"Tessai-dono, Miss Kiryu."

Haruto nodded to the two of them and walked towards the Black Gate.

"What's this?"

It looks like a Plus enlarged version of the boundary strike instrument used by Urahara Kisuke in this world.

"A semi-permanent passage connecting Soul Society and the Great Void Forest."

Hikifune Kiryu patted the edge of the black door and explained.

"Aren't you afraid that Killian will break in?"

The Forest of Daxu is not all Daxu.

But those who can sense the space environment and travel through it are at least Kilian level... This thing is different from the naturally formed black cavity.

"That's why I'm here to discuss the warning system with the Daoist Demon Master... We can't let captains stay here for a long time, right?"

"So you don't have to spend a lot of effort to locate and reopen it every time?"

"That's right."

"It seems that ghosts and Taoists can save a lot of trouble in the future."

Opening and closing doors is time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially during the Hueco Mundo Expedition. It is definitely a troublesome task for the Ghost Daoists.

"No, the Black Gate is still in the experimental stage, and Central Room 46 has not approved its use."

Products in the experimental stage should not be placed in the center of the venue.

After all, this thing involves space rules. If it blows up, the impact will not be comparable to that of using forbidden space transfer once or twice.

"Then you are..."

"Of course I'll let you go over and give it a try~"


So he is waiting for me here!

"What are you afraid of? It's relatively safe for captains to take this route."

"Not to mention that it's not easy to find problems if the team members go in. Apart from you, there are no Shinigami who need to go to Hueco Mundo recently."

After finishing speaking, Hikifune Kirio added:

"When you reach your destination, remember to ask Xianghe and the others to come back via this road."

"…if he wants to."

Haruto didn't dare to make a guarantee: Xianghe did like Kidou, but he definitely had no intention of becoming Kidou's victim.

"But if we don't leave this way, there is no other way to come back."

"Where's the door you usually use?"

"It blends in here."

Hikifune Kiryu pointed at the twisting black door behind him and said.

"...You two are so cruel."

Take the initiative to cut off your own retreat - it seems that as long as this black door does not explode, then you can only follow the ideas of these two people.

"Correction, this is entirely your own opinion, Lord Yizhou."

Zhi Ling Te Zhai quickly cleared the relationship and said.

But considering that he and the Ghost Demons were the ultimate beneficiaries, Hikifune was just using this situation to test out his new products - Niryo Tessai, a bushy-browed and big-eyed man, also had a lot of tricks up his sleeve, so these two people were definitely in cahoots.

“Science often comes with sacrifice.”

After Niryo Tessai finished speaking, Hikifune Kiryuu added something behind.

"But it's someone else you're sacrificing, right?"


"never mind."

Haruto gave up trying to persuade the two of them.

"Now that it's all here, Ms. Kiryu must be confident in the product."

It's hard to say about other aspects.

In terms of product quality, there really are no problems with the products made by Hikifune Kiryu. Haruto has experienced this personally.

"I'll try the effect for you."

They are all their own people, and no matter what they think, they should not cheat themselves.

Haruto didn't finish his words.


The sound of light instant steps sounded not far behind.


Not every squad can directly enter the Ghost Demon Guard's headquarters without being notified. This can be regarded as the invisible privilege possessed by the fourth squad - saving people often only takes a few minutes, and any delay can cost a life.

His breathing was not stable, and it was Yongyin who came over wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Why are you here?"

Yongyin usually doesn't dress up except for braids, but today she wore a bright orange scarf that didn't suit her personality very well——

No need to doubt.

It’s the priceless piece of armor that Yoruichi gave to Haruto: he said that he would bring some souvenirs from Shifengin’s house to Yuine, so he must keep his word... .The value of what you get will not change.

"Hoo, ho!"

Yongyin held his chest to calm his rapid breathing.

"When Byakuya brought the wounded to Division 4 for treatment today, he happened to mention that you were going to Hueco Mundo."

The Kuchiki family has no shortage of excellent return path users. Choosing to take someone to the Fourth Division must mean that the situation is serious: either Byakuya went out to have a "private fight" and could not tell his family, or the family's doctors are temporarily insufficient——

With Byakuya's calm temperament now, the latter must be more likely.

"...Byakuya, that boy."

Haruto didn't ask any more questions.

Due to the change in status, there were some things that Byakuya didn't want to ask and Haruto couldn't take the initiative to ask.

"Yongyin, are you here to say goodbye?"


Yongyin nodded.

From the inner pocket, which was no less spacious than Miss Kiryu, Yongyin took out two hairpins, one red and one silver.

"Knowing that I was coming to the Oni Daozhong, Byakuya asked me to send it over. The other one was made in my spare time——"


Don't wait for Yongyin to finish explaining.

Haruto had already accepted Yongyin’s gift.

Needless to say, Byakuya's one is made with "Star Pliers" just by looking at the luster. The value of this thing is actually not cheaper than the silver-white wind flower gauze.

Although the handiwork made by Yongyin himself is not as valuable as the one sent by Byakuya, but judging from his intentions... Haruto can certainly see it. The material used to make the hairpin is what Yongyin used at the opening ceremony. The pair of earrings I only wore once.

Haruto recently grew out his hair.

Although I haven't taken care of it very seriously, if you want to have a long hairstyle like a ponytail, these two hairpins are really useful.


Smoothly pull up your hair at the back of your head, and insert the hairpin into it unskillfully...it's a bit like a side ponytail.

"wait me back."

No need to say anything more, this smile is enough.



"call out--"

In the pitch-black void.

The spirit child naturally spreads out under the feet——

It is different from the way between the real world and the Soul Society, where you can see the road "paved" by the turbulent flow; it is also not like passing through the black cavity, where you need to pave the road with souls under your feet: Hikifune Kiryu and Giryo Tessai The jointly arranged black gate has the ability to create a direct path for entrants to the target location...

Maybe it can be reused between different coordinates.

"call out!"

Less than five minutes after entering the black door, a strong suction force came from the other side of the cave entrance and Haruto was swallowed in one breath.



There was a hard response from under my feet, accompanied by the sound of some bones breaking.

"fresh air."

Hueco Mundo is full of high-concentration spirit seeds. They may be a little confusing to the Shinigami, and it takes a period of adaptation and filtering to absorb them, but to Xuefeng, they are simply ubiquitous food.

"...It seems there is no time to sigh."

Kuromon did send him to Hueco Mundo.

But the coordinates of the landing point may be slightly wrong: Haruto doesn't even need to raise his head, he can see the darkness between the mottled tree shadows.


More than twenty Kilians surrounded Haruto in the center... To be precise, Haruto fell right into the center of these advancing Kilians.


Seeing the spiritual pressure they had never felt before, the reactions of these Kilians were all surprisingly the same:

Open your mouth, gather your spiritual pressure, and prepare for a false flash.


Not only were these Kilians slow in their movements, but the concentration of the virtual flash was also several beats too slow.

"Zhan Hualun"

The index finger of his right hand lightly drew in the void.

The blue-gold arc flashed with restrained light, and the Kidō blade in the shape of a full moon swept out.



Killian's masks were all the same, without exception, and they were all split into two at the moment when the Huahua Wheel swept by; at the same time, their huge and ethereal bodies covered by cloaks also turned into spirits and dissipated in the sky. In the air of Hueco Mundo.



The grotesque skeleton collapsed to the ground.


Haruto stepped lightly on one of them, and lifeless gray-white powder suddenly flew all over the sky.


"The way Daxu dies is not the same as it is in this world and Soul Society."

Haruto wiped the fine gravel in front of him with the soles of his feet.

"The entire Hueco Mundo..."

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