"Master Haruto! My little lady finally sees you again!"

Dong Yun's entire face almost touched Duan Kong.

If the turbulent waves were not completely covered by Bai Wuzan, Haruto would definitely be reminded of some bathroom .avi plots.

And the expression that was originally cold and frosty like that of a snow girl was now exaggerated by the blush... It was quite similar to that of a nympho.

Not only that.

Haruto also noticed very keenly that the bee trapped inside by the Mountain Crystal, when seeing Haruto, snorted in a very standard arrogant voice——

The kind that turns around with a blush.


Previous volume: 164, this is our exciting combo!

five minutes later.

Sparrowbee and Frozen Cloud transformed their Zanpakutō and hung it back on the waists of Zuerbee and Yuone. They didn't even fight again after Haruto appeared.


The expressions on their faces at the moment are not very attractive - Haruto certainly won't say anything that would offend the scenery, such as "Why did your Zanpakutō become like this?" After all, it's been so long, and they haven't finished it yet. The drop in blood pressure on the face speaks volumes.

At this time.

"elder sister!"

Kiyone followed Yamada Seinosuke up from downstairs.


The arrival of his younger sister finally made Yongyin return to normal, and Zhanfeng quickly calmed down when he saw an outsider coming.

"Are you OK?"


When Haruto appears here, there is definitely no need to consider Yuune's safety. The main thing is to look at Kiyone's condition: the knife is at her waist and there are no wounds, which means that the battle just now did not have much impact on her - the Fourth Division has many Zanpakutō. They weren't the fighting type, so it was just normal for Kiyone to break out of it.

In a sense, the existence of Kiyone played a crucial role, otherwise the number of "surviving" Zanpakutō would have been cut by at least half.

"Your knife..."

"I won."


Yongyin originally thought it was Vice Captain Yamada who was helping, but he didn't expect Qingyin to end the trouble himself.

"The tiger cannon turned into such a big tiger."

Qingyin made a gesture with the palm of her hand to make an image of a cute tiger in her palm.

"It's not like I don't know his abilities, so I naturally subdued the tiger very quickly!"


Qingyin said it very simply.

But in the entire Seireitei, there are not many captains who are confident of releasing their Zanpakutō and defeating them in battle.

Some are to reduce the damage caused by Zanpakutō to Seireitei, and some are just because they are really not sure how to deal with their own Zanpakutō.


Haruto interrupted midway.

"I don't think I've ever asked, what is your Zanpakutō ability?"

"The greater the difference between the target size and my tiger cannon, the stronger the destructive power of the tiger cannon... As I practice, I can also control the size of the tiger cannon more flexibly. The current maximum power increase should be almost 64 times. ”

Qingyin explained.

"...That's it."

This was the first time for Haruto to know about the ability of the Tiger Cannon. He originally thought that this Zanpakutō was an attack-type Zanpakutō, but he didn't expect that it had something to do with the rules-type.

"Vice Captain of Sifengyuan."

at this time.

Yamada Seinosuke, who was waiting behind, finally had a chance to interrupt.

"You can just call me Haruto as before."

"Then you can also call me Shan... No, just call me Seinosuke."

Because his younger brother was also in the Fourth Division, it was a bit inappropriate to call him by his last name, so Yamada Seinosuke changed his name midway.


Yamada Seinosuke follows the path of good deeds.

"I heard that you went to Kuchiki's house at night?"


Haruto immediately understood what Yamada Seinosuke meant. He obviously knew the ability of Xianghe's Zanpakutō Muramasa.

But Haruto isn't going to talk too much, so he can be a little more ambiguous here.

"There's something wrong with Muramasa."

"That's it..."

Yamada Seinosuke obviously heard the implication of Haruto's words. In this regard, as the head of a long-established aristocratic family, he is not too knowledgeable.

"Does the Kuchiki family ask you to solve this problem?"

"And Kuchiki Byakuya."

"Then please hurry up. The Fourth Division is like this...I'm afraid they won't be able to carry out their normal duties for a long time."

Yamada Seinosuke simply ignored Byakuya's existence.

Not that there is any disrespect to the great nobles, but for a Shinigami of Byakuya's age, no matter how talented he is, there are limits.

——Especially in terms of spirit and will.

"Actually, don't worry too much."

Haruto answered and comforted.


Yamada Seinosuke showed a puzzled look.

"Because the Shinigami is 'just' injured..."

Haruto spread his hands helplessly.

“I’ve come all the way here and I haven’t seen much.”


Division 7.

Byakuya Kuchiki, whom Haru said was "still there".


The huge hammer head directly knocked Byakuya away with brute force.

"Captain Aikawa!"

As soon as Byakuya landed, he shouted to the captain of Division 7, Ai Chuanluowu, in the distance.


Aikawa Luowu's voice was also shocking, and the distance did not affect the communication between the two at all.

"What is your Zanpakutō ability!?"

Due to his duties, the distance between the 7th and 6th teams was very close. Byakuya decided to follow Haruto's suggestion and rushed to the 7th team's building where there was a fire everywhere, and then took over Aikawa Ratake." Help me block the Zanpakutō for a while." He asked for help.


Collapsed buildings cannot stop Aichuan Luowu's voice.

"Fire element?"

Division 7 is in bad shape.

If Aikawa Luowu's words were correct, I'm afraid half of them were destroyed by the Tengumaru in front of him.

"No, he can eat the flames to strengthen his power!"

"Immune to fire?"



It's been a long time since Byakuya shouted so loudly.

Aikawa Luowu was rescuing people everywhere, and "by the way" dealt with the materialized Zanpakutō that was running around; the reason why he did not confront his own Zanpakutō head-on was precisely because of Tengumaru's ability: swallowing flames to enhance its power.

In order to match his Zanpakutō.

The type of Kidō that Aikawa Ratake is good at is basically only the fire type. After the Zanpakutō rebellion, he had almost no ability to fight back.

If Byakuya had come a few minutes later...

I'm afraid that all the seventh team will be wiped out at this moment.

By the way.

Aikawa Luowu's free-hitting ability is not weak, but his Tengu Maru, even without the blessing of fire, is a rare strong attack type; absolutely no one would want to try it, what would happen if he was hit in the front by that huge cactus-shaped mace? pain.


The heaviness of the Tengu Maru inherently determines its bad speed.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura!"

Byakuya decided to use speed to fight a war of attrition.

His Senbonzakura is a flying Zanpakutō, which is not good at frontal attacks. Since the opponent is so cumbersome, then use a thousand swords to cut him into pieces and wait for him to bleed to death!



Division 5.

"Are you a fool?"

At Hirako Mako's feet, Nifu had transformed back into his Zanpakutō form.

"Now that I know your abilities, I must put on the mask in advance."

With a flick of his instep, Hirako took the Zanpakutō back into his hand... and took it off his face.

clown mask.

This was just a street stall item bought at the festival, but after being transformed by Miss Kiryu, it turned into a "gas mask" that can effectively block odors.


Hirako Mako kept this thing not to prevent Muramasa's ability, but to prevent himself from inhaling the scent when exercising. The control of his Zanpakuto reverse stroke is quite complicated and is of the type that is very difficult to operate. .


It's not that Mako Hirako doesn't work hard, it's that he really has difficulty using the knife... "a poor student"

There will be this kind of problem when holding a good knife. Being able to achieve swastika has been achieved at the cost of becoming "bald".

at this time.

"Captain Hirako!"

From the front entrance of the fifth division, Shiba Haiyan's figure suddenly appeared.

"Vice Captain Haiyan?"

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