The phone hung up, there was a beeping sound on the other side, and when the phone was hung up, all the students began to mumble quietly again.

Someone looked at Li Lu with expectant eyes.

"Li Lu, what should we do with this money?"

"Yes, Li Lu, you are our old classmate and a member of the Law Enforcement Bureau, I believe you must have a way to get this money back to us, it is our hard-earned money."

In recent years, I have worked hard to save money and money, and I am usually reluctant to buy even a decent dress, but I was deceived by this scammer in a blink of an eye.

"Li Lu was wrong yesterday, we shouldn't say that about you, we already know it's wrong, please help us."

How arrogant he was talking before, how desolate he is today in this law enforcement bureau.

Some cried red eyes, some slumped to the side, and more were angry and unwilling.

"Xiao Lu, what you just said is true, this liar will really be sanctioned by City Light?

But we remember reading that the few sanctioned people on the news appeared in Yangcheng.

This city light should be our White City, this? "

If this liar is still in White City, they really believe that the light of the city can judge him."

But now that this dead liar has run to the lighthouse country thousands of miles away, even if the light of this city has three heads and six arms, can it go to the lighthouse country to sanction this liar?

It may be that there is no way on the side of the law enforcement bureau, and through this sentence, it is only to give them a psychological comfort.

"Okay, everyone, we have accepted your case, you all go back and wait for news first, I believe our law enforcement bureau will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Hearing their conversation outside, Captain Zhao walked out inside.

"Captain Zhao, we beg you, please, you must get our money back."

"Yes, Captain Zhao, that is life-saving money for our family, and I also ask Captain Zhao to help us."

Until everyone left the law enforcement bureau one after another, seeing the materials of today's report stacked on the table, Captain Zhao sighed.

"Master, do we really have anything to do with that fraudster?

Doesn't it mean that our Supreme Law Enforcement Bureau has issued a worldwide arrest warrant for him?

Through our Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Beacon Country, in conjunction with their law enforcement bureau, people are brought back.

Captain Zhao shook his head, they didn't know what other countries looked like, but everyone knew the nature of the Lighthouse Country.

As long as criminals do not leave the lighthouse country or do not appear in countries with which they have signed a mutual extradition treaty, the law enforcers of their country cannot arrest criminals.

Although this person deceived so many people and so much money this time, he took the money fraudulently in the country to invest in the construction of factories in the lighthouse country, which brought a lot of economic benefits to the local tax payment and payment work of their lighthouse country.

This meat in their hands will never spit it out, after all, this is their consistent style, and they are usually domineering.

It seems that I am afraid that the money of these people who have been deceived cannot be recovered, and if the accounts left in the country can be frozen, but most of the money has been transferred to overseas accounts.

When it comes to overseas issues, they are also powerless.

"Master, this?"

Although these students caused public anger last night because of what they said, in the final analysis, it was just their lack of cognition.

If you are frightened by others because of your kindness, and you are happy to see them being deceived today and have revenge, then you are really sorry for your profession, and you are sorry for the trust that the master's family has in you.

Seeing the master turn and leave, at this moment an idea appeared in his heart.

Although the Law Enforcement Bureau has issued an arrest warrant for City Light, at this moment, he really hopes that City Light can sanction him.

Although thinking about this incident makes me feel a little unlikely.

One is the three cases that happened in White City, and the other is in the lighthouse country, even if the light of the city is strong, it cannot be so strong.

Thinking of this, his heart felt helpless, originally suspected that the kid opened the divine prophecy, and he planned to use tonight's duty as a pretense to bring him over, and then stared at him fiercely for one night, and at this moment he did not doubt it.

Let's not say whether City Light has this ability.

Don't look at that kid is a straight man of steel, but all the information of that kid can be controlled by them.

This person's family is innocent, his parents are ordinary people, his latest place is to study outside the province, and the holidays are basically two o'clock and one line.

This lighthouse country is not like sitting directly in the country can quietly pass, during which you need a visa to go through various procedures, want to smuggle, across this ocean is basically 0.

It seems that what this kid said two times before was just a coincidence, how can such a bland brat be the light of the city, or someone who knows the light of the city so powerful?

It seems that he is really a little devilish, in order to investigate deeply, he also let the family be his temporary boyfriend for a day, and bought clothes and invited people to eat, now think about how to suffer a little loss?

But then again, this son's keen insight is worthy of his own appreciation, this is a scam to deceive their group of classmates, but he saw it on the spot.

After a little thought, he found Lin Mo's contact information and sent this matter.

Ding dong.

Seeing the message sent by the little policewoman, the content of the message was as he expected, Lin Mo smiled.

It is originally an old scam, whether it is a scam in the past life and this life in the final analysis or human greed, as long as they are not greedy, scammers want to defraud will not help at all.

I opened the system to check the location of the person being judged, but I didn't expect that the speed of escape was quite fast.

At the same time, even Lin Mo sighed that this kid was not the chosen son, and he was too lucky.

Unexpectedly, he had fled to the Lighthouse Country before the wanted order of Country A was issued, and if he hadn't sent him a death invitation in advance, he could really only watch him evade the punishment of the law.

Even if you want to sanction him, it will take a while.

The scope of the Eye of Death that he currently opened is limited, and the distance like the Lighthouse Country is still too far away.

However, the moment the person being judged receives the invitation to die, no matter whether the person runs to the ends of the earth and awaits him, there is only one way to be sanctioned.

At the same time, the General Administration of Law Enforcement of Country A issued a wanted warrant to arrest Zhou Guowei, and this case involved a large number of victims, which was extremely harmful to the entire society.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Country A issued a statement to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Lighthouse Country, hoping that their Lighthouse Country could assist Country A in jointly fighting crime, and the arrest of wanted criminals in Country A was strongly rejected by the Lighthouse Country.

Since this person has entered their lighthouse country and become a citizen of my lighthouse country, he will enjoy all the benefits of my lighthouse country.

There is no reason for you country A to hand over the citizens of the lighthouse country to country A for trial, this is a provocation to our lighthouse country.

At the same time, a press conference was immediately held, and with all its own strength, the matter was escalated to persecution by country A, and the citizens of country A fled to their lighthouse country in order to escape the persecution.

A fugitive who has changed his nationality and is wanted by country A for fraud has become a spokesperson for the public opinion war against country A in the lighthouse country.

Posting remarks against country A on the Internet, hoping that more people from country A will rush here and breathe the air of freedom.

The next morning, he attended an hour-long press conference, and the words he said were transmitted to various parts of the country through the Internet.

The look of the wheat lord seeking glory made the teeth of the people of country A itch.

It is really abominable that a liar who has sucked the blood of the people of their country A should be willing to be a minions of the beacon country.

After the press conference, I returned to my residence, the time was only nine o'clock in the morning, drank a cup of morning tea, and quietly enjoyed the leisurely time.

On the other side, it was already nine o'clock in the evening on the side of country A.

In response to such irresponsible remarks of the lighthouse country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of country A and other countries angrily denounced the lighthouse country as a den of thieves, a place for hiding dirt.

Provide safe haven for criminals in countries around the world with which they do not have extradition treaties.

One statement after another was issued, and everyone in the lighthouse country said that they covered their ears and could not hear or see anything.

Time continued to pass minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, the bell rang at 10 o'clock, and at the same time there was a rustling sound from the electronic devices of the personnel selected to the live broadcast room.

Everyone who entered the live broadcast room looked at the time, and this is the city light.

They waited for a long time last night and didn't hear who was gagged, was it so punctual today?

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