According to the process, the hijacked person also has to come to the law enforcement bureau to take notes.

The skillful operation process no longer tells everyone that they are regular customers of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and they conduct various interviews while taking notes.

Thinking about digging this thing deeper.

In their own eyes, any news has its necessity, but how to attract everyone's attention is the most important thing.

For example, to change the way of thinking, the investigation system that my entire country A has opened over the years, large and small cities are monitored everywhere, and still under everyone's noses, a criminal who has absconded for 30 years has not been caught by the law enforcement bureau.

Since the police of the Law Enforcement Bureau said that they are also very concerned about this matter, does that mean that the reconnaissance system that they have spent a lot of money on over the years is a decoration and has no value?

Each question is a pinnail on the head, causing law enforcement officers to frown and try not to answer or take other answers.

Immediately after asking a few tricky questions, the law enforcement bureau and the group said that the questions were perfunctory.

After recording the interview, the group of two walked out of the law enforcement bureau.

"Sister Shanshan, you are so powerful, you have silenced these policemen."

The assistant on the side showed a look of adoration, especially the tricky questions that were asked, and he was indeed a gold medal whistleblower, and he could learn a lot by following people to see it in person.

"It's not too early, the hotel is booked, after booking the hotel, the materials are sorted out, and tomorrow we will go to the families of the victims 30 years ago to find some materials."


At Zhao Chuan's home, several police officers began to rummage through the cabinets again, watching the live video provided by netizens while trying to search to see if they could find other new clues.

Seeing the mirror in the living room, he stepped forward and looked around, this is just an ordinary mirror, why is the scene presented in the video completely different from what he sees today?

He waved his hand at the mirror, and the scene presented inside was his own reflection, it was really strange, could it be that this Zhao Chuan was really hell that night?

The camera did not see it, and everything seemed to tell everyone that what happened was not something that human beings could do, was there really a god?

"Master, just now there was news from the bank that Zhao Chuan's million-dollar property has mysteriously disappeared, and there is no trace of it at all."

Property mysteriously missing?

There are many things that happened last night, in addition to the examination of Zhao Chuan's body, everything about his name must also be investigated in depth.

At that time, there was news from the bank that millions of assets in this person's name had been frozen, why did they all disappear in less than one night?

"Master, there is news from our sub-bureau that someone just came to report that they found hundreds of thousands of yuan more on their bank cards this morning.

After checking the transfer record, the other party's account number could not be found at all, and only one remark said that it was the death compensation for the family members who were injured by Zhao Chuan 30 years ago.

The family was worried that it was a telecommunications fraud, so they came to report the crime.

"It seems that I know what the reason is, that Zhao Chuan's million-dollar property was invaded by this called City Light, and finally transferred to the families of the 5 victims."

After the murder 30 years ago, except for the two policemen who died in the line of duty and received pensions, the other three family members did not receive any compensation because the criminals were not caught.

Today, 30 years later, criminals are executed, and all this belated compensation money is credited to their accounts, which is also a compensation for the families of the deceased.

Although this operation is somewhat illegal, but this bank does not have any transfer records, everything cannot be found, so just turn a blind eye.

After another day of searching, the entire house was searched and no other clues were found.

It seems that this case can only be hastily closed in this way.

Fugitives who had absconded for 30 years were finally brought to justice.

Although it was done by an unknown person, it at least brought the matter to a perfect end.

It can also be regarded as justice for all victims and an explanation for all people.

The file was sealed for reporting, but the Law Enforcement Bureau continued to investigate the matter of the City Light, and although he killed a fugitive, he lynched himself without a legal trial, and will also be punished by the law.

On the other hand, Lin Mo left the place like a nobody, and returned home to rest for a day.

Looking at the only money he had left, it seemed that he also had to find a job to support himself.

Although you can get rewards for conducting your own judgment, you can't get money, which is essential to survive in this society.

It is impossible to work part-time, it is impossible to work in this life, his predecessor is a social animal who works overtime every day 996, if it were not for the righteousness and courage to be gagged, I am afraid that I would still be at work now.

I opened the system and glanced at the dazzling skills of the system mall, and thought to myself, these skills can be made rich after learning by yourself.

If you really can't get mixed up, learn a skill to beg for food.


Seven Days Business Hotel, VIP Room, after my own interview today, a manuscript of several thousand words was completed through my own writing arrangement.

Su Shanshan stretched out to save the manuscript, sent it to her company's mailbox, and arranged for the assistant to print out the content, while she went downstairs for dinner.

As an assistant, these things are within my ability, and I immediately step forward to print the manuscript.

Taking advantage of Sister Shanshan's meal, I personally checked this manuscript from beginning to end, took out the manuscript I wrote today and compared it with others, to see what shortcomings are my own learning.

It's just that when I started to check it myself, I only felt that the more I looked at it, the more wrong it became.

What is clearly white is written in black in this manuscript.

Their country A culture is broad and profound, and sometimes although the meaning expressed by the word difference is not bad, the meaning that the word difference wants to express when combined with the whole article is very different.

Strictly speaking, as a professional whistleblower, this kind of low-level mistake is impossible to make, it seems that Sister Shanshan deliberately set a trap in order to test herself, thinking that she would personally report to him after her inspection, and at this moment she realized it.

It is said that society is a big dye vat, after entering the society, there are many things that you can't help yourself, and you can no longer look at the surrounding things and things with the thinking of college students, but fortunately, I am smarter and understand the good intentions of Sister Shanshan.

Directly printed two copies, circled the pen with the middle language expression error and put it aside, waiting for Sister Shanshan's inspection.

An hour later, Su Shanshan returned to the residence, and Xiaoshu handed over the printed documents, and asked the revised information for others to check.

"Poof, Xiaoshu, I feel that this little girl of yours is particularly honest and hardworking and capable, and today my sister will teach you this unique skill."

Do you think I don't know what you said, but do you think anyone will watch what you said in our industry?

Does everyone care about the truth now?

"But Sister Shanshan, isn't that fake?"

"Is it so important whether it is true or not, can it really be popular, can it really make money, I remember that you have two elderly parents in your family who need to spend money on medical treatment, and you have a younger brother who needs to study, what do you think you can do with your meager salary?"

If you want to learn, study hard and make sure you can make money.

If you don't want to learn, you can leave immediately, okay, I'll go take a bath, you think about it here." "

On the one hand, money, on the other hand, the truth of the truth, the contemplation that I fell into.

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a rustling sound on the mobile phones of netizens who were surfing the Internet at this moment.

"I'll make it, brothers, the night god is online."

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