Mutsuki Shokaku let out a long sigh.

"never mind."

"After all, it's an emergency notification, so it's normal that I didn't receive it."

Mutsuki was also inconvenient to scold.

The small group in front of them not only couldn't afford to offend a noble like Byakuya, but it also included some of the top students in the sixth grade.

These are all her achievements.

"You guys, hurry up and take your seats. It's already been delayed for fifteen minutes. I have to arrange things quickly."


This time Haruto agreed quickly enough.

When he turned around to find a seat, several students in the front row who were in his fifth grade class took the initiative to move away with complicated expressions on their faces.

It's unclear whether it was the reputation gained from the real sword trial or the fact that he was afraid of Byakuya's noble status.

Haruto quickly scanned the classroom.

"Did you notice Munechika's absence?"

Ayaka guessed Haruto's thoughts very keenly and whispered beside him.

"What's up with him?"

Haruto really didn't pay attention to the subsequent development of the incident, and with his current strength, he didn't need to care about this trivial matter.

"It's time to switch to the second shift to accompany Shuzhu."

"He was beaten so badly by you in front of everyone. With his character, he would definitely have no shame in staying in Class 1. It's already like this anyway, wouldn't it be good to go to Class 2 and be the number one in the name of being infatuated?" ..."

"Of course I don't know what his family will think."

It’s not that Haruto can’t understand Munechika’s thoughts:

"......All right."

Zong Jin has the level of ninth level spiritual power.

This kind of strength is a rare talent among six-year-olds.

No matter what.

Today, after seeing everyone's spiritual power levels, Haruto finally understood a fact: truly noble nobles don't care at all about the ranking of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy. Their future destinations have already been arranged.

If his hidden strength were revealed, Munechika wouldn't even be able to make it into the top five.



Mutsuki Shokaku clapped his hands vigorously, focusing the entire class's attention on himself.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll keep the story short."

"There are three things I want to talk about."

Compared with before the holiday, Mutsuki Shoukaku's image became much more cheerful.

Not only because of the slightly messy heroic short haircut, but also because of the further improvement of her own strength.

After entering the sixth grade, students were not the only ones who became stronger. Mutsuki Shokaku's spiritual pressure also showed new changes.

Haruto has just seen what the sixth-level spiritual power of Yongone and Nanao looks like. Combined with his current state, it is easy to judge the actual level of Mutsuki-sensei: she has also been promoted to the sixth-level spiritual power.

Moreover, it is the sixth level of spiritual power that has been mastered by Shikai and Shunpo.

Even if Haruto considers himself not weak, facing Mutsuki-sensei in this state, the chances of winning still don't seem to be very high.


Mutsuki raised a finger.

“All courses for this year’s sixth-year students will be conducted in a unified manner.”

"Due to the shortage of teachers, the four classes no longer have specific distinctions in teaching content."

"At the same time, as compensation for class one, you will have the opportunity to choose an academy secret and related safety protocols. After you get the items, someone will naturally come to discuss it."

The nobles are fine.

Those students who came from Rukongai desperately entered Class 1 in order to be taught by better teachers. However, if all classes were taught the same courses, Class 1 would lose its special status.

Based on this, Teacher Mutsuki quickly announced the compensation measures before the students became commotion.

"As for whether you want to learn advanced ghost ways, secret techniques of sword zen, or free skills, please fill out the form and apply to me on demand after this class is over."

It turns out.

This compensation measure is indeed very attractive to students: taking Kidou as an example, under normal circumstances, even if you can successfully graduate from Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy, it is difficult to have the opportunity to come into contact with advanced Kidou above the 60th rank.

After joining the Gotei Thirteenth Team, you have to rank based on seniority and merit, and it's hard to make progress at all.

If Mutsuki Shoukaku wasn't powerful enough, some students might have started cheering.


"In fifth grade, most of you have already experienced it. Sixth grade students will lead you to visit the real world."

Reality and emptiness.

These two experience projects, which are very critical for the Shinigami, need to be carried out separately in most cases: before the students go to the real world, they will not only be responsible for the Shinigami in the area, they will first clean up the Hollows that may appear nearby, and the accompanying teachers will also Patrolling in the dark.

"It's just that the scope this time is a little larger. Some of you students may be responsible for teaching a class for an entire year."

Mutsuki glanced at the students under the podium.

"Is it still due to lack of people?"


Mutsuki quickly answered the questions from the students in the audience.

"I need to be responsible for teaching four grades at the same time this year."

