!"

Lin Yu laughed.

"Of course not, I won't pay for your stupidity."

"What's more, this is not a fatal injury."

Forpollo's eyes fell on the lockbox in front of him.

"How about I help you unlock the code and you help me treat my hand injury?"

Lin Yu looked at Forpolo, a little strange.

"When did you get the illusion that you could negotiate terms with me?"

"You help me unlock the code, and I promise not to chop off your hand, that's pretty much it."

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