"The seeds of evil often breed in the soil of injustice.

If there is an afterlife, I still choose to be a righteous person. "


Maka Star, Country A, Qingcheng, Nanshan Cemetery.

At this moment, night fell, and in front of a new grave at the foot of the mountain, a man covered in blood slowly got up.

"My head hurts, where am I, is it that I am already dead and buried?"

Looking up at the out-of-place environment in front of him, a memory that did not belong to him frantically flooded into his mind.

Combining all the memories, I know my current situation.

It seems that he crossed over after seeing righteousness and courage in his lifetime, and came to a planet Maca that he had never heard of, and his soul pierced into a man with the same name and surname as himself.

This person, also named Lin Mo, lives on the outskirts of Qingcheng and just graduated from college this year.

A month ago, the family's old house was suddenly notified that it would be demolished, but unscrupulous developers pushed the price down to a very low level.

His parents have worked hard all their lives, and if they sign, they may not even have the last place to stay.

Because his parents did not agree, the developer began to cut off electricity, water, and find people to intimidate and threaten.

Until a few days ago, the parents had a car accident on the way to the city, and the two died on the spot.

The final reason turned out to be the sudden illness of the driver of the car, which led to the tragedy.

Everyone knows the cause of the accident, but there is no evidence.

The appearance of this incident let everyone know the cruelty of the developer's methods, and everyone signed and agreed to the demolition, but they were still not convinced.

In the first seven, that is, today came to the grave of his parents, he was beaten to death by the developer in the cemetery, and finally cheapened himself.

Lin Mo sighed secretly, this is also a pitiful person, full of blood and finally no match for the word darkness.

Glancing at the new tomb in front of him, Lin Mo stepped forward and bowed down.

"Dad, mom, don't worry, since I came to borrow your son's body, you are my parents, and I will definitely live well."

And those who hurt you, I will definitely find a way to avenge you. "

I was an orphan in my previous life, but now I have traveled through and become an orphan.

At this time, the sky was lightning and thunder, and in an instant, heavy rain poured, and the raindrops fell on Lin Mo's body, mixed with blood and water and fell to the ground.


as Lin Mo was about to get up, a mechanical voice came from his mind.

[The death live trial system and the host are integrated.]

"Who's talking?"

The sudden voice did not make Lin Mo feel afraid, but filled himself with joy.

In my previous life, I liked to read novels, is this the golden finger necessary for crossers?

"Is the system you, can you hear me?"

[Back to the host, I can hear it.]

The host is a righteous person before crossing over, so the system chooses the host.

This system is a live judgment system of death, which will judge all evil in the world on behalf of justice. Hearing

this name is very domineering, is this making yourself a judge of justice?

"System, since you are here, can you do me a small favor?

The parents of my body were killed by someone, and you helped me judge the person who killed them. "

[Sorry host, this system can't kill people directly.]

However, the host can turn on the death live trial and send a death invitation to the person being tried.

Inform the world of the crimes committed by the person being judged, and finally the host will choose the sanction

] [The system has been bound, please ask the host to turn on the

live trial] [Turn on] [

The death live trial system has been turned on.

The host is rewarded with the Eye of Death, and the host can scan people within a radius of ten miles.

A corresponding number will appear on the head of the person being scanned, and the number represents the sinful value of the person.

The higher the number, the higher the person's sin value, and when the sin value reaches 70, the host can send a death invitation over the air.

As the host Death Live Trial begins, the world will be invited to watch the Trial in the Live Broadcast Room.

The system will judge the world based on the ultimate satisfaction of the people watching the trial.

The higher the level of the judge

, the more points the host will get, the more rewards will be given to the projection trial, the world watching the trial can view the entire process of the person being judged, such as immersive

] [The points mall is open, the host can exchange items in it, please check it by yourself]

Open the system mall Lin Mo to check it.

The Eye of Death doubles the query range and consumes 500 points.

Medical skill specialization level 1, consumption points 500 fighting specialization level 1, consumption points 500 cooking art specialization level 1, consumption points 500


Looking at the dazzling system mall, his point balance is 0.

[Note: This system represents justice to judge evil, if the host only attacks the world for its own selfish interests, it will be humanely destroyed by the system]

Hearing the system's prompt, Lin Mo exhaled deeply, goodness must be protected, and evil will eventually be eliminated.

Turned around and glanced at the new grave in front of him.

"Parents, rest in peace, I will definitely avenge your family's enemies."

From this day forward, I will use your Son to protect goodness and punish all sins. "

Because of the binding of the system, all the injuries on my body have been repaired.

In order to prevent it, Lin Mo quickly left here, returned home to take a bath, changed into clean clothes, carried his bag and ran directly with his passbook of more than 100,000 yuan.

A large part of it is the inheritance left to them by the parents of the former owner, and the rest is the compensation for the demolition and relocation money that their second elder bought with his life during his lifetime.

These people dare to take advantage of the night to commit murder, which is enough to show that the evil forces behind them are strong, and they cannot go head-to-head with them before they are strong.

I bought a ticket overnight and came to the city next door to stay, even if this group of underworld forces is strong, they can't cross the city to cut themselves, and take advantage of this time to quickly become stronger.

It took a day to understand the system and understand the human geography of Maca, which is similar to the planet where he was in his previous life.

At night, the White City is lit up and green, and everything in the big city is mesmerizing.

Stand in front of the window and watch the traffic coming and going outside.

The time tonight is just right, and it is suitable for yourself to broadcast the trial live.

Open the system, open the Eye of Death, everything in a radius of ten miles is in full view, some people are playing cards, some people are cooking, some people are bathing, and there are some unknown small hotels, and the two people are communicating physically.

But none of this has anything to do with themselves, they focus on the numbers on everyone's heads.

The vast majority of the people are kind-hearted, the numbers range from 0~50, and occasionally a few people reach more than 50, but they are still close to 70 and do not meet the standard of judgment.

It seems that good people are still the majority, and evil is only a small number of people after all.

Just as he continued to check, a striking number appeared in front of him.

[Name: Zhao Chuan Age: 55

Crime Value: 95]

Introduction: Zhao Chuan

, a native of Qingcheng, started a lone family 30 years ago, brutally killed two anti-independence policemen and three innocent passers-by in the process of evading arrest.

Because the law enforcement system was not perfect 30 years ago, he hid and pursued, and even started a small business with the money earned by selling alone, and has not been discovered.

Seeing his information, Lin Mo's eyes did not fluctuate at all.

Since God has given himself a death trial system that can be judged on behalf of justice, such a person himself will definitely not let go.

The first live death trial starts with you.

Select Zhao Chuan, send the death invitation, open the mobile phone to check the time, Lin Mo exhaled deeply, the time is set at midnight, waiting for the midnight bell to ring, the death trial officially begins.

[Readers' fathers' brains, everything in this article is fiction.] 】

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