"After all, you have no experience in this field. Rushing the ducks to the shelves will only mislead the students. Therefore, it is more reliable to teach fifth grade students who have certain experience."

"Specific candidates..."

"I will contact you individually after class."

Mutsuki Shoukaku finally extended his third finger.


"Dean Mitarai has established a new system."

"He hopes that each class will elect a 'squad leader' as a representative to compete on behalf of the class in the four-season exams, and the corresponding class ranking will be determined based on the ranking, instead of remaining unchanged throughout the year as usual."

As you can tell from the name, Mitarai seems to be very familiar with modern education.

"In addition to the compensation mentioned earlier, as a reward for the competition, Dean Mitarai also received assistance from the 12th Division."

Speaking of this, Mutsuki Shokaku frowned in confusion - Mitarai was only the sixth seat of the fifth division, but he was able to contact the captain of the twelfth division. He should not have such strong connections as a civilian.

What Mutsuki didn’t know was.

This whole set of measures, including the rewards provided by the Spiritual Arts Institute, were originally the reforms adopted by Aizen after he became the dean. Although Aizen was not able to take office smoothly due to problems with Captain Zhu Sibo, he The originally formulated system was partially copied by Mitarai, who had "smart ears and eyes".

"Captain Hikifune Kiryu will make some food that can increase spiritual pressure and distribute it according to class ranking."

This is a big deal.

Even with the physical fitness of the students, a portion of the food prepared by Captain Hikifune would be too much for the entire grade to eat, but after all, it is a good thing that can increase the strength of spiritual pressure out of thin air, and absolutely no one will dislike it.

Even students who don't know much about Captain Hikifune can quickly understand after seeing the burning eyes of the students around him.

"...Is it a competition like a real sword trial?"

The student who just asked the question raised his hand and asked.

"Almost, but certainly not as intense."


Hearing this, Haruto could already imagine that the real sword trial must have had a big impact on the management of Zhenyang Spiritual Arts Academy.

At the same time, I also understood the reason why Zongjin chose Class 2:

Without Haruto hanging around, his progress can only be faster; under the new rules of allocating resources based on ability, using an ordinary high-level Kidō learning qualification to get such an opportunity will definitely be a profit for Munechika. Not a loss.

"Does anyone have any questions?"

After giving the people below two minutes to think, Mutsuki asked the students.

"very good."

The silence below made Mutsuki nod with satisfaction.

"Now that you understand what I just said..."

"Regarding the matter of squad leader, students who have volunteered or want to recommend can now speak up."

As soon as Mutsuki Shoukaku finished speaking, Ayaka was the first to stand up with her arms raised:

"Hi hi!"

After gathering all the eyes in the class——

"I recommend Ah Qing!"


An expected answer.

Most people in the class knew about the close relationship between Kurutani Ayaka and Haruto, and the former was the type who liked to join in the fun.

It would be strange not to recommend Haruto.

In the real sword test match, Haruto used three "charges" to solve Mikazuki Munechika's matter, which has become the top news inside and outside the academy recently.

If everyone present thought they were capable of defeating Munechika, they would not let him hold the title of second oldest in ten thousand years.


Even so, there are still voices of opposition.

"Haruto-kun is indeed very strong, but in this situation where the overall interests of the class need to be taken into consideration, I think it is better to choose the truly strongest person——"

Sitting in the front row near the main entrance, an aristocratic student wearing a special uniform spoke.

"I recommend Kuchiki-san."


After the two of them spoke, the class fell into complete silence.

No one thinks that they are better than Haruto, but no one thinks that Byakuya will lose - this is not a question of whether he can win, but a question of whether he dares to win... Even the grapevine spreads that these two people They had a good relationship, but until they got the confirmation from the person involved, no one could be sure that the young master of the Kuchiki family would become friends with a commoner from Rukongai.

"What do you two say?"

Mutsuki left this difficult decision to the two of them.

Haruto and Byakuya looked at each other quickly, and then said in unison:

"Let him come!" x2!


The sudden humility made the silence in the classroom smell like something.

The status of squad leader does carry clear obligations and responsibilities, but it also comes with tremendous power and exposure.

As a great nobleman, Byakuya didn't lack for these things, but why did Haruto refuse so simply?

Not only did the classmates not understand, but even Mutsuki Shoukaku was confused by Haruto's rejection.

"You do it."

Byakuya took the rare initiative to speak.

"At that time, it was hard to say whether I would be in the Spiritual Arts Academy or not, let alone make time to participate in any competitions, not to mention——"

"I'm not interested in a must-win contest."

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