Written as preference, read as bad taste.

To be honest.

Haruto still finds it a bit incredible that he was so casually dragged into the Shifengyuan family, a great noble family.

"Of course."

"Because I am not from a noble family, I am willing to tell you so much... although I seem to have misjudged you."

Kitahara Kenshin's eyes swept around Haruto.

Look at Haruto's surroundings: three middle-level nobles and one upper-level noble, no matter how you look at it, they have nothing to do with the word "commoner".


Haruto was also stunned for a moment.

There are quite a few captains who don't like nobles.

For example, the captain and vice-captain of the 5th, 9th, and 11th squads are not nobles. Not only do they have little contact with nobles, some even have grudges against them.

But it is rare to see someone like Kitahara Kenshin who openly expresses his dislike.

"Do you have a grudge against nobles?"

"I didn't before joining the expedition team."

Haruto understood almost everything with just two simple sentences.

"......There's a lot of fighting going on. It seems that your Third Division suffered heavy losses?"


The Third Division is the support team of the Gotei 13. As a "reserve team", they are also the division with the most frequent expeditions to the Hueco Mundo and the most people.

With a loss of up to 2/3 of their organizational level, it's no longer a question of whether they will be defeated or not. If they hadn't had nowhere to escape in the Great Hollow Forest and had a few senses of responsibility to support them, the Shinigami under Kitahara Kenshin would have deserted long ago.


Kitahara Kenshin did not refute Haruto's claim of "fighting". In other words, he handled the relationship with the noble division in the Great Hollow Forest quite stiffly. Don't think that Asuhi Haru seems to be easy to talk to, that's because Haruto's strength and "position" are far higher than his. If it were a captain like Kitahara Kenshin who has no background...

What kind of good guy can you expect from someone who dares to attack his own brother?

"Then you should really be dissatisfied with the Central 46th Office."

Haruto nodded.

Both he and his subordinates have been treated unfairly, so just complaining a few words is not a big deal.

"...... Can I understand that you support my approach by saying this?"

"How could that be?"

I support killing them all, killing them is nothing.

——Haruto must not say this now. The right time should be after Aizen shoots all the Central 46th Room...

Or after he shoots all the Central 46th Room.


Kenshi Kitahara stared at Haruto's eyes for a long time.

"Do you approve of the Central 46th Room's plan?"

"I agree with Captain-General Yamamoto's idea."

Haruto stood firmly around the leadership team of the Gotei 13 with the Captain-General as the core, and this would not change no matter what the situation was.

"Even if it is 'harmonious coexistence' with the King of Hueco Mundo?"

"......You know a lot."

Ordinary captains should not know this.

Unless Kenshi Kitahara witnessed certain facts with his own eyes during the Hueco Mundo expedition...or was bewitched by someone?

The upper nobles knew certain secrets.

Looking at the drugs taken by the criminals just now, someone must have intervened in Kenshin Kitahara's defection.

"You didn't deny the truth of this matter."

Kenshin Kitahara's tone became dangerous.

"Captain Kitahara, there is no need to lie to me. This is also for the stability of the three realms."

"Do you have to sacrifice so many 'small selves' for the sake of the overall situation?"



Haruto sighed softly.

He recalled his past self: this kind of thing involving keyboard politics, whether in reality or on the forum, will not have any results after hundreds of thousands of floors of rants.

The broken and rotten aristocratic system should have disappeared long ago.

But it, like the existence of Bylergan, does guarantee a certain degree of stability in the three realms.

Solve them...

It must be done at the right time.

Kenshin Kitahara is an idealist who has suffered from the system's persecution. If possible, Haruto does not want such a person to die in the stinking underground of Seireitei.


The wrong means will only lead to unnecessary sacrifices.

This was a task personally issued by the captain-general, and there were some shady upper nobles watching from the corner.

Not to mention...

Kenshi Kitahara had become the "knife" used by the nobles to eliminate dissidents.

"I'm sorry."

Haruto's eyebrows drooped.

"You failed to refute my words, but you were still determined to kill me?"


Haruto's left hand touched the hilt of the knife.

"But you didn't get angry."

"I just feel sad for you."

Haruto didn't draw his sword.

The terrifying murderous aura mixed with spiritual pressure had already surged towards Kenshi Kitahara like a tsunami.

"... Really."

Kenshi Kitahara's rhythm of speaking was interrupted for a moment.

He really felt the gap between the two sides: in terms of spiritual pressure strength, he was far weaker than Haruto... He was not even sure if this was the opponent's full strength.

"You can't kill me with this."

But he was also a captain who had walked out of a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

As the Zanpakutō was pulled out of the sheath, Kitahara Kenshin quickly regained his composure.


Haruto shook his head.

"You've been dead since I came here."

"So confident?"

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought them here to ‘learn more’.”

“I’ll wait until you’ve ‘experienced’ my Zanpakutō before—”

Kitahara Kenshin didn't finish his words.

"stop tension"

The jet-black cloth formed by the spiritual pressure flew out from the void around Kitahara Kenshin, and instantly wrapped half of his body into a rice dumpling.

The next second.


A seal opened with great force.

Kitahara Kenshin's body shape is no longer as natural as before, and has become even more exaggerated than Fist of the North Star:

The squirming muscles on the body are even thicker than the cloth strips used to stop the tension.


"Is it better to take drugs to cure it?"

Haruto was not surprised at all.

Kitahara Kenshin was still a little reluctant to fight against Kitahara Kenshin in this state with the completely destroyed version of No. 99 Bindō: Before the fight, Haruto had already judged how much medicine he had taken from the opponent's too fluctuating spiritual pressure.

If the number of pills Munechika took back then was one, then Kitahara Kenshin at this time, in order for the medicine to be effective on him as a captain, at least took hundreds of pills: the previous Tozen was Suppressing and consuming these external forces.


Kitahara Kenshin's Zanpakutō turned into a metal strip with a semicircular gap in the middle.

The ability of this Zanpakutō is to brittle everything hit by its "gap": regardless of ghost or entity, each hit can halve the target's defense... It is a special weapon with special Ability-based Zanpakutō.

A Shinigami who masters swastika does not need the liberation language when he first begins to interpret swastika.

When Haruto Fudou struck, Kitahara Kenshin had already released his Zanpakutō and slashed with it several times before Zhibo hit.


No matter how strong the brute strength obtained through drug use is, it is impossible to break through the seal of stopping tension.

"Well enough."

The ability of this knife.

It's very useful against Hollows and Quincy, but it's not very useful in the Death God Civil War.


It seems like a Zanpakutō that can be used to cut off the opponent in a duel?

"Bai Lian Bol"

The index finger at the end of the knife's handle flicked lightly.

The silver metal pieces hooked together to form a lock, and shot out from the wide space behind Haruto, attacking Kitahara Kenshin at the same time like a Spartan soldier throwing a spear!

"Tian Wu Lian Xun!"

Kitahara Kenshin swung his Zanpakutō forward with force.

The spiritual pressure remained on the path traced by the blade, turning into an airtight surrounding network, blocking all chains outside——

"Clang clang clang!"

"it's useless."

As the second finger in his hand bounced towards Kitahara Kenshin, the number of Bailian Bolts that appeared from the ripples in space immediately doubled!

"call out--"

"Duan Kong!"

The Kidou barrier that Kitahara Kenshin had just opened was instantly broken through by Bailian Bolt from the front!


At the same time, the sky shattered.

In the blink of an eye, Bailian Bolt pierced through Kitahara Kenshin's limbs and bones, nailing him firmly to a dark silver cross composed of countless chains.

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