This sigh also has a kind of empathy for the separation of the injured person's wife, and there is also a helplessness about why the laws of their own country are so indisputable?

If the law can protect goodness, why let a good people go to extremes?

A person who broke the news was protected by the police in that arrogance, and Su Sanshan, the whistleblower, must expose her, hoping that the law would give justice to those victims.

Although the sound of the live broadcast room stopped, everyone's discussion on this matter did not stop.

In a police car.

The policewoman on the side handed her a piece of clothing for her to wear first, she had just graduated from the police academy for a few years, and she also had a fire in her heart, hoping to punish evil and promote good.

She has also learned a little about what she has done, and this kind of love to win attention with false news, and being judged by the light of the city is still very much expected in her heart.

It's just that wearing this clothes, even if you have this idea, you must press it deeply in your heart, as Master said, if everyone bypasses the law and conducts their own judgment, I am afraid that the world will be chaotic.

However, his expression was already on his face, and he was full of disgust for this kind of person.

"Uncle police, you must fiercely investigate the light of this city, he is simply vicious."

Su Shanshan put on her clothes and sat on the side and said viciously.

"I said Miss Su, when you were in the Law Enforcement Bureau today, didn't you say that this city light and you are the same kind of people like to punish evil and promote good?"

How come you think that this city light is a fierce and evil person before the time of the day?

Or is it only this thing that doesn't happen to you, you think he's a good person, and now because it happened to you, you think he's a fierce person? The

policewoman sitting on the side replied, and Su Shanshan was speechless.

It seems that everyone is like this, and when things don't happen to themselves, they always like to stand on the sidelines and watch the excitement.

"This city light must have something to do with the hotel I stayed in, otherwise why would our itinerary be exposed?"

Why is it in this hotel, and why is this so-called death invitation in my package for no reason?

I hope you can give me an explanation soon. "

I am so angry, although I know that this matter is just a farce, of course, it is only for myself, now that the police are on the side to protect me, is it possible that the light of this city will really rush to the law enforcement bureau to kill himself?"

Obviously, he didn't have the guts, and what he said just before leaving just stimulated him fiercely.

A person who hides his head and tail so much, he may be fiercely struck by someone when he is targeted, and he doesn't want to be watched by such a pervert all the time.

"Don't worry, Miss Su, our people have begun to investigate the entire hotel, and all the suspicious people in the past have been investigated, you can rest assured, we are here to ensure your safety."

Who is City Light?

I was just frightened by this death invitation, and this big ups and downs were obviously a little sleepy and tired of the night, and I leaned on the side unnaturally and fell asleep.

In the live broadcast room, everyone saw that the camera turned and appeared in a room, female workers, copper mirrors, rouge gouache, full of classical atmosphere, it was everyone's boudoir.

When the door opened, a young lady from a large family appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that she had the face of a sinking fish and a wild goose, which made people can't help but praise when they looked at it, but if they looked closely, wasn't this person Su Shanshan?

What is this situation, is it difficult to cross?

Didn't Sushanshan rush to the law enforcement bureau under the protection of the police?

How did it end up here?

"Team Zhao, a new picture has appeared in the live broadcast room."

Took the mobile phone and looked at the picture in the live broadcast, what the hell is this city light going to do?

But fortunately, this Miss Su is under their protection and will soon arrive at the Law Enforcement Bureau, no matter what the city light does, it will not be able to hurt Miss Su by a single point.

Soon the group arrived at the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"Miss Su, Miss Su."

After calling a few times, Su Shanshan did not wake up, it seemed that she was asleep and still asleep.

Think about it, and put this thing on anyone tonight, it is estimated that the spirit will not be able to hold back, it is good to fall asleep, and when you wake up, tomorrow is a new day.

Arrange for two female police officers to carry people to the bedroom and let Miss Su sleep well.

At the same time, arrange a few people to guard outside, no matter what is unusual, immediately report, Team Zhao led a group to watch the live broadcast to see if they could find clues in this live broadcast room.

Inside the live broadcast room.

"Miss, Miss."

When the boudoir pushed away a maid from the outside and hurried in, when they saw the maid's face, everyone's faces became a little unnatural.

This person looks exactly like Su Sanshan's assistant chief.

Xiao Shu on the side couldn't help but be shocked, what is the situation?

"Miss, are we really going out? The old man specially explained, Liu Gongzi will come back in the next few days, young lady, you still don't run outside, the outside affairs will be left to me to deal with. The

young lady in front shook her head.

"Father is very busy, I can wait, but the disaster victims outside, they can't wait, hurry up and ask someone to arrange the prepared porridge, my father is not at home, I as a daughter, I also have to give porridge for my father."

"Miss, you are really a living bodhisattva, this is the title of the people for you."

"Just go with your mouth."

In the porridge shack outside the city, even if the sun was blazing, the young lady in front of her was still personally giving porridge to all the people, and everyone knelt on the ground and called him a living bodhisattva.

Immediately after the camera fast forward, the victims were rescued, the father rushed back after he was busy, his childhood sweetheart Liu Gongzi was also a high school champion, and when he came back today, he married himself, and the cave house spent three years in the blink of an eye, and he also had a son, and everything is developing in a good direction with his husband and son.

As a result, his son suddenly fell ill, making himself anxious, and many doctors could not cure it, so he had to go to the temple to pray, and on the day he returned, his son recovered from a serious illness.

The next day, he took his maid to the temple again to make a wish, but on the way back, he encountered bandits on the way and was intercepted on the mountain.

When Madame went to the temple to return her wishes, she did not return for a day and a night, and everyone was so anxious that they began to search, and the next morning a letter from the bandits was delivered to the house, asking them to send a ransom or tear up the ticket.

The final ransom was sent, and the bandits also told Renyi to send his wife back safely, originally thinking that all this had passed, I don't know when, a bandit was drinking in the city and told the events of that night.

On the night that the wife of the Liu family was kidnapped, their eldest brother saw that she was beautiful and had already given her away.

Immediately afterwards, rumors rang out in the city.

Lord Liu was angry and directly sent troops to wipe out the group of mountain bandits, who also declared in court that they had not done anything to harm Mrs. Liu, and at the same time had their own maid testify that the two of them were tied up that night.

Although they already knew the truth of the matter, the three of them became tigers, and everyone in the city was talking about it, and even some people made up various details in it.

Mrs. Liu should soak the pig cage if she does not abide by the way of women, and Lord Liu, as the local parent official, should set an example.

Soak this kind of unobservant woman in a pig cage.

The camera turns again.

Mrs. Liu's eyes were already crying red, seeing that she was tied up in a cage, looking at her son, and her husband himself was crying out over and over again.

His father, mother, father-in-law, and everyone around him pointed at him, but he didn't do this kind of thing at all, he was wronged, why didn't anyone believe it?

When he was thrown into the lake, with the stones in the cage sinking rapidly to the bottom of the lake, he wanted to struggle desperately but to no avail.

Why is fate so unfair? I have been wronged, why don't any of you believe me?

Just as he was about to die, an icy voice came again.

"Su Sanshan, I said before that the moment the death invitation is sent to you, no matter where you escape, my trial will not be absent."

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