Seeing the money that had arrived, the father and son had a smile on their faces, took the money and left in a hurry, this time they could squander it fiercely for a few days, waiting for the money to be consumed before going to other places to make money.

"Little brother, you shouldn't give him this money, I don't believe that this is not a place where there is no reason?

You give me your phone, and I transfer this money to you and can't let you out. The

little beauty in front of her took out her mobile phone and prepared to pay.

"Beauty, in fact, what the police uncle said is true, if you are entangled with such a ruffian, you must not talk more nonsense with them when you can solve it with money, if these people stick to you, it will have a major impact on your life."

Imagine if you went to work and they went to work to make trouble?

"Then I will also give you this money, and I can't let you suffer in vain."

Lin Mo shook his head.

"Don't worry, they'll spit it back soon, if you believe me."

If I ask for your money, I am taking advantage of you. Seeing

what the little brother in front of him said, he was so confident, sunny and handsome, he actually believed it.

"Little brother, let's add a contact information, do you have time tonight?" I want to treat you to dinner after work.

Introduce myself, my name is Bai Xue, I am 23 years old, I just graduated from college and interned in a unit.

"My name is Lin Mo, I just graduated from college this year, but I am an unemployed vagrant."


Brother, you can really joke.

After adding contact information to each other, Bai Xue drove away, and the crowd who watched the excitement also dispersed.

It seems that this person is very lucky at all times when he is beautiful, he thought that he was blackmailed, but as a result, a young man directly paid for the matter to be settled, and also obtained the contact information of the beautiful woman, it seems that another evil fate is about to appear.

"It's you, Lin Mo, it's worthy of the young man who won the medal of righteousness and bravery, and he did a good job."

"Officer Zheng?"

After solving the matter, Lin Mo wanted to get up and leave, and when he saw that the law enforcement bureau was still an acquaintance, he really didn't want to deal with them, but the more he was afraid of something, the more he came, but people remembered themselves and chatted with themselves.

"It's not me saying you kid, how does this feel that no matter what kind of something, there is a place where your kid appears?"

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly, this sentence is so ambiguous, how can it feel as if he will have bad luck wherever he goes?

"Okay, just kidding you, by the way, where are you going?"

Hearing the police's questioning, he had already thought of a statement.

"I have been in White City for a while, thinking about finding a job, staying at home all day is also boring, can't sit and eat, just happened to encounter such a thing, saw that there are evil people bullying people like this, I stood up."

"Then I wish you kid a good job, and we will close the team."

The law enforcement bureau arranged this matter properly, although this matter made them look very angry, they had nothing to do with the little girl, but their father and son blackmailed.

In fact, many things are like this, they can't be perfect, and maybe this treatment should be the best result.

The more cases they have taken on, the more things they have encountered, and they also understand that many of them are special and helpless.

The group of the Law Enforcement Bureau got up and left, having found today's prey, and there was no need for them to continue to circle around.

All the melon-eating masses dispersed, and those who were blackmailed and touched porcelain also got up and left, as if nothing had happened.

The father and son took the money to the restaurant to buy good wine and food, ate and drank nonsense, and when they returned home to drink, they were drunk, lying on the bed and falling asleep, and this sleep can be directly slept until tomorrow morning to wake up naturally.

Night falls quietly.

In the evening, Lin Mo was invited by Bai Xue, and the two were preparing to eat at a barbecue restaurant in the commercial street.

"Brother Lin, you are laughing again, Brother Lin, you are really humorous.

Don't you have a girlfriend yet? I believe that whoever becomes your girlfriend will be happy in the future. "

Sting, a basin of cold water splashed down, two drunken father and son slowly opened their eyes, didn't they drink a small meal at noon, fell to bed to sleep, why did this suddenly rain?

When the two opened their eyes and took a look at the environment of 4 weeks, how did this feel different from their own house, and just about to get up, they suddenly found that their hands and feet were bound by chains.

In addition, there was a strong smell of soot throughout the room.

What's going on, let go of me, let go of me, is it a dream?

This dream is really real.

At this moment, a man wearing a cap-masked mask walked out in a corner, and I saw him step by step in front of the father and son.

One slap each slapped the two of them directly awake.

This one slap hit their heads with a buzz, and there was no sleepiness for a moment, it was clear that this was not a dream, but that their father and son had been kidnapped.

"You father and son are awake, you two made me look so hard, but damn it."

Saying that, he picked up the lighter in his hand and kept swinging it in front of the two of them.

"Did I say that this brother had some misunderstanding during this period? We don't know you, besides, the two of us are poor, and you kidnapped us to ask for money, or did you want to enter our house to steal something.

You can see what we have in our house, you can move it all, we are both poor, there is no point in kidnapping.

By the way, I can teach you a way to make money, you can touch porcelain, especially those luxury cars, they have money to touch them specifically. Hearing

the words touching porcelain, a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the man in front of him.

"I don't want anything in your family, today I just want the lives of your father and son."

You said that the two of you have hands and feet, even if you pick up a garbage, you can eat a bun every day without starving to death, right?

And you, the son of yours, can eat even if you go to do a part-time job.

But why don't you two do anything, but like to touch porcelain along the way?

Do you know what happens to those who are blackmailed by you? When

the father and son heard this, the sweat could not stop leaving on their foreheads.

It seems that the two of them usually touch porcelain, which was found by someone they had touched before.

Especially when I saw the gasoline placed around, I became more and more nervous, and I always had a feeling that this was the purpose of wanting to put the two of them to death together.

Although they usually like to touch porcelain, they never think of dying.

"This brother, you are still young, you are still so straightforward, don't joke, don't joke.

You think about your own wife and children, they are still at home waiting for you to go back to eat, don't think about it, the days ahead are still very long, don't do this stupid thing, and finally lose your life in vain. "

Wife and child, hearing this title, the masked man's body in front of him fluctuated.

Seeing that this person actually reacted when talking about his wife and children, the father and son began to take turns in battle, hoping to influence him through the softest part of his heart, so that at least this madman would not die with them.

"Brother, are you short of money?

Although neither of us has much money, we can give it to you, as long as you don't do anything stupid.

"Wife and children, weren't my wife and children all killed by your father and son?"

Do you remember the car that your father and son intercepted a year ago, and it was a pregnant female doctor who helped you up?

As a result, the two of you blackmailed, and finally the female doctor called the police, which was originally a very simple matter, and the two of you were criticized for education.

But the two of you didn't die, and actually found the doctor's hospital and started making trouble.

During the argument, she pushed the doctor down, she was 7 months pregnant, because the accident did not save the child, causing herself to commit suicide without thinking about drinking medicine for a while.

And you father and son, in the end, were only detained and released not long after, why do you say there are such hateful people as you in this world? Why?

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