Without it.

A big family and a big business can't stand having so many worms under their hands: they are indeed loyal, but it is also true that they are greedy.

If the Sifengyuan family took action personally, it would inevitably chill the hearts of many of their subordinates, and even lead to unnecessary swaying of the grassroots.

But if Haruto comes...

Using an "unrecognizable" evaluation in exchange for real benefits, this deal has a great impact on Sifengyuan

No matter how you look at it, it’s not a loss.


Yoruichi raised his finger as if he remembered something.

"I'm not a capitalist who only squeezes but doesn't benefit."

——I must have heard this word from Urahara Kisuke.

"Some die-hards may not really recognize us if we only act as a covert mobile team."

Yoruichi stood up from the comfortable large-backed chair.

"Think about it now."

"Byakuya's gender is quite good. Neither Sojun nor Hiyin gave birth to a girl of the right age.

It was simply too much of a chance. "


Haruto completely failed to understand the meaning of Yoruichi's words.


But when she spoke next...

"You still have no surname now, right?"

"Sir Yoruichi!!"

As soon as Ye Yi finished speaking, the whole room suddenly boiled: Not even the old man who stood up could

Being impulsive, some even held down the hilt of their swords and glared at Haruto.

"Quiet quiet!"

Yoruichi plugged her ears and shouted several times, but still couldn't control the somewhat riotous scene.


It took a while for the judges to calm down.

It wasn't that his emotions were under control, but that Haruto used "Zhizhang" to push them all back to their original positions.

"Listen to what I have to say."

Yoruichi dug his ears and shrugged with a helpless expression.

"That's why I said you are not good enough. The current covert mobile team can't control themselves when encountering such a trivial matter?"

"I have no intention of being tied down by a 'husband' in my life."


Haruto's emotions were a bit complicated.

I can't tell whether it's relief or relief... two completely different meanings.


Yoruichi specifically explained to Haruto:

"Although he's a little too cute, Yushiro is a boy~"

Shifengin Yushiro.

Yoruichi's younger brother, the only male of this generation in the Shifengin family... he is very girly in appearance and personality.


Of course Haruto knew such important information, and he knew without guessing that Yoruichi was playing tricks on him.

"Hey~ Haruto-chan, are you a man or woman?"

Seeing that Haruto didn't reply immediately, Yoruichi asked out of habit.

"My orientation is normal."

Haruto was so frightened that he immediately interrupted.

"...very normal."

He even added with an unusually serious expression.

"Very good~"

Yoruichi smiled and patted the back of the chair behind him, obviously very happy that everyone was being fooled around.

"But what I just suggested is not a joke."


Yoruichi sat back down in his seat.

"How do you feel about having the Sifengyuan family name..."

"Are you interested?"


Volume 1: 138, the identities of the four nobles


Get the Sifengyuan family's surname?

"How could anyone refuse such a thing that would lead to success in one step?"

Haruto doesn't have a last name, and if he insists, he only knows Yu Gelan in his "past life"... so he doesn't care much about it.


If it were another aristocratic family, even if they abandoned the family, they would still have to fight to get into the circle of the great aristocrats.

"Will the Golden Seal Nobles Council pass it?"

Haruto is very self-aware.

Even the trivial matter of becoming an intermediate noble was rejected by the Tsunayashiro family at the noble meeting, let alone directly becoming a member of the Shifengin family with the same status as them.


As soon as Haruto finished speaking, he heard Yoichi's surprised voice:

"you do not know?"

"......what do you know?"

Haruto asked in the same tone.

"Our Sifengyuan family has always been a single lineage. There has never been a situation where the family has been separated. Extending the time span to tens of thousands of years, naturally there have been many situations where the bloodline has been cut off."

"Due to the special nature of the family tradition, in order to ensure that the name and bloodline of Shifengyuan will not be cut off in Soul Society, the Golden Seal Nobles Council once passed a special bill: among all the upper classes, including the great nobles and superior nobles, , our Sifengyuan family is the only one that does not require the permission of the Golden Seal Nobles Council to give surnames and marry into the family~"

Ye Yi reported a huge piece of news.

But looking at the expressions of the chief officers, it seems that everyone inside knows this information...


Qingren suddenly thought of a possibility:

Could it be that the Sifengyuan family's subordinates and retainers were able to expand to this point because of this special bill...

Is it possible to reach the sky in one step?


If you think so.

No wonder the Shifouin family, which is completely opposite to the Tsunayashiro family, can continue to this day. The move their ancestors made back then...

It's really too subtle.

"Since you don't intend to refuse."

This is why no one objected.

Even outsiders like Haruto have the opportunity to make the Shifengyuan family speak, and it is possible for them to join the great nobility in the future - Yoruichi's eclectic style of conduct further increases this opportunity.

"Come with me to see grandma."

Yoruichi folded the cushions on the armchair and left the position belonging to the captain and the secret mobile commander.

"If you don't want to..."

Yoruichi walked past where Haruto was and said to Haruto sideways before leaving the main door.

"If you are half a generation younger than Byakuya."



Haruto hesitated for a while before choosing to follow.

For no other reason... when he was disguised in this world, he had the surname Kotetsu after all. Although there is no possibility of Haruto marrying into Kotetsu's family, Yongine might still be depressed for a while. .

"When I go back..."

"Bring Yongyin some souvenirs from the Sifengyuan family."


Two minutes later.

Sifengyuan family, the main side hall.

This place is half a distance away from the Second Division's building, but the distance is not felt at all under the feet of the two of them.

This is the Shunpo of Shifengin family, and the speed of Haruto after he perfectly fused Shunpo and Hikankaku.


Even the nominal side hall is larger than the main hall of most nobles.

"Captain Yoruichi, there's no need to rush like this, right?"

Haruto thought that his speed was at the peak of the captain level among the third-class spiritual power, but he didn't expect that Yoruichi was only slightly faster than him:

Neither of them were moving at full speed just now - they didn't even break a sweat - but Yoruichi's condition definitely looked much more relaxed than Haruto's.

In a place where the concentration of spiritual energy is not as high, Haruto, who cannot exert his full strength with his flying sickle, might have been thrown away by Yoruichi.

"That was not a rush just now."

The two stopped in front of the side hall door and did not knock on the door immediately.


Shunpo was on his way so fast, all Haruto could think of was this: The Shifengin family definitely had more surnames than God-given weapons and weapons, and they couldn't be given away so easily.

"Very clever~"

"That's right, and it's the second one."

Ye Yi turned around and nodded affirmatively - I have to say that the lines of Ye Yi's completely exposed back are really beautiful, coupled with the healthy but not deep brown and black... It really makes people want to Take the scraper and give it a few strokes.

"The first is the political exam?"

"No, the first one is skin color."


Then Haruto was silenced by Yoichi.

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